
Inferno Ascendant

In the past, according to folklore and fairy tales, the world was once flourishing but has now descended into chaos and despair. Decades ago, the vampire race rose to power, asserting their dominance over humanity. The powerful and fearsome Luikings ruled over the Luriins, leading a relentless war against humanity driven by their insatiable thirst for power and control. The world was forever changed when vampires emerged from the shadows, revealing their existence to humanity. These immortal and superhuman creatures swiftly established their authority over the mortal population. Humans were stripped of their rights and forced into a position of servitude. Vampire hunters became a rarity as they were relentlessly hunted down during the dark of night, ambushed when least expected. Many lost their lives in these encounters, while others continued to fight, facing constant threats from the vampires they sought to defeat. In this dangerous and treacherous landscape, vampire hunters had to be cautious and conceal their secret lives. Their safety and success relied on maintaining a facade of normalcy, pretending to lead ordinary lives to avoid jeopardizing their cause. Vampires were skilled predators, and any mistake could lead to their swift demise. It was crucial to learn from the mistakes of their ancestors, as many vampire masters had been killed too. Evil organizations, driven by their desire for eternal life and dominance, worked on experimental plans to achieve their sinister goals. Their nefarious intentions aimed to instill fear, defeat, and despair in anyone who dared oppose them. They sought to manipulate the public eye, spreading the belief that vampirism was a horrible virus carried in the saliva of predators. Within 72 hours, it would spread through the human bloodstream, creating new parasitic organs, much like cancer.

MeowChan0 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

The Woods

The cool night air whispered against Aroan's skin, sending a shiver down his spine as he trudged along the dimly-lit sidewalk. The rustling of his vampire hunting gear accompanied each step, the faint sound adding an eerie undertone to the atmosphere. The damp humidity hung heavy, mingling with the earthy scent of the nearby woods, creating an intoxicating mix.

"Man, that really sucks," Kevin said, his voice oozing with dark humor as he walked beside Aroan. The glow of the streetlamps cast an eerie light on his features, accentuating the weight of his gaze. Aroan could feel it, a silent understanding passing between them. "She really pulled the old 'slip a rope, you were never mine' on you, huh?"

Aroan let out a heavy sigh, rolling his eyes as he adjusted the cuffs of his pristine white suit. "I know, Kev. All those candies and snacks, my whole damn passion for her, and it wasn't enough. She just manipulated me, gave me a fake number to some adult daycare center." His disbelief tinged his voice with frustration.

As they veered off the main road, the sounds of passing cars and bustling city life faded away, replaced by the gentle rustling of leaves underfoot and the satisfying crunch of pine cones. Kevin offered a sympathetic sigh, his hand reaching out to give Aroan's back a comforting pat.

The weather mirrored their moods, unsettled and indecisive, as if unable to make up its mind between the cold and the humidity. Aroan couldn't help but feel the same way, his heart heavy with the sting of rejection as they ventured deeper into the mysterious woods.

"Hey man, I'm really sorry to hear that. That's just cold, what she did to you. You put in so much effort, and she just played you like that. It's not right." Kevin's voice carried genuine concern, his words a warm balm against Aroan's wounded heart. He continued to offer solace, his hand gently patting Aroan's back. "I know it stings, but you can't let it get you down. You're a good guy, Aroan, and you'll bounce back from this. We'll get through this together, alright? Just keep your chin up."

Kevin's empathetic voice resonated with sincerity, a beacon of support amidst the uncertainty of their path. No matter the challenges they faced, Kevin was determined to be there for Aroan, unwavering in his friendship.

Aroan scoffed, his skepticism and disappointment evident in his expression as he kept moving forward. The weight of his exasperation filled the air as he let out a heavy sigh. "I hear you, Kev, but it's just so frustrating, you know? I really thought she was different. I put my whole heart into it, and she just tossed it aside like it was nothing." The lingering sting of rejection colored his voice, a tinge of sadness and disbelief.

As they pushed deeper into the woods, Kevin offered Aroan's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. A sense of care and understanding emanated from his voice, almost paternal in nature, as he navigated through the tangled branches, clearing a path for them to continue. "I get it, man. But you can't let this keep you down. We're in this together, and we're gonna come out of it stronger, I promise."

The sound of twigs snapping underfoot and the rustling of leaves created a symphony of nature around them, adding a sense of serenity to their conversation. Kevin's words carried a warmth that flowed through the air, offering solace to Aroan's troubled heart. "Look, there are even some treehouses up ahead. Who knows, maybe we'll find some allies to lend us a hand in this whole vampire hunting thing. We just have to keep moving forward, my friend."

The combination of Kevin's unwavering support and the anticipation of potential allies waiting ahead brought a glimmer of hope to Aroan's eyes. He nodded, drawing strength from his friend's words and the surrounding ambiance, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Aroan's lips curled up in a wry smile as he took Kevin's hand in a firm handshake. "Heck yeah, bro, let's go check out those treehouses," he said, his voice tinged with a cautious optimism.

Kevin chuckled, the sound echoing through the still forest air as their gloves clinked together. "Yeah, that's the spirit! Let's do it!" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

But as they pressed onward, a sudden chill ran down their spines. Aroan gasped, his hand instinctively reaching for the sword sheathed at his side. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, a primal awareness that something was amiss. "Yo, you felt that?" he asked, his gaze darting left and right, searching the shadowy undergrowth for any sign of movement.

Kevin's brow furrowed as he scanned the area, the rustling of fallen leaves the only sound disturbing the eerie silence. "See what, man? I don't see anything but these damn leaves," he muttered, his voice tinged with both confusion and concern. "You sure this girlfriend thing didn't mess up your mental health, huh?"

Aroan rolled his eyes, the gesture underscoring his determination. "Think I'm crazy or not, I'm gonna hunt down whatever that was myself," he said firmly, dropping into a low crouch as he pressed forward, the soft earth muffling his steps.

Kevin let out an exasperated sigh, the cool breeze ruffling his green hair as he reluctantly followed, not wanting to be left alone in the depths of the foreboding woods. "Aroan, you're so damn stubborn," he muttered under his breath, his words lost to the whispers of the ancient trees.