
Ch. 8 Chitauri & Loki

Loki encounters the Other, the leader of an extraterrestrial race known as the Chitauri. In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract, which is a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the Other promises Loki an army with which he can subjugate Earth. Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., arrives at a remote research facility, where physicist Dr. Erik Selvig is leading a team experimenting on the Tesseract. The Tesseract suddenly activates and opens a wormhole, allowing Loki to reach Earth. Loki steals the Tesseract and uses his scepter to enslave Selvig and other agents including Clint Barton

In response, Fury reactivates the "Avengers Initiative". Agent Natasha Romanoff heads to Kolkata to recruit Dr. Bruce Banner to trace the Tesseract through its gamma radiation emissions. Fury approaches Steve Rogers to retrieve the Tesseract, and Agent Phil Coulson visits Tony and me to have Tony check Selvig's research.

At Stark tower

Coulson: There You have all of Info we have on Loki and you have to Check Selvig's research to Find anything you want on tesseract.

Tony: That sure was a hell of Info you gave us.

Jake: Let's not waste any time, with Coulson I'll head to Helicarrier and Loki is in Stuttgart so you should go there.

Coulson: He is right, Captain and agent Romanoff will accompany you there and will help you in capturing Loki.

Jake: Agent Coulson Let's head to Helicarrier.

Coulson: Hmm.

Tony: Okay then I am heading to Stuttgart.

Everyone thought That Loki was attacking Stuttgart but it was just a distraction so Barton could steal the iridium. Tony, Rogers and Natasha arrives at the scene when Anticlimacticly Loki surrenders and The three decides to take Loki to Helicarrier but in mid way Thor attacks them even though bifrost was destroyed by Thor but Odin used other methods to sent him to earth Thor confronts his brother and Gives him a chance to return to asgard but Loki refuses so Thor decides to take actions and take him to his father to punish him but Tony and Rogers didn't agree so they fight with each other and ultimately Thor agrees to take Loki to Helicarrier first as they reach Helicarrier and Loki gets locked up in a special cell.

While with others.

Tony: Hey banner, Jake check this out this scepter it's weird it has a power similar to that tesseract.

Banner: Indeed it is very similar. But how could it be These two are radiating such amounts of energy but the way they radiate it is vastly different.

Jake: Hey Thor do You know anything about these. The way that tesseract is working is like it's bending the space itself and if it is true then it is not wrong to say that it has an infinite amount of energy.

Thor(Thought): Infinity? Space? No way it can't be one of them it's impossible they are just myths. But if it is one of them then it will be a world ending phenomenon if it ends up in hands of Loki or any other person who might you it for personal gain.

Tony: Hey Thor? he said snapping Thor out of his thoughts.

Rogers: What happened Thor you seem worried.

Thor: No it's just, Just a possibility that came into my mind a very very dangerous one if it is true.

Banner: What is it that could make a God say the word 'dangerous'.

Thor: An old Myth that my Father, Odin told me. Which was about Six very powerful objects which were even Stronger the Ragnarok itself.

Fury: Six objects more powerful than The end of world sounds terrifying indeed.

Jake: Whatever is the origin of tesseract isn't a matter to discuss right now my question for you Agent fury is, what does the S.H.I.E.L.D wants to do with tesseract. I asked knowing what would happen

Fury: S.H.I.E.L.D's duty is to ensure the safety of earth and it's citizens, so using tesseract we are developing Tech which we can use to protect earth.

Tony: Tech to protect earth and what might that be?

Jake: Weapons and what else it could be?

Tony: Weapons? Fury I am giving you a warning that weapons always tend to fall in wrong hands and when they are in wrong hands they could cause Terrifying amounts of damage and I am the living proof of that don't repeat what I did the only thing you would gain from this is a life-long scar. Tony said so pointing to his Arc reactor.

Fury: Stark we are S.H.I.E.L.D we aren't negligent like some millionaire playboy.

Jake: Fury say that again and you won't be alive to see the today's Sunset.

Fury: I thought at least you was Wise Jakob but you Disappoint me.

Rogers: No fury You disappointed us. Rogers said while pointing Towards all of us except Natasha. all of us were passed of by what fury did of course except Natasha and other S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

Suddenly a loud Boom* Could be heard Probably Barton just attacked and rendered one engine useless.

S.H.I.E.L.D agent: Sir! one of our engine is rendered useless because Barton is attacking with other S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

Fury: Shit! Take Loki and immediately evacuate. The agents obliged and were taking away Loki.

Jake: Big Brother & Rogers you two go and check the engines and see if you can do anything.

Rogers: He is right Tony let's go. But as they were heading They saw banner' s skin getting green as he turned into a big green monster The Hulk. As banner became hulk I went in front of the Hulk and said.

Jake: Calm Down Big Guy, Please Don't go rampaging like a Monster You aren't a Monster You are a friend right. and surprisingly hulk was calm as he said.

Hulk: Hulk.... friend.

Jake: That's right big guy a frien-. I watched when a S.H.I.E.L.D agents attacked hulk and he became angry and lost control. Fury shouted '''Noooo'''. As he saw hulk throw a big punch on my head the a sudden blast covered us while fury shouted.

Fury: Agents we have a casualty Jakob stark is been taken out by hulk.

Tony: Jake Stop playing, come out I know you are there. Tony said with a smile on his face other were dumbfounded by this.

Natasha: Looks like Tony has lost his sanity.

Rogers: It's a Grief moment.

Thor: Poor stark. It's so sad.

Fury: Agents situation update We have one casualty and Tony stark Has become emotionaly unstable.

Jake: Casualty? I haven't even touched how can he be a Casualty.

