
In MHA With Haki

An office worker finds herself dead and reincarnated in MHA as Yamato with Haki. I don't own the photo, My Hero Academia, or One Piece

TypicallyMixed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


Yagi POV:

From the moment I laid eyes on this towering girl, I could tell she was different. From my years of experience, I can tell a person's emotions from the look in their eyes, and this girl, Yamato, her eyes showed no care whatsoever. Not even the fact that two pro-heroes showed up at her door.

She just let us in and went back to her training giving us, possible enemies, front row seats to her Quirk. As well as her casually declaring she knew my Quirk and her giving us the revelation that All For One was alive. Her behavior was almost scary.

But what was truly frightening was her Quirk, or is it Quirks? From what we know she can intimidate people enough for them to pass out, and Nezu noticed her eye glowing red a few times, perhaps she has some ocular based Quirk as well? But what was truly terrifying was when she coated her fist grey, but it was different from what she showed when attacked by the villain. This time there was a purple aura surrounding it. When she punched her fist didn't even make contact yet the other side of the punching bag exploded. I could not say what condition I would be in if she punched me in my weak spot.

And then it hit me, the reason for her apparent carelessness. It wasn't because of stupidity or misplaced arrogance. It was simply that,

She did not fear us.

Even now as I'm  looking at her through the camera's, her face only shows an amused expression. She is contained at the moment so why does she still show no fear? There are Quirk suppressant cuffs on her, surely she can't escape… Right?

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by my friend Tsukauchi.

"Toshinori, Nezu,  let's go in." Hei says to the both of us.



Before the heroes come in I do some self-reflecting. It's been a little over 2 years since I came here and I've always been doing something whether it is training, watching tv, cooking, etc… I've always had something to do there was never a dull moment.  BUt now there is since I'm sitting in this grey intterogation room.

I guess I shouldn't put it off for any longer. What have I been subconsciously avoiding this entire time?

Well, the problem is that I barely remember anyone from my past life, not even my own name. I remember things I did and watched just fine since I know the plot of MHA and I remember most of my daily life.

 I remember talking to other people but if I try to focus on who they are it comes up blank.

I guess whoever that guy was wanted my second life to be unburdened by my past. Even my personality changed a little with the cruelty dial being boosted a little, though other than that it's the same.

But as thanks to the old guy, I'm going to live my new life as Yamato with no regrets. [A/n: felt like there should be a reason as to why she threw away her past life's name.]

Now, back to the present.


Detective Tsukauchi walks in with Nezu and Mini Might following.

Tsukauchi sits in front of me. Yagi and Nezu sitting on either side of him.

"Hello, my name is Detective Tsukauchi." He says to me.

I just smile a little and say "I know." 

I can tell by his facial expression that it was registered as truth.

Clearing his throat he continues, "Okay, can you tell us you're name, where you're family is, and how old you are."

"My name is Yamato, I don't have any family, and I should be around 15 years old," I respond.


He and the others look shocked, and I know why.

"If you're wondering why I look so much older it's just a perk that comes with the horns same with the height," I say tapping on my horns.[A/n: fake fact] "Also can you get me a bigger chair, these aren't exactly suited for someone of my stature." this is like sitting in a chair made for toddlers.

He nods probably signaling that what I said was true. "We'll look into that, anyway, Yamato, do you know why you are here?" 

I put a finger on my chin, "Hmm, probably for acts of vigilantism, theft, violence, and maybe trespassing too?" I lean forward on the table with a devilish smile, "Oh of course! You also want to know how much I know, why I know so much, and who's side am I on."


"That's correct, now you've been shone to have multiples Quirks, and you also know about All For One and One For All… I think you understand our concerns?"

I see the rat's ears perk up. I guess he wants to solve the mystery of my "Quirks"

"Yeah I get it, I'll let you in on this piece of information. It's not multiple Quirks," or any quirk on that matter but I'll let them keep guessing. 

"So you are telling me that these 'Quirks' you've displayed are actually all sub-abilities of one Quirk?"

