
Inferno Ascendant

In the past, according to folklore and fairy tales, the world was once flourishing but has now descended into chaos and despair. Decades ago, the vampire race rose to power, asserting their dominance over humanity. The powerful and fearsome Luikings ruled over the Luriins, leading a relentless war against humanity driven by their insatiable thirst for power and control. The world was forever changed when vampires emerged from the shadows, revealing their existence to humanity. These immortal and superhuman creatures swiftly established their authority over the mortal population. Humans were stripped of their rights and forced into a position of servitude. Vampire hunters became a rarity as they were relentlessly hunted down during the dark of night, ambushed when least expected. Many lost their lives in these encounters, while others continued to fight, facing constant threats from the vampires they sought to defeat. In this dangerous and treacherous landscape, vampire hunters had to be cautious and conceal their secret lives. Their safety and success relied on maintaining a facade of normalcy, pretending to lead ordinary lives to avoid jeopardizing their cause. Vampires were skilled predators, and any mistake could lead to their swift demise. It was crucial to learn from the mistakes of their ancestors, as many vampire masters had been killed too. Evil organizations, driven by their desire for eternal life and dominance, worked on experimental plans to achieve their sinister goals. Their nefarious intentions aimed to instill fear, defeat, and despair in anyone who dared oppose them. They sought to manipulate the public eye, spreading the belief that vampirism was a horrible virus carried in the saliva of predators. Within 72 hours, it would spread through the human bloodstream, creating new parasitic organs, much like cancer.

MeowChan0 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs


In the past, according to folklore and fairy tales, the world was once flourishing but has now descended into chaos and despair. Decades ago, the vampire race rose to power, asserting their dominance over humanity. The powerful and fearsome Luikings ruled over the Luriins, leading a relentless war against humanity driven by their insatiable thirst for power and control.

The world was forever changed when vampires emerged from the shadows, revealing their existence to humanity. These immortal and superhuman creatures swiftly established their authority over the mortal population. Humans were stripped of their rights and forced into a position of servitude.

Vampire hunters became a rarity as they were relentlessly hunted down during the dark of night, ambushed when least expected. Many lost their lives in these encounters, while others continued to fight, facing constant threats from the vampires they sought to defeat.

In this dangerous and treacherous landscape, vampire hunters had to be cautious and conceal their secret lives. Their safety and success relied on maintaining a facade of normalcy, pretending to lead ordinary lives to avoid jeopardizing their cause. Vampires were skilled predators, and any mistake could lead to their swift demise. It was crucial to learn from the mistakes of their ancestors, as many vampire masters had been killed too.

Evil organizations, driven by their desire for eternal life and dominance, worked on experimental plans to achieve their sinister goals. Their nefarious intentions aimed to instill fear, defeat, and despair in anyone who dared oppose them. They sought to manipulate the public eye, spreading the belief that vampirism was a horrible virus carried in the saliva of predators. Within 72 hours, it would spread through the human bloodstream, creating new parasitic organs, much like cancer.

To maintain a semblance of peace, the Vampire Lords made a conditional agreement. The wealthy and powerful humans were allowed to continue their lives relatively unaffected by vampires, aside from occasional blood collections. However, the reality was far more sinister than they believed. Humanity was under the complete control of the vampires. Castles were scattered throughout the land, each city housing one. The number of vampires in each castle varied, all under the authority of a Lord. These Lords held power and control over their respective cities, ensuring compliance and order. Those who defied their rule faced fatal consequences.

Although the rich were still subject to the influence of vampires, their lives were still more bearable compared to the impoverished. The poorest individuals faced an even harsher fate. Women and girls were stripped of their humanity and forced into endless toil, catering to the desires of the vampires and tending to their every need. Initially terrified and resistant, the women would eventually succumb to the vampires' hypnotic charms, becoming mere shadows of their former selves.

In a cruel and ritualistic ceremony, vampire masters would drain the life force from their chosen brides, witnessing the fading of their once vibrant eyes and youthful beauty. Other vampires would watch in silent approval, reveling in the power and energy gained from their dying victims.

One by one, the women would meet their tragic fate, their screams echoing through the halls of the castle as their existence was extinguished by their vampire lovers. With each life taken, humanity dwindled further, leaving behind only a hollow shell of what once was.

In the end, the vampires delighted in their twisted enjoyment, knowing that they had secured their own survival at the cost of countless human lives. As the cycle continued, the darkness engulfing the land grew deeper, with no glimmer of hope for redemption in sight.

As for the men,  the world was forever changed when vampires emerged from the shadows and revealed their existence to humanity. These immortal, superhuman creatures quickly established dominance over the mortal population. Humans were stripped of their rights and forced into a position of servitude.

The vampires organized the remaining human population into vast work camps and factories. Humans were compelled to toil endlessly, providing blood, labor, and other resources for their vampire masters. Those who resisted were swiftly punished or even executed.

Day and night, the humans toiled under the watchful eyes of their vampire overseers. They were afforded only the bare minimum of food and shelter, living in cramped, squalid conditions. Families were torn apart, as children were separated from parents and forced into different work details.

Some humans tried to rebel, forming underground resistance movements. But the vampires' superior speed, strength, and mind control abilities made them nearly unstoppable. Rebellions were ruthlessly crushed, with the ringleaders made examples of through gruesome public executions.

Over time, the human spirit was slowly broken. Generations grew up knowing only servitude to the vampire elite. The world had become a dystopian nightmare, where the humans were little more than livestock to be used and discarded at the whims of their immortal overlords.

The world has long since descended into chaos, overrun by a vampire race that seized control decades ago, the story at most listen to watch as scary cycle of generations, they hope ended as it region had been, since they wasn't born yet.

With Luikings ruling over Luriins, these supernatural beasts waged war against humanity, thirsting for power and generations of dominance.

Vampires, for centuries, have been regarded as mythical creatures confined to the realm of legends and folklore. However, Aroan and his closest friends have always harbored a belief that there might be more to these supernatural tales. They've avidly consumed countless shows and seasons depicting the exhilarating exploits of professional vampire hunters, fueling their curiosity and desire to partake in the action themselves.

As the years pass, Aroan and his companions find themselves fully immersed in this clandestine world, dedicating themselves to honing their skills and mastering the art of vampire hunting. They guard their extracurricular activities as a closely held secret, deceiving their parents by claiming to diligently pursue their regular jobs, all for the greater good of humanity.

Unbeknownst to them, the vampire lords have been silently plotting their own nefarious schemes, conspiring in the shadows, awaiting the opportune moment to strike. Just as Aroan and his friends conclude their first year of high school and eagerly prepare for a summer break filled with anticipation, they are suddenly confronted with a shocking ambush - an unforeseen attack that catches them completely off guard.