
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

6•36 ; Pre-school and Formal Attire

At 8:00 pm, in the interior of Chamber of Genesis Bound.

The room buzzed with conversation from a diverse group of individuals. The once empty futuristic tables were now occupied by prominent figures from across the black star. Renowned guilds had come to demonstrate their power and solidify their position in the ever-growing society. Academies who came to scout the future generation of talents, promising to nurture them into the finest hunters of this world.. Ancient families emerging from seclusion to showcase their lineage's superiority. The entertainment industry attending in hopes of discovering potential 'maestros' among the upcoming geniuses.

Artisans who delved into the mysteries of formations and magical runes. Equipment launchers who sought skilled blacksmiths, while Life seekers who are beckoning the children to immerse in the wonders of living, etc, etc.

Yet among all these immersive dives into future pathways, a particular group held the greatest allure for the current children of low backgrounds and unkind origins: the Pre-school program.

The pre-school is an exclusive program launched in this world by the ruling government - Absolute Unity. Its aim was to impart the rules of conduct and survival to children under age ten before they thrust themselves into the unforgettable journey of life challenges and lurking dangers along their path to power. This initiative was established by Absolute Unity to maintain impartiality and equality for all children in this world. After all, unlike other worlds, the unawakened children of Black Star are blocked and unable to interact with the outer cosmos, limiting their knowledge about specific settings of outer civilizations and diverse walks of life in the vast cosmos, which may be common sense to the outside world. Subsequently, when they awaken and step into immersion, it becomes inevitable that their foreign peers will ostracize them due to differences in ethics and capability of resourcefulness.

Especially children of disadvantaged backgrounds and orphaned children, who, unlike their counterparts, did not have influential backgrounds imparting them ancient knowledge without touching upon the taboos. A best example is how Sarah consistently spoon-feeds depths of knowledge to both Sora & Void, often even breaching some taboos unscrupulously.

This is why Absolute Unity launched the pre-school program, aiming to equip the uninitiated children of this forsaken world with the skills needed to navigate the power play of behemoths of material immersion.


In a corner of the venue, where the crowd most thinned out, four people were seated around a table engaged in leisurely conversation. These individuals were none other than Sarah, Sora, and Void, accompanied by Irish, who tagged along with them due to her mommy's insistence.

If you're wondering why they had chosen to sit away from the main crowd, the reason is simple - they adhered to an unwritten rule of avoiding drawing attention to themselves, especially given their distinctive appearance, despite wearing masks for safety. Sarah had selected a relatively discreet spot until the event commenced.

Sarah's concerns were not unwarranted, considering the special outfits they had donned for the party, which further enhanced their already celestial appearances

First, adults, starting with Sarah: She was dressed in a silver sequined gown that perfectly complemented her celestial beauty. Her platinum hair cascaded in falling waves of ethereal mist, and her deep oceanic eyes radiated an allure of unbounding mystique, tempting one to get lost in their unreachable depths.. Overall, Sarah projected an aura of elegant sophistication and mysterious serenity akin to an unattainable moon. Finally, her ensemble was topped off with a purple mask that covered half of her divine face, slightly toning down her charm. Thanks to this, she managed to keep the covert glances directed at her to a minimum.

Moving on, sitting right beside her was Sora, dressed in a white ballerina paired with ballet flats. Additionally, her sacred white hair flowed in sparkling hues of eternal light, and her pure-white eyes illuminated the essence of holiness. Her smile was infectious, lighting the atmosphere in pure delight. Overall, her surreal appearance was a delightful sight to behold, yet unimaginably precious, causing one to avert their eyes in fear of profaning this sacred fantasy of dreams and imaginations embodied by this girl's dancing vibrancy. Finally, completing her ensemble was a pink butterfly mask, accentuating a cute addition to her playful mannerism.

Next comes Void. He wore a crisp black undergarment, a tailored black suit jacket, coordinating dress pants, and black dress shoes. His abyssal hair, like an embodied river of darkness, fell down to his shoulders and shrouded his left eye in a veil of abyss locks, matching his obsidian blank pupils filled with enigmatic mystery. Overall, his dark fantasy ensemble was completed by a half-black mask with two pointed ends, hiding the captivating suction of his mystical bewitchment

With that, the trio of a mother and her children completed their formal attire according to their personal tastes. However, with the mask armaments hiding half of their charms, they didn't need to worry about attracting too much attention. Otherwise, they would have been the highlight of the occasion.

Oh! forgot. There's one more person to describe.

The orange-haired girl, without a care about being the mini-organizer of this event, happily chatted away with Sora. Even though their introductions ended on a tense note, nonetheless, girls will be girls, and they became best buddies in no time while chit-chatting.

"[Truly a wonder]," Void thought secretly.

Irish wore a silky princess dress, with a small crown adorning her smooth orange hair. Her amber eyes shone brightly under the canopy of chandeliers, adding a touch of fiery elegance to her petite figure.

Almost every gaze that landed on her table was drawn to her, captivated by her regal princess style and identity.

(Hey, hubby, isn't that the princess from the 'Glaze Household'?)

(Oh, really? How do you know, honey? I don't recall the Glaze Household revealing their heiress to the public yet.)

(Ahem, I just stumbled upon her photo on the internet.)

Upon hearing his consort's response, the man rubbed his forehead. (On the internet? Are you sure you weren't fooled by some white hat.)

(Certainly not, dear. I'm positive it's her. Don't believe me? Why don't we go and verify it ourselves then?)

Saying this, the woman hugged the man's hand and dragged him towards the secluded table.


Void, who had been lounging in his seat and had even secretly lazing off under the mask's cover, abruptly opened his eyes and tilted his head to the side, gazing curiously at the newcomers.

Sarah also stopped scrolling through the digital panels available on the table's tech interface, designed to entertain guests.

(What do you want?) Her misty voice reverberated, silencing Sora and Irish's conversation.

Meanwhile, the man and woman approaching the table came to a stop. The misty voice echoing in their ears caused them to momentarily lose themselves in a trance.

In the next moment, their expressions turned puzzled as they forgot the reason for their visit.

(Why are we here? Weren't we supposed to wait for our boss and his children to arrive?)

(Indeed, it seems I drank too much last night. Let's go back.)

With that, the man and woman retraced their steps and departed, completely disregarding the four pairs of eyes fixed on them, as if they were invincible.

After their departure, Sarah refocused on the women's magazine that was going viral on the internet, while the children stared perplexedly at the backs of the peculiar couple.

(Fufufu. Sarah, it's not nice of you to cast your tricky spells on others, is it? Especially when the chamber's safety mechanism prohibits the use of power. Aren't you afraid it might detect your breach of its security protocols and expel you?)

Suddenly, a voice echoed from behind them.