
I Shall Rule the Gods

Hao Juanxiu is a young master of the ruined Hao Clan. During their most dire situation, fortune will smile upon him, when an insignificant-looking cube actually contains the secret of the Primordial Era. However, he will soon realize that he is not a martial art prodigy. Without the power or strength, Juanxiu will decide to use the knowledge and resources he gained from the tower to build the strongest army that can rival even the gods.

Minoaahh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
114 Chs

Chapter 3- Learning Basic Alchemy

As Juanxiu wandered through the breathtaking landscape, Juanxiu came across a stunning lotus plant that seemed to shimmer in the light. "Is this the legendary Lotus of Delusion?" he breathed, his voice filled with wonder.

To his surprise, the voice of the Temple of the Primordial Era responded, "That's just a weed, son. We were about to dispose of it. Despite its beauty, it's seen as an eyesore in the tower."

Juanxiu couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could something so beautiful and breathtaking be seen as an eyesore?

He calmed his heart and asked the voice for its name.

"You can call me Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo," the voice replied.

Juanxiu nodded. He knew that Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo was more than just a guide, but a being of great power and knowledge. He resolved to be respectful and careful around the voice, and to listen carefully to its guidance and instruction.

"What do I need to learn?" Juanxiu asked Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo.

"Very well," the voice, Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo, said. "I will teach you how to cultivate the seed. It's not too complicated. You will need to activate the seed using your blood, and then plant it in a place filled with poison. Every 10th month, you will need to drip your blood on the plants. Consider this as imprinting- to let them know you are the tree's master. It is important that the owner of the tress does not consume its fruit, as grave consequences will follow."

As Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo taught Juanxiu the steps to cultivate the Acrimony Eradication Tree's seed, Juanxiu felt completely absorbed in the process.However, Juanxiu couldn't shake the feeling of unease about the time that had passed.

Juanxiu looked up at the sky, his heart heavy with worry. He had been inside for what felt like weeks, learning about the Acrimony Eradication Tree and its cultivation, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was neglecting his duty to his family.

"What if my father is looking for me?" Juanxiu asked, his voice filled with anxiety. "I don't want to cause any more trouble for my clan. I have only been a burden to them."

Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo, the voice of the tower, must have sensed his distress, for it spoke in a soothing tone. "Don't worry, Juanxiu. The flow of time in this place is different. Your father and the rest of your family will not have noticed that any time has passed."

Juanxiu let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "Thank you, Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo," he said gratefully. "I just want to do what's best for my clan, and the Acrimony Eradication Tree is my only hope."

Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo gave a gentle chuckle. "I understand your worries, Juanxiu, but you must have faith. The knowledge contained within this temple is invaluable, and it is a great honor that you have been chosen to receive it. Use what you have learned to help your clan, and you will not regret it. The tower can offer you more than the Acrimony Eradication Tree."

Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo told Juanxiu that he would need to stay at the Temple of the Primordial Era for several years in order to fully understand the basics of cultivating the plants.

Over the years, Juanxiu learned about the different types of spiritual plants, including rare and mythical species such as the Celestial Lotus, the Phoenix Flower, and the Dragon Root. He was also taught about the different types of divine waters, including the legendary Eternal Star Spring, whose drops had the power to perform miracles.

As he studied under Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo, Juanxiu discovered that the art of cultivating spiritual plants was far more complex than he had initially thought. He also learned about the various methods that could be used to stimulate the growth of the plants, including using different types of soil, adjusting the amount of sunlight they received, and using various types of spiritual energy.

In addition to studying the plants themselves, Juanxiu also learned about the importance of the environment in which they were grown. He discovered that the quality of the air, water, and soil all played a crucial role in the growth and development of the plants. He also learned about the various types of spiritual beasts that could be used to help with cultivation, including the Cloud Swallowing Python, the Six-Tailed Fox, and the Red-Eyed Wolf.

Juanxiu also learned about the mythical insects that could be used to help with cultivation, including the Golden Cicada, the Jade Butterfly, and the Rainbow Beetle. As he immersed himself in his studies, the years flew by, and before he knew it, a decade had passed.

Despite the time that had passed, Juanxiu was still grateful for the opportunity to learn from Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo and the Tower of the Primordial Era. He knew that the knowledge he had gained would be invaluable in helping his clan's land to thrive, and he was determined to put it to good use.

With the help of the Tower and its resources, he was confident that he could purify his clan's land and bring prosperity to his family. He could also neutralize the toxins that settled in their vein.

Soon, Juanxiu was ready to leave the Tower of the Primordial Era after spending ten years learning from Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo. As he prepared to leave, Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo's voice echoed once more inside the tower.

"Juanxiu, before you go, I must remind you of the importance of keeping this place a secret," Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo said. "The knowledge you've gained here is valuable and coveted by many, including the gods."

"I understand, Xiannu Yindao," Juanxiu replied, bowing respectfully. "I will protect the secrets of the Tower at all costs."

"Good," Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo said. "But remember, you are not just protecting the secrets of the Temple, you are also protecting the future of the universe. The prosperity and peace depend on it."

Juanxiu nodded, determined to keep the Tower's secrets safe. He turned to leave, but paused.

"Thank you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I will never forget the lessons you have taught me."

"We'll see each other again. Sooner than you think. Go forth, Juanxiu," Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo said. "And may the knowledge you've gained here help you to achieve greatness."

Juanxiu nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that if the knowledge of the Tower were to fall into the wrong hands, it could lead to disastrous consequences. He vowed to protect the place and its secrets with his life, and with a heavy heart, he left the realm and returned to his own world.

As a reward for completing his studies at the Tower of the Primordial Era, Juanxiu was given a pouch containing ten types of seeds, each with a fantastical name: the Skyflower, the Moonblossom, the Sunseed, the Starfruit, the Goldenrod, the Silverflower, the Copperleaf, the Bronzeberry, the Ironroot, and the Steelbloom.

In addition to the seeds, Juanxiu was also given a bucket filled with water from the legendary Eternal Star Spring, said to have the power to perform miracles. As he held these items, Juanxiu could hear the voice of Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo in his mind reminding him of the importance of their use.

"The Eternal Star Spring is a rare and legendary divine water, created by the gods themselves. It contains the essence of the stars. It was said to have the power to perform miracles, including the ability to bring plants back to life, even from the brink of death. It was also believed to have the power to improve alchemical substance, making it an invaluable ingredient for alchemy."

Juanxiu knew that he had to handle the Eternal Star Spring with care. He was responsible for safeguarding this precious resource, and if he were to misuse it, the consequences could be catastrophic.

He vowed to use the Eternal Star Spring only for the good of his clan and to protect it from those who would seek to misuse its power. The voice of Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo continued to remind him in his mind, "Use it wisely, Juanxiu. It can bring great benefits to your clan's land, but if misused, the consequences could be dire."

"I understand," Juanxiu replied, gripping the bucket firmly. "I will make sure it is protected and used only for the good of my clan."

Juanxiu took a deep breath and nodded, feeling a weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He was determined to live up to Xiānnǚ Yǐndǎo's expectations and make sure that the Eternal Star Spring was used for the greater good. With a final nod of farewell, Juanxiu set off on his journey, eager to put his new knowledge and resources to the test.