
Ch. 7 Before Loki's Arrival

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey Guys just want to say this that Please go to my profile and Like the latest comment as it will help me complete a daily mission and acquire 15 exp and fasten up my levelling process and repeat it everyday. I just want this one favor from you guys so I could get some upper level privileges and my friend who also is an fan-fic author told me that Readers of your work are great and they don't pressure you like Toxic readers so thanks for that.


Somewhere in Tibet

A Figure in Black Could be seen Sitting on a icy Tip of a Mountain Glowing with red energy.

Suddenly the Cloud of Red energy completely Swallows him for a moment but then vanishes

Jake: Huh! I've been trying this whole weak to absorb Pheonix Force Completely even though I tried to absorb it through Human path the moment I caught but I was unable to do so even with Human path, Destroyer plates and Momoshiki's Chakra absorption. So I stored it in King of he'll via naraka path. But even now I can absorb it properly I absorbed a bit of its power but it wasn't even 1% of it's full power but it still was an significant boost to my strength. If I can completely absorb it and combine it with Odin Force then I will be unstoppable, wait even now I am unstoppable I can only imagine what would happen if I completely absorb Pheonix Force.

Jake: It's like I am a jinchuriki. Jinchuriki of Pheonix force. Soon the avengers will be assembled and Before The Loki's attack I wanted to set some countermeasures so I went and did that.

First thing that I did was giving Coulson one of my Destroyer plates and told him to keep it with him all times at all costs, Coulson was a good guy of course before Loki killed him. But this time he will survive to train agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Second thing that I did was that I scattered my Destroyer plates all around new York so Loki's attack would do minimum damage. with these I can easily take out the Chitauri Forces.

Third and last thing that I did was some calculations and Strategic analysis so I could Allocate Avengers in best way possible.

Now it's time for some warm up. As Jake said this he stared at a Mountain As he launched a beam from his hand in an instance the mountain was no more and after this he continued his So called ''warm up''.

After sometime when it was evening he headed to his House. But when he was heading to stark tower he saw something which made his eyes widened. As he was ting above the streets of Manhattan he saw Someone Very familiar with a Iron mask and a green hood like cloth on it. The man was none other than the ruler of latveria Victor von doom.

Jake: What! first X-Men and now doom looks like my suspicion is correct it seems that this is the whole marvel verse with the main events like Mcu. Shit if that's the case Then I should go and check if doom is causing any trouble but when turned to doom he saw four people standing there in Blue spandex with logo of 4 There was a man with Brown hair who looked like the leader and A Geek, The second was a man Who kinda looked like Rogers had same features as him just a, Eh Goofball? The third person was a Girl who had long blonde hair and was beautiful and the last one was a creature who was looking like he was made of rocks.

The moment I saw them I recognised them them They were none other than Doom's demise The fantastic four. They were exactly like I thought they would be. They were about to fight which I was not gonna interfere till much later. The fight started when Reed stretched his body to wrap around Doom to bind him but his Effort was in vain As Doom breaks free from it While reed said.

Reed: Victor, You don't have to do this Just come with us and please stop this.

Doom: What do you know reed. I am not doing this for anybody else but myself.

Reed: why did you chose this path the wrong path, Victor. We could've achieved something even greater together.

Doom: That Victor you know is long gone Reed i am Your doom, Dr doom.

Johnny: Reed just forget it. And let's Destroy him his doom.

Reed: You are right Johnny.

Sue: Reed are you okay.

Reed: I am fine now let's do this.

Ben: I was just waiting to hear that, I am gonna blow that bastard to smithereens.

Ben charged towards doom to punch him but Doom dodged and did an counterattack by hitting him near his shoulder as Johnny stepped in and Used his flames to attack Doom. But doom dodged every single one of his attacks And then johnny rushed to punch Doom but it was ineffective Johnny's flames couldn't make it past doom' s defences. Quickly Reed tied doom with his strechy body and Launched him towards Ben who was ready to Punch him to oblivion but much to his surprise The punch did landed on doom It did Hurt him but Doom stood up laughing and Remarked.

Doom: You idiots, even though you can put some scratch on me you can never defeat me like this. Now it's my time to attack. Doom started to attack the Four at a remarkable speed although Ben was durable enough to take some hits and Sue was able to shield herself but for the other two it was a bit rough Doom was attacking them Non-stop.

After About 40 minutes the Coughed an absolute beating.

Reed was about to Tell Johnny to Go supernova but at this moment someone landed in front of them someone who was too strong a Teenager with white hair pale skin. A slim body And height about 5'11'' who was wearing a lean jacket and had a Prideful attitude judged by the way he was standing and the Sinister Grin he had on his face. Everyone was silent for a moment when doom broke the Silence.

Doom: And who might you be.

Jake Replied in an arrogant tone ''Your Doom''.

Doom: It seems you don't know but I am ''DOOM''.

Jake: ooooh I am scared.

Doom: Who do you think you are and standing in front of whom to talk like this.

