
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · Anime e quadrinhos
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69 Chs

Bardock versus Frieza!

The two titans clash hard. So hard in fact that the resulting force blows even our strongest members out of the sky and to the ground below. We all quickly stand and power ourselves up to prepare for the long haul for this upcoming fight.

Bardock and Frieza both stare hard at each other. Bardock in stone faced silence as he does his best to overpower the tyrant. While Frieza is grunting and straining to power himself up further to take out the super saiyan he is suddenly faced with.

As the stalemate clash happens our own Saiyan allies all come up to me and ask "Okay... What?!" As they all motion to Bardock.

I rub the back of my head and begin to break down the story of what Bardock told me during our week preparing for Frieza. About the mysterious figure who granted him the missing power and memories. Hence why he didn't have this power during his visit to earth.

They all accept it as the next round between the two pillars of strength happens.

They strain so hard that they break apart and Bardock makes sure to charge up a blast as he is flung back. Frieza gasps and focuses on doing the same to fight off the angry Super Saiyan.

The two fire their charged blasts at each other and have a brilliant explosion of blue and purple clash. We all cover our eyes as I think, "Man Tien would be so proud of how blinded we are here."

As the light dies down we see Frieza is now charging up and has breached 4.5 million. Bardock grits his teeth angrily and charges him. He finds it harder to deal lasting damage to Frieza now as the space tyrant grins at seeing the limits of how far Bardock can go in his super form.

They rush at each other again and Bardcok lands a few clean hits on Frieza making the tyrant lose his cool and gain some bruises he actually flinches and reacts in pain to. He angrily punches Bardock away and sends a few ki blasts his way to slow him down.

It works as Bardock tries to limit how much damage he is receiving to try and out last Frieza. However Frieza uses this chance to power up another 100k power. He is slowly closing the gap and it isn't looking good.

I grit my teeth and rack my brain over the possibilities of why the super saiyan form is so much weaker here.

The fight continues on with Bardock slowly losing ground against Frieza as every time he manages to land a clean hit to Bardock the saiyan needs a few seconds to right himself and reorient. Those precious seconds allow Frieza to build his power further.

And then a crucial piece of the puzzle hits me right in the face.


Bardock is thrown at us by a now 5.5 million power Frieza. The tyrant laughs hard as Bardock was successfully caught by myself and Goku. Raditz, Vegeta, and Piccolo all launch themselves at him to slow him down while we feed Bardock a Senzu Bean.

He pants hard as the bean heals him up as he angrily hits the ground causing a small tremor. "Fucking hell! Why?! Why can't I defeat him?! He killed my team! He killed my race! He killed my planet! And he killed my wife and I! He separated our family! Why am I still so weak?! I was able to use this form to kill his great granfather when I went to the past! So why is it so much different now?!"

I rack my brain again trying to find that key piece we are missing. And I find it.

Bardocks hair is yellow, sure. But... It lacks its golden luster that is normally there for super saiyans... And Goku had a shining golden aura in the show too. Bardock is simply yellow colored. In fact his hair is flickering between black and gold as it stands.

I flinch and gasp at the key information hits me full force. His form is an imperfect super saiyan! He has yet to master it! Damn it! Goku was so angry that his form came forth somewhat perfected! So it was trigfered instinctively and he didn't need to worry about an imperfect form! But here in this universe we do!

How can I help him master it faster?!

Then it hits me as Piccolo comes flying past me.

I check in with King kai, "King kai! Can we use a wish to help Bardock master Super Saiyan form?"

King kai answers, "Let me check with the earth team!"

I grit my teeth as I rush up with a renewed Bardock and a ready to fight Goku as we rush to aid a struggling Raditz and Vegeta.

Both of them have broken through to 700k and 800k thanks to Senzu Beans.

But Frieza sees Piccolo slowly getting back to his feet with the help of the fighter and healer pair of Namekians we have. He grins maliciously at us and fires off his purple moon destroyer orb.

We all brace ourselves to block it as he pumps up to 6 million power into it. He launches it and Bardock, Goku, Raditz, and Myself all work together to stop it and hopefully send it out to space. We don't need a 5 minute count situation like in canon.

Then I see Vegeta go flying past us heavily wounded. And see Frieza fly by with a big evil grin.

I look over my shoulder and see Piccolo being healed by our healer as Frieza readies all 10 fingers with his death beams. I scream out, "PICCOLO! LOOK OUT!"

Piccolo looks up and staggers to his feet only to fall to his knees. The two Namekians bravely put themselves as shields in front of their head warrior as Frieza unleashes them.

All 10 beams launch and are about to hit them before Nail appears in front of all 10 beams enduring them with his body. He screams out in intense pain as his arms are blown off and one of his legs go flying too.

He falls to the ground while having 4 holes in his torso. The Namekians come to try and heal him but the healer shakes his head while saying a key organ was shot through. He won't live long even with his powers.

Piccolo kneels next to his brother in arms as he yells out in anguish. They had gotten to know each other very well over the last 2 weeks of working together. They were almost like brothers or close cousins now.

