
I Do Multiverse Travel

I reincarnated but I reach the apex, I'm bored. I need more, not just physical prowess. I need more power; I want to do magic, so I gain a system. AN: The Mc was reincarnated in jormungand and married Valmet. My synopsis is bad just leave it and read my trashy story. Warning! bad grammar but understandable. I don't know if you can understand it but bear with it. Need help: can anyone give suggestions to improve my writing.

Npc_a · Anime & Comics
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3. Job class and wife

The list:





Martial artist


The list certainly looks game-based. But the main problem is what kind of job class do I choose?


10minutes have passed and I can't choose one. Let's just risk it and choose randomly, that's right random. My curiosity is overpowering me. Let's just face my regret if my decision is having a bad result in the future. I will from learn this mistake to not choose randomly: and learn before running into risky actions.

*Click (Random button)*


I will certainly regret this! Why the f**k did this become gacha! What am I saying? Why do I feel chills in this spinning SFX Hopefully, the result will be good.

*Spinning stop*

[Congrats your job class will be Magic gunner/Mage Gunner]

"Not bad! Not bad! Not bad!"

I screamed in delight. While doing T-pose. But it looks like my scream is too loud my wife heard it.

*Using stairs*

Valmet POV

My husband suddenly screams that is too loud and sounds happy. Did something good happen that makes him shout like that? Maybe I'll just ask him. It's better to ask directly rather than finding it myself, it will only result in some misunderstanding if I will find it out myself. Ahhh... My husband is happy today, I know where this is going. I can't sleep tonight.

*Using stairs*

I was going down the stairs nervously. Who can blame me my husband will ravage me tonight; I'm sure of it. As I proceed to go down I saw my husband doing some weird T-pose. "Husband, what is happening? Why did you scream suddenly? And why do you seem to be in good mood did something good happen?". He simply stares at me for a while and suddenly talks about something unreal. "Ahh... There is something called system appears out of nowhere and told me that it can help me travel in other multiverses".

He explained that some weird thing attaches to him and he didn't notice it until it shows some game-like interface. It also has some abilities that can help him travel through the multiverse. He said to me that he planned to leave this universe with me: and of course, we spend the entire night.



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[Helping System]

Name: Reivelt Florence Age: 25

Family: Valmet Florence

Class: Magic gunner/ mage gunner


Title: The bored one, The one that obtains the peak in his world, a System user.

Health: 100/100 (healthy)

Mana/Prana: 0

Aura: 0

Qi/ki: 0


Master of assassination, gun mastery, soundless steps, high accuracy, short sword mastery, enhanced senses, martial arts, Deception.

New: airwalk, blink, focus, farsight, focus, buyback, fly, cloud walk, clairvoyance, ???.

Magic(locked): Gun Magic, Enchantment

Mail: (!) =

Mail content spoiler:

 [The host needed to acquire mana to use magic, solution: the host is required to travel in another universe and absorb mana.]












New skills acquired:


Blink – user can teleport in a short distance. (No cooldown, Doesn't use external/internal energy for usage)

Focus/concentrate – you can focus and become steady

High intellect – You will become an intelligent individual but don't blame this skill if you suddenly do something stupid over emotional impulse; it means you just have low EQ (Emotional quotient)

Buyback - You can sacrifice half of your fortune to revive yourself. Conditions: you can only use it if you're killed while you notice it. This skill can still be used if the user is short on money. This skill will also return the host to its prime. The user soul is guarded to avoid soul damaging attacks.

Fly - can fly: only uses mana if you want to apply a shield while using this skill to fight the air pressure.

Cloud walk - help you to glide in the air or staying in a short period of time.

Clairvoyance - see the future for a period of time


Farsight - can see in long distance.


New magic acquired: "Gun magic"

Gun magic:

Magic gun summoning

Magic bullet creation

New magic acquired: "Enchantment"


can enchant things.




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