Jake: These guys are prey and you are the predator, The thing is that they may be prey and you might be predator but I am a hunter it doesn't matter to me that you are a predator or a prey if I want to Hunt you, then I'll hunt you down.

Doom: Today is the day you're gonna die.

Jake: You said that I would die but who decided that.

Doom: I am not gonna banter with you anymore first I'll finish you and then Them.

Reed: Doom leave him, and you I don't know who you are but even if you are strong You are no match for him Just run away while you still have the Chanse. Reed said looking at me.

Doom: His thread of life is already in my hand now just watch me cut it down. The moment the sentence was finished Doom charged at me with All of his power into his fist. He thought that he could kill me with a single punch. I stood at my place waiting for the Punch to connect. But when the punch connected the smile on doom's face was gone and F4 were a bit surprised that I took a full power punch from doom which even had power to flinch Ben/Thing. A smirk appeared on my face as I punched doom with full throttle on his guts Doom was launched Far ahead F4 were Jaw dropped to see that not even doom' s punch didn't put a scratch on me but I even launched him so far with a single punch. After some moments doom came back running and his condition wasn't so good.

Doom: You-You won't live to Smirk like that again as Doom Charged Beam at palm of his hand which he copied from Tony and implanted on his hand. As he shot his beam towards me I just deflected it from back of my hand doom was in denial. Suddenly he saw my palm was Glowing in a Yellow color as I shot my Destroyer energy beam at doom and in a moment where doom was standing Was a crater with a battered & unconscious doom.

Sue: It's over Just like that I can't believe it.

Jake(thought): Hmmmm I took out doom within two strikes so I must at least be a cosmic level hero of course I know to become a cosmic level hero you should have ability to defeat a cosmic level threat like Ultron in one on one battle or must have saved a few galaxies for at least five or six times from a cosmic level threat and the cosmic level heroes in Mcu according to movies are Dr. Strange who took on dormamu, Thor who was as to defeat surtur without eternal flames, stood his ground against hella and nearly killed thanos in infinity war, Capt. marvel who defeated Kree and also was able to go toe to toe against thanos the definition of cosmic level threats, Vision Who was able to kill ultron and Wanda who once again Put thanos In a tough spot. and F4, Avengers, web warriors, X-Men and Of course guardians of the galaxy are cosmic level teams. And in Comics there are many more cosmic level heroes like Blue marvel and Adam warlock.""" Suddenly snapping me out of my chain of thought Reed said.

Reed: Thank you that You helped us in stopping doom. can we know who you are.

Sue: Hey reed don't be so rude first let's introduce ourselves. I am Susan storm, the one who is on fire is my brother Johnny storm, the Bulky one is Ben and He is-

Reed: I am reed, reed Richards nice to meet you Eh-

Jake: Jakob.

Johnny: Dude that was awesome you took out Victor without any effort no sweat. you are Cool.

Sue: Johnny be respectful.

Jake: I was just returning home when u saw doom.

Reed: You know him.

Jake: I know everything.

Reed: H-H-how. That incident was supposed to be a Top-secret.

Jake: Everyone have their own fair share of secrets. And I have mine. But I can assure you I won't do any harm unless you come and mess with me first. I mean no harm.

Reed: That is relieving to know. don't worry we also mean no harm.

Ben: You punched his jaw out, even I wasn't able to do that. You are so strong.

Jake: So I'll take my leave and you guys can take care of doom from here on out right. And also please don't tell anyone about me and my powers okay just tell them Johnny went supernova.

Reed: Hn. We understand. We won't tell anybody about you and your powers.

Jake: Okay then with everything sorted I'll take my leave.

I flew out of there in full speed and headed to stark tower where Tony and pepper were waiting for me.

Jake: I am home.

Pepper: Jake You are late today.

Tony: Yeah what happened champ.

Jake: oh that I found a cosplayer of yours today when I was returning home his suit was kinda like Mark one which gave him a Knight look with A Green cape and hood.

Pepper: That is the description of an idiot.

Tony: Yeah, wait what an idiot if he was my cosplayer Then- I am not an idiot pepper that look is a classic of iron man.

Pepper: Yeah Yeah those suits of yours you never care about anything but suits.

Tony: Hey you know that I care about Jake and Yo-

Pepper: Wha-what.

Jake: Then I'll be going in my room to sleep you guys can Chat a bit.

Tony: Wa-Wa-Wait Jake.

Jake: nope today I don't know why but I am very sleepy maybe you two should also go to bed.

Tony: J-Jake What are you saying.

Jake: I meant you two should go to your own rooms and sleep.

As I went to my room pepper and Tony awkwardly stared at each other then went to their own separate rooms.


{ Hey Guys From now on I will write a question here which you can answer and today's question is What is the Curse on Konoha's Team 7 in naruto}

{ Thank you for reading this and please continue to support me as much as you can once again thank you and I am glad that you read it and the answer for the question above will be posted on next chapter till that Sayonara and Good Bye }

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