I feel his pain as we manage to throw the orb away. We all turn to face a now laughing maniacally Frieza. He turns to us while saying, "Well well. Another warrior bites the dust to me eh? I suppose I should expect it but now that I am nearing my full power you all and your supposed "Super Saiyan" have no chance! You had all better bow your heads in reverance to my magnificent power and prepare to die!"

We all ready ourselves as Bardock yells out, "Don't even think you've won! I still have my allies and my sons with me! Together!? We can beat you! And avenge our race! Especially after what you did to my team! My wife! My planet!"

Frieza pauses and thinks before he looks closer at Bardock. Then blinks in recognition, before laughing, hard.

We all look at him in confusion as he calms down and goes, "Ah! I see! You are familiar now! You are that annoying insect from about 20 or so years ago! The one I sent to oblivion!"

Bardock readies himself to fight again, right as Frieza makes him flinch with his next words, "The one who bravely fought me and failed in the end! Oh imagine all those lives you failed! Your team must be so disappointed in you! And your wife! Oh! Just think of how sad and disappointed she was in you after you failed so hard. Just imagine her scream as she yelled for you to protect her! But you let her die along with everyone else!"

Bardock is now in a white noise room within his own mind, as he never thought of that before. How he failed Gine. How he failed their family. And how he failed as a warrior.

Frieza smirks and readies another death beam. I am trying to snap Bardock out of it by saying that Gine wouldn't blame him and neither do his sons.

But he is unresponsive.

Frieza smirks and fires another 10 death beam combo at us. I'm about to sacrifice myself to give the others a chance to snap out of it. But Goku flashes in front of us instead.

Time seems to slow to a crawl as he chokes out a pained gasp. Bardock finally snaps out of it as Goku chokes out a pained, "Dad!" Bardock quickly catches his dying son as he floats him to the ground. Goku is riddled with holes as he is choking out blood rapidly from his mouth and all his wounds.

I feel immense hatred. Immense anger. Especially at myself for not doing more. For not going earlier into this world. For wanting to avoid death.

I was ready to die there! But not earlier! Damn it!

Unknown to me flashes of a pure bronze aura flash around me as I look to Frieza.

Piccolo flashes white as he unknwoingly begins to absorb Nail.

And Bardocks hair begins to turn a more lustrious yellow. Looking more metallic.

Raditz is charging Frieza in rage as his eyes have turned blue and his aura is now yellow.

Bardock is begging Goku to open his eyes and stand with him in this fight as his breathing is shallowing out, he chokes out, "I love having you here dad... Please... Tell my family... I... Love... Them... All..." And Goku goes limp.

Bardock is about to go full rage before we all hear a loud snap. And a body hitting the ground.

Above us. Frieza is at full power. His muscles bulging. He is chuckling again as he looks below himself.

Below him on the ground, unmoving, is Raditz. His neck is bent at a bad angle and his eyes are blank. Bardock now realizes both of his sons are gone. And his wife won't be able to hold them once she is revived.

Frieza is laughing at our faces as we stare at our three dead allies. Vegeta rushes in a fit of rage at him to try and land a few blows while he is distracted. But Frieza is now in his full powered form. And as such he blurs out of the way of Vegetas punch. Making him gasp and try to trace where he went with his energy signature.

Only for the world to tilt and Vegetas head lands a few feet from his body as Frieza decapitated Vegeta with a well placed lazer hand move.

Frieza laughs at us in joy for dealing with a long time thorn in his side as we are all in shock.

Bardock begins to wheeze in pain both physically and emotionally as he goes, "You killed my prince! You killed our allies! And your killed my sons!"

Frieza laughs harder as he says, "That's funny! Hilarious actually! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!"

Bardock tears up badly as his hair goes into a more metallic luster.

With a great cry his aura thickens and becomes richer in color.

His power shoots up to 13 million. He is now at x25 power and has a full super saiyan aura on him.

I also enrage at seeing two people I did my best for. My brothers in all but blood! Two of my favorite characters I have gotten to know over the last few years! Gone like that! And now Vegeta! My favorite villain turned ally dead! Nail! A great ally and friend to our group! Also dead!

Suddenly I erupt with a brilliant bronze aura around me. My power shoots up from the 550k I was to 11 million! A x20 boost! I was coated in a shine similar to Super saiyan! But in human terms?

I grin and yell out from within the power as it flows through me.

Piccoloc roars out as his aura is now pure white as he absorbs Nail completely. His power shoots up from the 650k it has been enhanced to through senzu beans. To suddenly going to 13 million! He also achieved a super form!

All three of us stare down Frieza as he sees our power and how much stronger we are now.

His laughter stops as he goes, "That's... That's not funny! That's not funny at all! What happened?! Why are you different now?! What changed?!"

We all look at him as I say in a desdly serious voice, "What... You... Did? You FUCKED up!"

We all power up making him flinch back as our Namekian allies gather up Raditz, Goku, and Vegeta, and his head, and head back to base to keep their bodies safe for revival.

That way we won't risk destroying them in the coming clash. The final battle for Namek.