
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantasy
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57 Chs

6•33 ; Innocent yet bewitching

Quite some distance away from the Chamber of Genesis Bound, on a terrace shimmering under the radiance of the chamber, two extraordinarily beautiful women sat facing each other, discussing matters related to the ongoing event. Behind one them stood the two children she had brought with her. While, an adult woman stood behind the other.

(Would you care to explain, Jary?) the platinum-haired woman asked the orange-haired woman opposite her.

(What? I don't think I owe you anything,) she paused, (at least not anymore, right?) Sarah's demanding tone left Jary confused as she rummaged through her mind to see if there were still any debts she hadn't repaid to this godforsaken woman.

(Cough, cough. No, idiot, I'm talking about why the otherworlders haven't arrived yet. Did something happen?) Sarah hurriedly coughed, correcting the idiotic woman for her misunderstanding.

At Sarah's emphasized inquiry, a light bulb went off in Jary's head. (Oh, that! Well, sorry for the delay. But the sudden change of the event is unexpected for me too. It took me some time to accept the last-minute changes issued by the order,) Jary replied in a somber tone.

)Hey, stop with the gestures for comfort. And also, what the heck are you saying?) Sarah began rubbing her forehead, exasperated by her friend's childish mannerisms..

Meanwhile, the maid standing behind her lady abruptly extended her palm, twisting Jary's right ear while saying, (Young lady, please behave yourself in front of our guests. Do you understand?)

Hearing her maid's cold reprimand, Jary struggled in vain. In the end, she resorted to pleading, (Okay, I understand! Now, let me go. Otherwise, you'll ruin my image in front of my long-lasting friend.)

To her pompous words, the maid rolled her eyes, (As if you ever had an image to begin with.)

Her maid's blunt reply almost made Jary fall off her seat, (Nin, aren't you being harsh!"/)

(Is that so? And here I am thinking I've been quite lenient these days,) her maid solemnly countered, making Jary almost shed tears.

Yet before she could, Sarah intervened, (Even though years have passed, it seems you two haven't changed a bit.) She wryly shook her head as her gaze fell on the young woman behind the Jary's seat. The woman had auburn hair and brown eyes, her ensemble included her enchanted maid uniform, depicting her position.

Feeling Sarah's eyes on her, Nin respectively bowed and greeted, (It's been a long time, Miss Sarah!)

Subsequently, Sarah gestured back, nodding at her greetings.

After getting sidetracked for a few minutes, the conversation returned to the main cause behind Sarah's visit.

(Sarah, you might have already guessed it. But the reason why the foreigners haven't arrived yet is due to the 'empêchement' that didn't permit their entry,) from cause to solemnity, Jary revealed.

(Why now? Wasn't it initially agreed non-verbally by the Supreme Council and the "Unknown power" that the 'empêchement' would be opened during important events, allowing foreigners to visit this closed-off world en masse as 'guests'?) Hearing her friend's seriousness, Sarah frowned, pondered, and voiced her doubts on the matter. (Moreover, this wasn't the first time the 'underage conference' had been held in our world, right?) she further added.

(You're right, indeed. However, for some reason, 'the Unknown power' seems adamant about not allowing any visitors for a while. Nonetheless, the 'heavenly order' didn't give up easily and remained persistent in adhering to their set rules; since it's our world's turn to conduct this time's 'underage conference.') Jary's clarification continued, with profound inclinations weaving through subtle emphasis.

(Then, what happened?) Sarah curiously gestured to her friend to continue.

(Surprisingly, the Supreme Council, who were supposed to supervise the negotiations between the heavenly order and the Unknown power, actually chose to agree with the demands imposed by 'the Unknown power'.) At the end of her clarification, Jary's voice became excited, as if sharing a secret gossip only she knew.

(Hey, isn't this strange! I'm sure something fishy is going on in the background, right? Right!) Her voice was ultimately high-pitched due to her over-excitement.

Seeing her like this, Nin facepalmed and wryly shook her head behind her. Meanwhile, Sarah directly ignored Jary's final remarks and went into contemplation.

In the meantime, Void, who silently sat on the cushion behind Sarah, listened intently to their conversation, all the while his mind occupied with a swirl of infinite thoughts.

Abruptly, everyone on the terrace, including Void and Sora, felt a presence approaching them.

Before long, a girl under the age of ten appeared. She had long, flowing orange hair and eyes that glowed like burning embers. As she skipped over, her pale skin sparkled in the canopy of glows, accentuating her immature beauty further. Even though her beauty might pale in comparison to the future Sora, for now, the girl's cuteness is only surpassed by Sora.

As she skipped closer, the girl suddenly started shouting, her arms outstretched, "(Mom!)"

While calling out, the girl reached Jary and happily fell into her arms.

(My dear, what brings you here? Shouldn't you be getting ready for the conference? And why isn't your dad with you?) Jary's face lit up as she felt her daughter in her arms, prompting her to twirl her around in the air habitually

(Dad said that he would go supervise the conference preparations and instructed me to go find mom,) the girl replied cheerfully.

