
I Saved the World of Dragon Ball

After a mistaken transmigration, the MC is dispatched to quell an unknown threat! What will happen?

OneShotMonk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Assignment (1)

"You want me to go into the Dragon Ball world?"

I stared dumbfoundedly at the white featureless humanoid sitting opposite me.

This scenario was so bizarre I had to hear it again.

"Y-Yeah, the situation on the ground is a bit difficult at the moment"

Despite having no mouth, the Messenger coughed, shifting awkwardly in his seat before speaking out again.

"To make a long story short, we made a mistake," he declared.

"There was this poor soul who had known nothing but suffering his entire life, a real charity case, his suffering to the degree where standard procedure was waived"

"As we initially calculated though, his experiences had hardened his heart and made him resentful, wicked and cruel"

"The problem on the ground is that the Dragon Ball universe has higher order scaling, the existing canon making it possible for him to attain a level of strength were multiple parallel realities and universes could be destroyed or worse"

I sighed gently, nodding my head.

"And that's where I come in"

"Someone as well-adjusted and, quite frankly, normal as you wouldn't ordinarily be engaged in the transmigration process but among all humans, you're the perfect antidote to this situation," the Messenger concluded.

A small smile found my face.

According to the Messenger, the plane of existence I was currently in, was described as a "Lower Order Reality", synonymous with the dreams one could have or the stories that existed in the real world.

'This could potentially be an elaborate scheme devised by my brain to trick me into taking a dream about Dragon Ball more seriously'

This was the prevalent notion that clouded my focus.

'In any case, I'll play along, this should be fun'

Dragon Ball was probably the best fictional universe for a geek like me to be thrust into.

"So does all of this mean that the stories about people being transmigrated into various fictions are actually true?" I asked, playing along.

"Yes and perhaps that should give some insight as to why such stories are always of a certain quality and nature," the Messenger explained.

I snickered.

"If that's true then do I get a system or something?"

"Under regular circumstances, however, since the this is the Dragon Ball World and you are fairly knowledgeable about the universe, a singular wish would be more appropriate," the Messenger explained.

'A wish?'

I had already conducted this thought experiment before.

"I wish for my in-universe future self to meet with me as soon as I wake up," I said softly.

The Messenger chuckled softly.

"Very clever, that provision will be made"


"I know this all seems kind of insane but you'll get used to it fast"

"Kind of?"

I stared at my future self in complete awe, the sight of him sending shivers down my spine. The longer I looked at him the more intimidating he seemed to get, his current state several multiverses away from my meager form.

He was built like a warehouse, ten feet tall and two feet wide, every muscle group in his body developed to an unfathomable degree, making the steroid abusers I saw on social media look like twigs.

His general frame was in the league of Broly and Cumber, yet seeing him in person made me feel as though he was beyond them. Despite his trained, athletic form, his dark chocolate skin was smooth and without blemish, honestly shattering any idea of him being a warrior.

His hair was no longer the typical afro-style like mine, appearing to be the Saiyan-type silky black spikes that never lost shape or strength. Flickering behind his back, rather curiously was a Saiyan tail, the shape both long and thick.

He was clad in a more futuristic version of Goku-Black's outfit, sporting a tight jet-black undershirt with a dark grey robe with black pants and white trainers.

"I'm not allowed to give you any information about the this timeline or the future but I am allowed to speed up your preparation," Future Mikey said, bringing out a small pouch.

I collected it from him, pouring it into my hand and discovering a variety of beans and a pair of small capsules.

"These beans will allow you to build my current body, you need to consume them one by one and each one will give you a specific trait," he explained.

"The first one you need to eat is the pink bean, it'll transform you into a Majin"

I nodded in understanding, swallowing the pink bean confidently.

I furrowed my brows.

"I wasn't expect you to eat them straight away but I guess there's no reason not to"

Future Mikey quickly grabbed the beans from my hand as I gripped my neck, my blood vessels thickening before my muscles failed, my arms and legs growing limp.


Contrary to what I expected, I didn't hit the ground, my body liquefying into a brown puddle on ground.

The sensation was really strange, my senses cutting out for a split second before immediately coming back online, what I deduced to be my head emerging from the puddle and looking at Future Mikey's shoes.

'He's really massive from this angle'

I was honestly terrified, needing to tilt my head all the way back to see his face which was contorted in laughter, my future self wiping a tear from his eye.

"Just concentrate, Majin bodies are connected to your mind on a deeper level, if you focus, you can do whatever you want," he explained.

