
I Do Multiverse Travel

I reincarnated but I reach the apex, I'm bored. I need more, not just physical prowess. I need more power; I want to do magic, so I gain a system. AN: The Mc was reincarnated in jormungand and married Valmet. My synopsis is bad just leave it and read my trashy story. Warning! bad grammar but understandable. I don't know if you can understand it but bear with it. Need help: can anyone give suggestions to improve my writing.

Npc_a · Anime & Comics
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1.      I reincarnated but I don’t remember my past life

In a big establishment, there is someone that has been doing his internal monologue. He looked cute. He has many female aspects but it only gives more charm to his looks; especially his tattoo on his face down to his neck. And he has been monologing about something.

(Mc looks)

It's been a while when I was reincarnated in this world. Seriously I didn't think I was raised in an assassin maker orphanage. Nevertheless, I become to know and build my own business. It may appear a simple security company but it is designed for high-risk projects like assassination, gun dealerships. And you may wonder why I didn't add a drug dealership that is I hate drugs. I don't have all my past life memory. I just know I was reincarnated I can't even remember my old family.

(AN: I was wondering why the fuck that some of the fanfics that have assassin  MC's gets betrayed, die and reincarnate)

*Doorknock SFX*

"Reivelt-sama, Koko-sama wants us to assassinate someone"

Ahh... I forgot to introduce myself I am  Reivelt Florence by the way. And the one the knock on the door is my wife. Do you think I'm some dense virgin complaining protagonist hell no. By the way my wife's name is Sofia Velmer (Valmet Jormungand). I just meet her when I was having a deal with this someone named Koko. I kinda like her, but man it's hard to have her hand in marriage but determinations mean success. Having a cool looking and beautiful wife is my kink so don't judge me. But my wife is too attach with Koko and this attachment of her made my pursue of her hard.

(AN: I don't want to write a chapter that had MC courting Valmet. This Fanfic just focuses on fighting and power couple. And no harem.)

"Ohh... Koko has become too obsessed with her Jormungand project"

She is only silent. I know that she respects and loves Koko very much. (Not sexually)

"Let's go. You know I owe Koko for giving me a wife"

She only blushes while looking away. Man, seeing a strong and dangerous woman blushes like that turns me on.

As you can see I liked a strong woman like her. And then taming them. As I discovered that a woman with a lifestyle like her; the probability of them being yandere is high.

Time skip - mansion

(AN: The missions irrelevant  to the story.)

The mission is too easy I already have all: wealth, power, and of course a loving wife. But

I'm tired of this world. No one can give me fun except for my wife. I want something that is giving me an adrenaline rush, a life or death situation.

I am too strong for this world. My overall skills are inhumane and outside of the norms. The canon fodders cannot give me the pleasure of having to fight against where you need to give your all just to win. I want more power. Physical strength, magic, all of it. I want it. It might be a childish dream of me but having magic is the wish of the masses. Who doesn't want to have magic you might be stupid.









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