I stay silent for this one. Since a yes or no will come up as false.

Seeing that he's not going to get an answer he sighs, "Onto my next question. What is your relationship with All For One?"

"Oh, that guy? It's nonexistent, I honestly dislike the way he does things. Conquering the world is such a cliche bad guy goal you know? And he even messed it up by getting all arrogant and power-hungry, he should have taken it slow, at least that's what I would have done if I had his Quirk… So I don't have a relationship with him, but am trying to find the guy though" I respond lazily waving my hand


"Why are you trying to find All For One?" Yagi asks, fists clenched.

"I have my reasons," I just want to fight the guy and maybe force him to give me a cool quirk or something.

Yagi not liking my answer quickly stands up and slams his fist on the table ready to start yelling.

"Toshinori! This is my investigation please calm yourself." Tsukauchi reprimands him.

Begrudgingly he sits back down. "Yeesh, so quick to anger, that's not the attitude the number one hero should have but I guess the number two hero shouldn't have it either."

"Let's steer back on topic. How do you know all of this?" 

Hmm I'll just say this, "I know a lot of things I shouldn't"


"Where did you learn all of these things, and what do you know?"

"I know a lot of things I shouldn't" I repeat.

Realizing that this wasn't going to go anywhere he moves on, "Okay, I've asked all my questions, Nezu here will give you your current options."

"Now miss Yamato you are very lucky you did not get a murder charge. As that thing know as Nomu was alive."

"Eh? That thing was essentially brain dead though."

"That doesn't matter. You have three options before you. One you can go on trial and face up to 5 years for your crimes. Two the hero association has stepped in and decided that you can join a reconditioning program since your Quirks have great potential for heroism. Lastly, you can enroll at my school and become a hero! You will be monitored.

'So essentially jail, brainwashing, or suffering, neato'

"You forgot the fourth option though," I respond

"Excuse me?"

"The option where I break out of here and do what I want," I release a torrent of Conqueror's Haki.

All Might go into his Muscle form but I can tell he's barely holding on, Tsukauchi has passed out and Nezu is also in a similar condition as All Might.

My Haki disappears as soon as it came, "I'll go with the third option, but I'm not there to learn or be a hero. I will be going since it sounds the most fun."

"Now that interrogations are over I will be taking my leave. I'll see you at school Nezu."

I walk over to the door using Ryou to break the lock.

"WAIT!" I look back to see All Might grabbing my shoulder.

"YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE." He says to me.

"I can do what I want. I'm a pirate after all." 

Giving him a nice punch in his weak spot I leave using Conqueror's Haki on the entire building so no one gets in my way.

'Hmm, what should I have for dinner?'


Earlier at the league of villains base:

Tomura falls from Kurogiri's portal landing on the ground with a sickening crunch, further destroying his already broken body.

Kurogiri panics and starts dressing his wounds with the nearest first aid kit.

"Tomura, what has happened?" All For One's voice chimes in from the television.

"Guhh, Master THERE WAS A GIRL WHO RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!" He angrily yells out.

"A girl? Was she a student?" 


"What did she look like?"

"She was wearing a white sleeveless yukata, with a red hakama pants, sandals, and a large purple and white nio-diasuki behind her back. She was around 8'8 and had red and orange horns on her head." Kurogiri explains.

"And I believe she wanted to meet you as well."

"Oh? Is this true Tomura?"

"It is but I'll never let someone like her meet our master" Tomura seethes.

"Alright, good work Tomura, you may have failed now but I will always be there to pick you back up."

The tv cuts out.

All For One still sitting down thinks to himself, 'Her quick may be more powerful than One For All. I will have to pay her a visit." A wide creepy smile forms on his face.


This chapter is much better than the last one. Who would have thought writing a chapter while fully rested would have better results than writing while half asleep. also it's the longest chapter I've ever written ಠ﹏ಠ

I plan on starting the next chapter of Matter Manipulation tonight so readers of that rejoice!

Cya ಠ_ಠ