
In MHA as Mahito

Reborn in MHA with Mahito´s powers and sadistic tendencies. The mc likes women. Neither the mc´s template, the cover, nor the mha universe belong to me, each belongs to their respective owners.

Vitamin_F · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 15

Author note:

Remember that Mahito is currently a 'woman' since he is acting like his villain persona 'Necromancer' who is female.




Hawks threw countless feathers in the direction of the woman who was laughing. All the feathers hit the target, yet the laughter didn't cease, it didn't even lower in volume, it only served for it to get louder.

The woman started walking, reaping the bloody pole embedded on her chest out and leaving it behind.

The feathers Hawks threw at her started falling off her body as the wounds started regenerating.

The policemen and heroes were shocked. Even Mount Lady, who so far had been extremely happy at how lucky she was to be able to capture such a renowned villain on a trip she was making to this city, remained frozen on her spot.

The woman, whose laughter could still be heard, walked over to her broken mask and muttered some words softly, yet at a volume that could still be heard by everyone.

<Idle transfiguration>

The mask pieces reattached themselves toe each other, leaving creepy salutes that looked like inhumane faces to the view of everyone present.

"Lucky me I had the idea of making a mask out of a couple of people right?" she said while laughing once again.

From the mask, several inhuman sounds could be heard.


"Shhh shhh, no need to start getting loud, you are all together once again after all, just like family should be." the woman continued speaking while caressing the small faces on the mask.

Everyone was horrified by her words, one of the officers who so far had been nothing more than support for the heroes threw up, while the others had their eyes wide while realising the implications of her words.

Mirko, who so far had maintained a large grin had a serious expression while looking at her with anger and disgust. She wasn't a saint by any means, but to turn a family into monsters and were them as a mask...

"Now... you were all having your fun up until this very moment right? It would only be appropriate then for me to have fun as well..." said the woman in a happy tone.

Mirko immediately rushed at her, intending to beat her up once again. This thoughts of victory however were interrupted when the masked woman spread her arms widely and muttered some words.

<Domain expansion: self-embodiment of perfection>

In an instant Mirko and several other six heroes that were also closing the distance with the woman, found themselves standing on the palm of several hands, surrounded by nothing more than countless hands and absolute darkness.

They looked at the masked woman who slowly revealed her face.

"I have to thank you all, I didn't know heroes were kind enough to help the bad guys power up, but I won't really get mad or annoyed at you helping me, that would be ungrateful form my part, so let me repay you people, the kindness you have shown me." said the woman with a huge sadistic sole on her face.


Hawks could only watch as a cocoon of darkness suddenly enveloped all the heroes that were within a 20 meter distance of the Necromancer.

Within a few seconds, before he could decide wether to attack the cocoon or not, it disappeared, inside remained only two... people?

A woman wearing a mask and in front of her, an aberration. The type of creature not even god would make. Something out of a lovecraftian novel. Standing at around five meters tall, with ten faces, twenty tentacle-shaped arms, eight legs and a dark-blueish-green colour, it was something out of a nightmare.

Hawks and the others couldn't even notice the change of mask the woman had, they could only watch with horror as the monster stood up showing his full body in all its glory.

The monster looked around with its six faces and made eye contact with everyone present. As soon as it finished evaluating it's surroundings, it rushed out.

The first to go were the closest heroes, who in an instant found themselves trapped within the countless tentacles the monster had. The police opened fire immediately despite the presence of heroes on the way of the bullets in a desperate attempt of getting away of that thing.

Mount Lady desperately tried kicking it away to gain distance and time, however this was a terrible mistake. The monster's tentacles latched themselves onto her leg while three of the ten faces started devouring it.

While Mount Lady was screaming, the police stopped firing and started running away to gain distance while calling for backup and the captured heroes were squashed by the tentacles until nothing remained besides a paste of blood and organs.

Hawks was flying above looking at the carnage with a serious expression. He decided to call for reinforcements since this was not something he could deal with. Not only was he almost out of feathers and barely had enough to remain in the air, but this type of enemy was the most troublesome for him. He was not a heavy hitter after all.

As the police kept trying to buy time while hooting from afar and the few remaining heroes used their quirks from a distance while praying not to be the next target of attention form the monster, Hawks worried about the appearance of a second monster, so he looked around for 'Necromancer', but found nothing.

"Damn it, today must have been the greatest failure of heroes in the last decade. At this rate no one will leave alive and the monster won't be stopped."

He decided to go to the ground and start using the feathers he had remaining to attack his legs. While he didn't expect much, since it could regenerate slowly, he hoped to bu more time.

After five minutes, the only one remaining was Hawks, who had to call back his feathers and attach them to his shirt to be able to fly. He couldn't get out of the monster's line of sight since it would just make it change its attention to the houses... the few houses that remained. At least thirty houses were nothing more than ruble, some with blood while others with fire.

The place were the battle started was like the scene out of a horror movie. Blood and organs splattered everywhere and corpses laying around anywhere you looked at. Severed limbs could be seen decorating the streets and pieces of bone could be found attached to the cars.

Hawks was running out of stamina, a wound on his left arm bleeding and his mental fatigue was making controlling the feathers harder and harder. Out of the corner of his eye, just when he couldn't go on any longer, he saw a white dot closing in his direction from the sky.


A dragon launched itself at the monster and ripped ten tentacles in one slash before gaining distance again and breathing fire at it.

Once the fire ceased the dragon looked away from the burned creature that was no longer moving and turned to Hawks who was sweating and breathing heavily while reclining next to a wall.

"What the hell was that thing?!" asked the dragon while slowly turning into a woman.

"That, was one of 'Necromancer's' monsters." answered Hawks.

"Damn, what was she doing here?"

"We don't know, we received a call from a little girl who was panicking and saying 'Necromancer' was in her house, a few of us heroes were in a meeting to plan a villain raid for tomorrow so we all came."

"Huh, I would say you were lucky to be many heroes at the same time in the same place, but looking around it doesn't seem that way."

"Yeah, I guess the raid will be cancelled for now."


Countless inhumane sounds were heard from behind the woman, making her turn around with wide eyes.