(Is that so? Well, since you're here, let me introduce you to my buddy friend. Besides, hehe,) Jary chuckled shyly at the end of his sentence.

(Who is this buddy friend of yours? And what's with that creepy laugh?) Sarah exclaimed, feeling exasperated. But suddenly, upon hearing Jary's chuckle, she had a bad feeling for some reason.

Nevertheless, ignoring Sarah's questions, Jary started introducing, (Irish, please greet our guests, my dear.)

In response, Irish approached Sarah and assumed a formal posture, saying, (Greetings, Madam, I am 'Irish Glaze.' It's a pleasure to meet my mother's friend.)

Upon seeing this, Sarah's expression softened. She leaned down and gently patted the little girl's curly head before saying, (little girl, you seem to have been well-educated and are quite responsible too. Unlike a certain someone~)

(What are you trying to imply? I am also quite responsible myself, you know?) Jary retorted defensively in response to Sarah's teasing tone.

(As if that were ever possible,) Sarah replied calmly, continuing to pat Irish.

Meanwhile, Jary's maid couldn't help but chuckle at the undeniable truth in Sarah's words.

This only served to further irritate Jary, but soon a playful smirk played on her lips.

(Now, my dear, why don't you introduce yourself to the children standing behind her as well? You might make new friends your own age.) With that suggestion, all eyes turned towards the silent Void & Sora.

Immediately, Irish hopped towards the two children cloaked in black and white. She cheerfully extended her hand. (Hello, my name is Irish. Pleased to make your acquaintance.)

To her genuine greetings, both Sora and Void didn't react and blankly stared at her.

To their weird silence, Irish stood in awkwardness. In the meantime, both Jary and her questioningly glanced towards Sarah, who, feeling their eyes, coughed and turned her head away.

Finally, the awkward silence was broken by a small bewitching voice, causing the hearts of listeners to thump mysteriously. (Little sis, you should return her greeting first. Then, I'll follow.)

Consequently, without hesitation, Sora's enchanting voice echoed in reply, (No, onii-chan, you should go first!)

To her rapid counter, Void got annoyed and asked his mind out solemnly, (Little sis, I've been pondering this for some time now. But why do I feel like you're imitating my every action?))

And subsequently, Sora's reply came instantly, ((Because we're twins. Isn't that how twins are supposed to be? Why are you complaining now?))

Upon hearing her perfect counter, Void didn't reply and pondered for a moment. In the end, he admitted, (You have a point! Then why don't we both introduce ourselves at the same time?)

)Okay,) Sora agreed naturally..

Reaching a conclusion, Void walked closer, lifting the hood covering his head. Soon, his abyssal-black hair, dancing in the canvas of night, and dark transparent locks shrouding his left pupil became visible, enhancing his innocent yet bewitching cuteness to the extreme. (Greetings, indeed, Miss Irish. I am Void, the Black Twin. Pleased to make your acquaintance,) he graciously extended his hand in a bowing posture.

For a moment, Irish's mind went blank, causing her inner world to be momentarily painted a desirable black color. Unknowingly, her cheeks blushed a shade of pink, causing her to panic and close her eyes. Despite that, she hurriedly took deep breaths, trying her best to regain composure. In the end, she could only shyly nod as a way of courtesy..

While observing their interaction, Sora's mood soured, and to make matters worse, her eeriness sparked, making her uncomfortable. Hastily, she approached and interrupted them, introducing herself, (Hello, Miss Irish. I am Sora Pristine, the White Twin. Please excuse my brother for his clumsy introduction.) As she spoke, Sora took off her cloak, revealing her face.

As Sora apologized, Irish became even more flustered, waving her hands in protest, (Please, don't be, it's my fault~) yet her voice trailed off midway.

Because, in her view, a pristine little beauty of unimaginable extent appeared, her very presence brimming with enchanting vibrancy, an extreme contrast to her twin brother. However, after a few seconds of lapse, she recovered.

Unlike Void, Sora did not have the advantage of gender, which is why Irish snapped out of her trance sooner than before.

At the introduction of Void & Sora, a speechless atmosphere prevailed. Even the enchantment of jary and her maid were no less than Irish, causing Sarah to facepalm herself, all the while muttering, (My sweethearts, didn't I tell both of you not to take off your cloaks under any circumstances?)

(I didn't, she did! Can't you see I still have my cloak on? I just removed the hood, that's all,) Void innocently corrected Sarah.

(Abominable onii-chan, don't point at me! And also, how the heck did you become redeemable just because you have your cloak on? Ultimately, aren't you also guilty of revealing your face?) Sora puffed out her chest and replied sharply.

Thus, an argument began over the paradoxical twins.

(Truly, what a strange duo of twins. Sarah, at this rate, you might have to go the extra mile to keep them safe.

My dear Irish, why don't you go play with them?)

Jary sympathetically began consolidating Sarah, but at the same time, she didn't forget to be the first obstacle she non-verbally emphasized. QR ⚫⚪