
Chapter 4- Reviving the Land

As Juanxiu looked around his room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. He had spent so much time in the Tower of the Primordial Era, learning about all of the amazing and magical plants and creatures that lived there. He knew that he had to put his newly acquired knowledge to use.

He understand that he couldn't tell his father about the tower or reveal its location, but he also knew that he couldn't keep it a secret forever. He had to find a way to share this incredible knowledge with his clan and help them thrive, while still protecting the secrets of the temple. He made a silent promise to himself to return to the Tower of the Primordial Era and continue his studies as soon as he could.

Juanxiu gathered his thoughts and prepared to tell his father the story he had crafted. He knew that it was important to be convincing, as his father was a wise and perceptive man who would see through any lies.


As he approached his father, he can already see the worries in his face. He ran to him and gave him a tight hug; his father was baffled. It was just a moment ago when this son of his was feeling troubled and helpless. Juanxiu's father was surprised by his son's sudden show of emotion, but he couldn't help but return the hug.

"What's going on, son?" he asked.

He took a deep breath and began to speak. "Father, I have good news," he said. "I have received a message from our ancestors, who have ascended to the heavens. They have taken pity on our clan and have given me a solution to purify the poison in our land."

His father looked at him with a skeptical expression, but Juanxiu pressed on, eager to convince him. "Our ancestors have given me a gift, a magical seed that can eradicate the poison in our land."

"You don't have to do this, son."

Juanxiu could see the doubt in his father's eyes, but he knew he had to convince him. "I know this may sound unbelievable, but it is the truth. Our ancestors have given us this chance to save our land and bring prosperity to our clan. We must not waste this opportunity."

Juanxiu stood nervously in front of his father, Hao Jiming. He was worried that if he revealed the truth about where he had learned his newfound knowledge, it could put the Tower of the Primordial Era and all of its secrets in danger. it could also endanger their clan.

"Father, let me show you," Juanxiu said, holding out the small seed in his hand. "I've been told that this is the key to our future success."

Hao Jiming raised an eyebrow, looking at the small seed skeptically. "And where did you learn about this tree?" he asked.

Juanxiu hesitated for a moment, knowing that he had to be careful with what he said. "I have been taught by our ancestors in my sleep," he said, hoping that his father wouldn't ask for more details. "They have passed down their knowledge to me, and I have uncovered the secret to neutralizing the poison"

Hao Jiming nodded

Did that actually work? Juanxiu thought to himself

"I see," Jiming said. "And how do we grow this tree?"

Juanxiu explained the process of activating the seed with his blood and planting it in a place filled with poison. He also described how he had to regularly drip his blood on the tree to let it know he was its master, and the consequences of consuming the tree's fruit.

"The Acrimony Eradication Tree is very important, Father," Juanxiu said, trying to emphasize the importance of keeping this knowledge a secret. "We must protect it and not let anyone else find out about its existence."

Hao Jiming nodded, looking thoughtful. "I understand," he said. "We will keep this knowledge between us. But first, we must try to grow this tree and see if it is truly as miraculous as you say."

The next few hours were spent preparing the land and planting the seed. It was a laborious process, but Juanxiu was determined to see it through. He carefully followed the instructions given to him by Xiannu, watering the seed with the divine water from the Eternal Star Spring.

Juanxiu couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the sapling growing before him. It was only a seed a couple of seconds ago, but now it had already grown into a seedling. The water from the spring is truly magical. The leaves were a deep shade of green, almost black, and seemed to be constantly shifting and moving. Juanxiu knew that this was a sign of the plant's ability to absorb poison from the land voraciously.

Juanxiu carefully tended to the small sapling, ensuring that it received enough water and nourishment to help it grow. He and the other members of the clan visited it every day, marveling at how quickly it seemed to be sucking up the poison from the soil.

He knew that it would take time for the plant to completely rid the land of the toxic substances, but he was patient. He had faith that, given enough time, the Acrimony Eradication tree would thrive and allow his clan to flourish once again.