I took his advice, closing my eyes and concentrating.

'It worked?'

My body reformed under the weight of my concentration, my new form slightly more slim and sharp than before.

"I think you forgot something," Future Mikey said, looking at my lower half.

"Later," I responded shortly, triggering another fit of laughter.

"Dude, I'm literally you"

He shook his head, inhaling softly.

"Majins are just as broken as you remember, the important things to know is that you can heal from any attack that doesn't completely obliterate you, your body can instantly adapt to any kind of training and your Ki is obscured even to other Majins," Future Mikey narrated.

"At the very beginning, your ability to use magic via transmuting objects is heavily anchored to your emotions, a lot of training necessary to use magic at will," he added.

"Cool," I responded politely.

"Now eat this," he said, passing me a dark green bean.

I obeyed, my expression changing as veins began to sprout all over my dark chocolate form, throbbing with intensity.

"That bean gives you access to the Legendary Super Saiyan transformation as well as all the perks of peak Saiyan biology, exaggerated to the max of what a Majin body can handle"

I barely followed his words, my mind bracing as my form stretched, several feet added to my stature while my frame expanded, leaving me gasping for air.

"You're doing great, there's only a few more left," my future self said with a smirk, handing me a red bean.

I swallowed it, preparing for the worst.

"That bean gives you the Evolved Eyes of the Cerealians, letting you better see Ki both in people and in nature, also giving you the muscle memory to use your eyes effectively"

I verified his words in real-time as the depth of my vision grew rapidly, the clarity and quality of my sight growing quickly.


My whole body tensed as I suddenly gained awareness of Future Mikey's Ki. Although it was difficult to read, shifting every few moments, I could still tell it powerful, what intuitively felt like a dormant nuclear bomb standing in front of me.

I could also see the color, his Ki a hot pink that was hard to miss.

"The Kanassans have the ability to read minds, a rare strand of them able to see the future and honestly? It's not worth it so I'm not going to give you that ability," Future Mikey explained.

I shrugged.

'I know the future already'

"These beans gives you the optimal genetic codes for Arcosians and Namekians, you don't really need them but it's good to have anyway, the equivalent of absorbing a strong member of each race," he said, giving me purple and orange beans.

'Down the hatch'

My stomach rumbled loudly but aside from that, there was no visible difference to my body.

"This last bean gives you a thousand years worth of Martial Arts muscle memory, you'll still need to train your mind but your body will be more receptive," he concluded, giving me a white bean.

My body struggled again, my arms, core, legs and neck swelling up with muscles, making my appearance mirror my future self.

"You also have the muscle memory for techniques like Time Skip and Kaioken, creating Afterimages, utilizing Ultra Ego and Ultra Instinct but again, you still have to train your mind," he said softly.

I exhaled sharply, my new body finally finding equilibrium. 

Future Mikey then gave me two capsules, placing one in my left hand and one in my right hand.

"The right capsule has a copy of my current spaceship inside, it's powered by a Universe Seed and is pretty big so I suggest you don't open it indoors"

"The left capsule is just a copy of my current outfit, it's made of a fabric your ship hasn't synthesized yet and is really comfy"

I swallowed my surprise, barely keeping my composure as I opened the left capsule, black, grey and white cleaving onto my naked body and swirling around my form.

"I think that's everything? At this point you don't really need a Time Ring"

I nodded my head, quietly agreeing with his assessment, pretending to be unperturbed by the current situation.

He rubbed his beard, thinking deeply.

"The current year is Age 751," he added thoughtfully.

I nodded.

He then shrugged, apparently out of ideas.

"Uh-uhm, I'm not really allowed to talk to you too much or say anything non-objective in great depth, you'll be fine though, see ya," he said awkwardly, smiling before teleporting away.

I stared at the space that he stood in before, slightly baffled as I took in the atmosphere.

The Messenger had been polite enough to give me my own apartment in West City, a small but comfy spot that covered all my basic necessities.

Standing in it honestly felt so surreal, my mind finally getting its first chance to get its bearings.

'I can't let my guard drop too low'

I couldn't forget the fact that I was technically here on an assignment, not having the leisure to muck about too much. Instead, I had to be wary of another person from the real world, who likely knew Dragon Ball like the back of his hand as well.

'This should be fun though'

The opportunity to interact with the cast in the flesh was something I couldn't pass up and I also had the chance to perform everything I saw from the show and more the thought getting my excited already.

"Let's see what this world has to offer"