
I got Reincarnated in MHA with dough fruit

A office worker who liked to watching anime died from overworking got reincarnated in MHA

IMPOSTER3008 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Few Months Later

DAMIEN:well these these months i have been boring but i have began to talk you should

have seen my parents it was hilarious


Damien: Mama

MUM:o my little baby you've just said your first word


Then mom started Hyperventilating started running around getting a camera and she called my dad and came home from work and was really depressed that i didn't say his name first and trying getting me to

then mom came into the room and got pissed at dad and made him sleep on the couch for the rest of the night . i was giggling all l night thinking about it

FlashBack END/

i wonder when my ''QUIRK'' will awaken

[A/U quirk more like op cheat]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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