Weeks have passed...

The young man watched with pride as the sapling grew into a strong, healthy plant. The once barren land was now dotted with green shoots, a sure sign that the poison was being neutralized. Juanxiu knew that it would still be some time before the land was completely restored, but he was confident that they were well on their way.

He was relieved to see that it would take a while for the tree to devour the poison on the banished land. They will have enough time before the impire realize that the poison had been rid of. There would be plenty of time for them to rise from the ashes. Juanxiu hope that by that time, they could already protect their clan from the grasp of the empire.

After a few weeks, he couldn't help but marvel at the changes in the land. The poison that had once plagued their fields was now a distant memory, replaced by vibrant greens. Juanxiu knew that it was all thanks to the Acrimony Eradication Tree and the knowledge he had gained in the temple.

He understood that the land was already apt for cultivation. He remembered the seeds gifted to him by the tower, and decided to start with the Skyflower seeds.

Juanxiu's arms ached as he shoveled the earth, preparing the soil for the Skyflower seeds. He couldn't believe how weak he is. He wiped the sweat from his brow and took a moment to catch his breath before continuing.

Juanxiu was not a prodigy by any means. In fact, his physical body was fairly average, with a poor mana core and above average mental capacity. However, his physique was not particularly strong, and his body constitution was nothing special.

Despite these limitations, he was determined to do everything in his power to improve his abilities and become strong enough to protect his clan and their land. He knew that he would have to work hard and train diligently in order to achieve his goals, but he was up for the challenge. Now that he has the Tower of Primordial Era, nothing seems to be impossible.

Hao Tengyang, the old butler, noticed Juanxiu's struggles as he labored in the fields, his weak physique straining under the physical demands of tilling the land. Despite his own advanced age and weakened state, the former war hero was still a formidable figure, his muscled arms easily wielding the plow as he worked alongside Juanxiu.

"Allow me to assist you, young master," he said, his deep voice laced with concern. "It is my duty to serve and protect the family, and I will not stand idly by while you exhaust yourself in this manner."

Juanxiu was exhausted as he sat on the ground, panting heavily. Despite his best efforts, he had struggled to keep up with Hao Tengyang, the old butler, as they tilled the land. Tengyang, despite his own weakened state, was still more than capable of handling the physical demands of the task.

As Tengyang finished the last row, Juanxiu couldn't help but feel a sense of inadequacy. He knew that he needed to work on improving his own physical strength if he wanted to be able to contribute to the clan's efforts.

"Thank you, Tengyang," Juanxiu said between breaths. "I didn't realize how weak I still am."

Tengyang gave him a sympathetic look and patted him on the back. "Don't worry, young master," he said. "You have the chance to become a great cultivator. As compared to me, whose body is now weak due to the poison and only awais for his death. It just takes time and hard work."

Juanxiu nodded, determined to get stronger and do his part to help the clan. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was willing to put in the work to get there.

As Hao Tengyang wiped his sweat, he noticed the pouch of seeds in Juanxiu's hand. "What is that?" he asked, pointing to the pouch.

Juanxiu opened the pouch and showed the old butler the Skyflower seeds. "They were given to me by our ancestor who wants to help revive our clan."

Hao Tengyang's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the seeds. "These are Skyflower seeds," he said. "I've heard of their magical properties, but I've never seen them with my own eyes. They are said to have the ability to purify the air and bring peace to the mind "

Juanxiu nodded. "That's why I want to plant them here," he said. "It is also an important ingredient for an antidote. Perhaps, we can get rid of the poisons that have creeped into your vein. There's still a chance for you Tengyang."

Tengyang couldn't help but laugh at the realization that their fortunes were finally turning around.

"It seems that the god of fortune is finally smiling upon us," he said, looking towards his daughter who was bringing them water to quench their thirst. "With these seeds and your determination, I have no doubt that our future will be bright."

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