Everyone Except tony: Huhhhh?

as the smoke cleared everyone was shocked to see what was in front of them it was a Jake who was completely unharmed by the Direct punch of HULK????

Tony: Now I can believe that you can withstand nukes.

Jake: Told Ya.

Rogers: I didn't know that Jake had superpowers.

Fury: How is it possible how can I not know.

Jake: Fury you aren't the only one who can keep secret. Everyone stared at me silently before seeing hulk attacking me.

As hulk tried to attack me once again I grabbed his punch like it was nothing and said my catchphrase which I thought of long time ago and it was ''Let's rock and roll'' I levitated a bit in the air holding hulk' s hands and then headbutting the Big Green. Hulk seemed unaffected by this so I went for another one but harder which put hulk on the Ground as he once again stood up. But as he stood up I grabbed both of his hand and and made him knelt as he tried to knock me off but was unable to as I jumped on his back with full force in my legs. Natasha was impressed By my acrobatic movement a grin appeared on my face as pounded hulk in a hurry to knock him out but soon my grin was gone as Hulk woke up angrier and I began to struggle against him his speed and power was rising with every Nick of time, I thought ''I really underestimated hulk I thought with just normal destroyer power I can take him out pretty easily but he was able to gain a upper hand as the time went by, I knew I could easily take him out but I thought that revealing too much power at one time would make things complicated so I shouted.

Jake: Thor! i could use some help to from you, You know.

Thor who was still in a daze that how could Humans be this strong replied ''okay let's do this'' as Thor made his way towards us I started punching hulk non-stop and Thor did the same for some moments after we started attacking hulk in a perfect Sync Hulk didn't had a chance to retaliate as we were attacking him Non-Stop but seeing a opening in our attacks hulk punched Thor into what seemed oblivion as Thor was launched out Helicarrier like bullet from pistol hulk punched me to the Ground and started making his way towards Natasha but I arrived in front of by flying just In time to save Natasha and this time I was angry as I said ''You showed Your wrath huh Now ENOUGH I'll show you My fury Fear Your Biggest nightmare'' as I launched a beam from my eyes with all of my power towards hulk it's force was enough to blow a big hole in Helicarrier and Launch Hulk the same way he launched Thor. I found Coulson who was taking his last breaths so I healed him with my tenseigan chakra mode and teleported him to a safe place using AMENOTEJIKARA* loki already escaped and when I saw outside I saw that the Wormhole is already open and Chitauri is already attacking New York at some distance I saw both x-men and F4 as headed towards them they waved at me. And when I landed i said.

Hank: Charles sent us to monitor the situation and assist if assistance if required when he surged disturbance in space fabric.

Reed: We are also here to provide assistance when we heard the ruckus what Is happening.

Jake: No time to explain Logan, hank divide the team in two and take them to west and south, F4 you'll be on the north side of city I'll tell S.H.I.E.L.D to send their agents to the east me and Avengers will take the center. your work is to make sure that the aliens which are heading out of city are destroyed and destroy everything they have armor, weapons anything Okay.

Hank: Okay, as you say.

Sue: Yeah we will go then

soon I contacted Fury and told them to head to east as other directions are secured by some of my friends and Fury did as I said.

I went towards the battlefield where Tony, Rogers, Natasha and Barton were fighting Chitauri but they saw in awe because when I was making my way towards them Chitauri were falling from sky with each step I took when they analysed the situation they saw that some kind of black plates were attaching themselves to Chitauri soldiers and they were dropping dead because of human path I was absorbing their life energy or their 'souls'. Soon both banner and Thor arrives. And help in containing Chitauri soldiers and Banner becomes hulk but is in a control of some sort and when Leviathans come Thor, Hulk and I took them down without a sweat, as Tony was keeping Loki busy Natasha broke the mind control on Selvig as he told Natasha how to shut the Wormhole Council launched the missile which Tony like in cannon was gonna take with himself to Chitauri mothership but I intervened and said.

in mid air

Tony: Jake! What are you doing?

Jake: Time to test if I can really withstand a nuke.

Tony: Jake are you crazy what are you saying.

Jake: look who is talking. Tony believe me I have a better chance at surviving than you and besides.

Tony: Besides what?

Jake: I am faster and stronger than you.

Tony: What? Noooo! Tony screamed as I snatched the missile from him and Flew at Speed of sound at the Wormhole and sent the missile towards the mother ship I was caught in the explosion as Tony's eyes widened when the Wormhole was shutting everyone saw something crashing on the Ground and make a big crater as everyone reached there they saw A Someone Covered in a armor made of Black plates. As Tony said ''Jake''.

Jake: Sup.

Everyone was happy to see me. As I powered down from the dark tone mode I telepathically contacted X-Men and F4 that battle was over and thanked them Both teams Were happy that it was over and dealt with and they headed to their own respective bases as they didn't wanted to show themselves to everyone. Avengers headed to stark tower where was a battered Loki who got a beatdown from hulk and then everything happened like canon except that I told Thor to have a heart to heart with Loki and to keep my identity secret. Oh and can't forget that Amazing Shawrma.


{ The answer for the last question was what is common through not just one but three of the team 7 and I think that the others had this too and the Curse was the Eternal Curse of being FRIENDZONED although Sakura was a pretty close answer Hey Guys just want to say this that Please go to my profile and Like the latest comment as it will help me complete a daily mission and acquire 15 exp and fasten up my levelling process and repeat it everyday. I just want this one favor from you guys so I could get some upper level privileges }

{ Today's question is What does Jiraya do when he wants some inspiration? }

{ Thank you for reading this and please continue to support me as much as you can once again thank you and I am glad that you read it }

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