
Chapter 14

"You know, people that talk back like that at me don't usually end up nicely, besides you say I kill women and children like they are mere cattle? Why don't you tell me the difference then, between humans and cattle."

"Sigh, it is as I expected, you hold no value for life. I apologise if I have offended you, but now that I have rejected the offer we should part ways right?"

This bastard...

"Well not everyone used to want to be a hero, some are just born to be villains you know? Besides, what do you mean rejecting my offer, you didn't even hear it."

I am going to kill this bastard, ughhhh this is infuriating.

The oneI need is la Brava since she is the best hacker I know and I-Island is extremely advanced in terms of technology, maybe I should just hold him hostage until la Brava hacks I-Island and then kill them?

Yeah that sounds like a decent choice, but I don't actually know much about technology and computers in general, so I would have no actual way of knowing if she was going to betray me or got in contact with someone else... ughh I hate this.

Whatever, forget the quirk enhancer, I don't even need it, it is something I want but not something I can't destroy, after all if it is not mine it will belong to no one. I just wanted for it to not be used on Izuku, after all I don't need One for All getting more power-ups.

Suddenly my instincts flare up and I duck, just in time since bullets start raining down on where I was. Sure they won't kill me, but I don't want people knowing I am immortal, after all immortality and omnipotence are very different things, I can still be imprisoned and I don't want that.

Feathers rush at me through the windows at extremely high speeds.

This bastard called the heroes! I turn to look at him but there is nothing where he was. I focus on my senses and feel him exiting the house with la Brava... the house which is currently surrounded by heroes.

F*ck, how did so many get here so fast?!

I don't want to waste my curses here, they are hard to come across and I need to save them up for my future plans. Damn it!

"Come out with your hands on the air 'Necromancer'!" someone screams from outside.

Damn it! Aghhhh I am going to kill those to bastards! How dare they snitch on me when I came to give them an offer!

Okey let's calm down for now. So far I only know that Hawks and someone with guns are here. The police is most likely on their way and the other heroes around the house are an unknown.

I need to get this over with before All Might or Endeavor get here, I don't know if they were called to come but I rather not take any chances.

Suddenly a wall of the house breaks apart and in comes a rabbit-woman rushing at me.

Sigh, just great.

Well, I have spent the last minute taking the beating of my life form a rabbit girl while getting cuts and bullet holes.

I already used up ten curses and they were dealt with pretty much instantly, I mean it is not hard when there is a literal giant that can just step on them and its over.

Sure, they are comparable to Nomus, but the greatest strength of a Nomu is their multiple quirks, my curses are just strong humans with no fear and a huge desire for destruction with an enhanced quirk, they are strong but not strong enough to survive this onslaught.

Anyway, back the beating I am taking... well it is not fun. Mahito and Nanami lied in jujutsu Kaisen, getting your ass kicked by someone with a grin on her face is annoying, not being able to use my full strength because I will. be discovered is annoying, having to be careful in this world of weaklings because I don't want to have my ass nuked is annoying, ughhhhh

"ENOUGH!" I scream before punching her in the face, or at least trying to, her instincts are simply unreal and she dodges the blow before landing a hit on my stomach, sending me flying back into the house we had exited during the fight.

"You know what Mirko? I am tired of this."

"Tired of getting your ass kicked? So you are about to surrender huh." she says, a grin still on her face.

"No, I am tired of this world, it is just so annoying, I have been focusing on the good things, like causing pain to others... but the world is still so f*cking annoying, well no more. From now on, everything will change, I will make sure to create a better world, a world in which I can have fun. I will turn this place into a garden for me to play!"

I didn't even realise I was giving the classic villain-who-is-about-to-loose speech.

I was suddenly hit on the face by her once again, this time my mask, which had managed to stay almost intact during the fight, broke. Along with the mask, I felt something inside me break as well... no, more like something inside me fix itself... while flying backwards to land on a pole that ended up embedded on my chest, I could feel everything become clear.

All my techniques started rushing through my head while I understood them perfectly.

[ 3rd pov ]

"Is it over?" asked one of the heroes.

"Yes, there is no way she is still alive." replied another one.

After all of them gave a sigh of relief, Hawks spoke.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I am quite curious about her face, I mean it has been one of the greatest mysteries of the last few years, even now it is covered by her hair." he said.

"Huh, you are right, I also want to know who could handle getting kicked around by me for a couple of minutes and still be able to say she would win." replied Mirko.

"For now take the corpses of the two heroes and six policemen that died back to the precinct. Damn that woman and her monsters."

Suddenly, a soft laughter came from the woman stabbed through a pole.

"Well well, it is quite rude to call them monsters, they are humans just like you after all."

The laughter became louder and louder until it was nothing short of a madman's laughter.

"I really have to thank you, you just helped me evolve after all..."

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