
I Do Multiverse Travel

I reincarnated but I reach the apex, I'm bored. I need more, not just physical prowess. I need more power; I want to do magic, so I gain a system. AN: The Mc was reincarnated in jormungand and married Valmet. My synopsis is bad just leave it and read my trashy story. Warning! bad grammar but understandable. I don't know if you can understand it but bear with it. Need help: can anyone give suggestions to improve my writing.

Npc_a · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

2. I want to travel in the multiverse.

The f**k was wrong with me today. Some weird screen pop-out of nowhere.


[Yes host]

This is suspicious how the fuck did this screen go in front of me unnoticed? Hmm... Let's just ask this guy. He might be an intelligent one and maybe can answer all my questions on what the f**k is happening right now.

-Hey system may I ask a question-

[Yes host]

-What is your purpose? And why do you appear out of nowhere?-

[The host has a strong desire to become strong and to release your boredom]

Hoh, so my childish complaints were answered how thoughtful. Maybe I can ask this thing why I was chosen.

-So why I was chosen out of many people?-

[No answer]

This thing is annoying. At least can you come up with a reasonable answer? Let's just change the question and ask the important one.

-Can you tell me what is your uses?-

[Okay host, I have the power to let you travel in the multiverse and in helping you to become stronger]

(AN: This system will not have a shop or quest. The only use of it is helping him so he can increase his mana capacity, if we are talking about mana (Example) and sort out his skillset. We know that there are many types of energy in the anime world. The system will help him to absorb all those energies without backlash and problem.)

So multiverse theory is right all along. If what he stated is true I can travel in some worlds which are only exclusive for the living things there, cool. But I don't want to separate from my wife. And I can't fully trust this thing. I'm gonna observe it for a while, why do I have to do this? Because it's suspicious; why do this thing appear out of nowhere if it's not suspicious?

-System can I bring someone with me and can you also tell its features-

[Yes host you can bring someone. The host has been given a status panel from the system to monitor the host health and power. And all features are accessible you can see them for yourself. You have to state the magic word "Status".]


[Helping System]

Name: Reivelt Florence Age: 25

Family: Valmet Florence



Title: The bored one, The one that achieves the peak in his world,

Health: 100/100 (healthy)

Mana/Prana: 0

Aura: 0

Qi/ki: 0





Master of assassination, gun mastery, soundless steps, high accuracy, short sword mastery, enhanced senses, martial arts, Deception.

Mail: (!) Click it to open


I am lost in words in awe. This system thingy is full of surprises. And this looks like a downgraded version of some sort of game status panel. In addition, this thing also records my skills. And why does this thing have some kind of mail? Let's just open it and see what is inside.


[The host is needed to choose a job class. And be sure to keep an eye on the mail host; because the system will only communicate with you in the mail in the future.]

The list:





Martial artist








Give some comments and suggestions to improve my writing skills.

Npc_acreators' thoughts