
I Became the Weakest Demon Prince!

[Welcome, chosen ones, to the world of Aurelia!] The system's voice echoed in the vast white space. [Your mission is to save this world from the demon threat!] My classmates and I found ourselves transported into our favorite fantasy novel. Each of us was given skills and classes to help protect humanity. We received blue panels, symbolizing our mission to eliminate the demons. But my panel glowed blood-red. [Your mission: Annihilate all the races and conquer the world.] Reborn as Azazel, the weakest prince of the demon royal family, I am scorned for my incomplete runes and weak aura. “This can't be real...” I whispered to myself, staring at my reflection. “How am I supposed to conquer the world like this?” Armed with my knowledge of the novel’s plot and driven by a hidden potential, I must navigate the treacherous politics of the demon court, outwit my powerful siblings, and fulfill my dark mission. Caught between my past life as a human and my new identity as a demon prince, I face a journey filled with peril and moral dilemmas. Can I rewrite my destiny, or will I succumb to the darkness within?

Ascendent · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Awakening

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on a hard, uneven surface. The room was dimly lit, with a single flickering candle casting long shadows on the rough wooden walls. A small window with tattered curtains allowed a sliver of moonlight to filter in, adding to the eerie atmosphere. The air was damp and smelled of mildew, making me shiver involuntarily.

Where am I?

My heart raced as I tried to push myself up. A rush of memories and knowledge flooded my mind. Pain seared through my head, forcing me to clutch it in agony.

Yep, not the best way to wake up.

Gradually, the pain subsided, leaving behind fragments of a new language and information about a strange, new world. I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. The room was sparse, with only a wooden bed, a rickety table, and a single chair. It was far from the grand castle I had expected.

What happened to me?

I looked down at my hands, now pale and marked with intricate runes. My eyes caught the faint glow of the runes on my arms. Touching my head, I felt small horns barely protruding through my hair.

I'm not just Noah anymore... I'm Azazel? Seriously?

The realization hit me hard. I don't remember any character named Azazel. Who is Azazel? I questioned myself, my mind racing to piece together the information.

I stood up and walked over to a small mirror on the wall. My reflection stared back at me: midnight black hair, striking crimson eyes with slit pupils, pale alabaster skin, and slightly pointed ears. I looked every bit the part of a demon prince, but I felt anything but powerful.

My eyes widened in shock. "Why am I a demon?!" I whispered, my voice trembling.

Panic set in as I touched my small horns again, feeling their rough texture. My breath quickened, and I felt a tightness in my chest.

This can't be happening. This can't be real. Someone wake me up, please.

I remembered the hostile eyes of my classmates, the fear and suspicion directed at me. My heart pounded as I recalled Jason's furious voice echoing through the void. The memory of those hostile eyes and the fear of what lay ahead caused my anxiety to spike.

Why is this happening to me? My thoughts raced, the overwhelming reality crashing down on me.

I don't want this... I never asked for this...

My heartbeat thundered in my ears, drowning out the chaos around me. The room seemed to tilt, and my vision began to blur at the edges. I took deep, shaky breaths, trying to calm myself.

Okay, Noah... or Azazel, or whatever... just breathe. Focus. You need to figure this out.

I forced myself to steady my breathing, gradually feeling a sense of control returning.

I looked back at the mirror, my reflection looking back with a mix of fear and determination.

"I need to stay calm." I whispered to myself, my voice shaky but resolute.

As I sat on the chair, memories of the earlier events flashed through my mind. The blinding light, the robotic voice, the hostile stares of my classmates... Why does this all feel like a nightmare? I clutched my head, trying to make sense of it all.

These runes... I examined the intricate patterns on my arms. Why do they seem familiar...

I squinted at my reflection, piecing together fragments of knowledge. Wait a sec... I've seen these runes on the Demon King and his descendants. My heart skipped a beat.

The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, my breath catching in my throat. "What the hell? I'm... a demon prince?" I whispered, astonishment and disbelief mingling in my voice.

This can't be right... How did this happen? What the hell is going on? I stared at the runes, my mind racing.

This has to be some kind of mistake. There's no way...

My thoughts spiraled, but I knew I needed answers. I need to figure this out. If I'm really a demon prince, what does that mean for me?

I took a deep breath and decided to examine myself more thoroughly. I unbuttoned my shirt and let it fall to the ground, revealing more intricate runes etched into my pale skin. They spiraled around my chest and down my back, glowing faintly in the dim light.

I turned to the mirror, my breath catching as I saw the full extent of the markings.

"These runes... they're everywhere." I murmured, tracing the patterns with my fingertips.

What do they mean?

As I turned to examine my back, the reflection showed runes that seemed to pulse with a life of their own.

"This is... incredible." I whispered, awe and fear mingling in my voice.

Why do these runes cover my body?

The realization that these markings were not just on my arms but all over my torso struck me hard.

This isn't just a small change... my entire body is marked by these runes. I felt a mix of fear and fascination.

My heart raced as I touched the runes on my chest, feeling a slight warmth emanating from them.

I need to understand what these runes mean. They must be important.

I quickly put my shirt back on, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

If these runes are part of my identity as a demon prince, I need to learn how to use them.

I decided to open the mystery box I had received. As I focused on the thought, a blood-red box materialized before me, pulsating with a dark, ominous energy.

"Alright, here goes nothing." I said, my hand trembling slightly as I reached for the box. I opened it, bracing myself for whatever lay inside.

The contents of the box glowed briefly before revealing my profile. I stared at the information of my profile:


Name: Azazel (Noah)

Race: Demon

Class: Demon Prince (D) (can be evolved)

Skills: Night Vision (C), Enhanced Agility (D), Basic Fireball (D), Stealth (C), Demonic Regeneration (D), Shadow Manipulation (S) (Locked), Inferno Blast (A) (Locked) ..


My eyes lingered on the list of skills. "Woah, that's a lot of skills." I murmured to myself, feeling a mix of excitement and confusion.

But most of them are locked...

My gaze drifted over the skills list. Shadow Manipulation... Inferno Blast...These are some high-tier abilities, I thought, biting my lip. But why are they locked?

I scanned down to my class rank and frowned. "Demon Prince, but only D rank?" I muttered. "Wait, it says 'can be evolved'... Does that mean I can increase the rank of my class?"

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of it all. It's extremely rare to see classes that can evolve into higher ranks. If I can unlock my potential... My heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination. This might actually be an opportunity.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. I need to figure out where I am and what's going on.

I started to recall my new memories.

Azazel... I'm the third Demon Prince, the youngest, I thought. I'm 16 years old, and compared to my siblings, I'm a disgrace. Born with weak abilities and a fragile body, I was exiled to this demon town on the edge of the demon land.

I glanced around the small, dimly lit room, trying to piece together my new identity. No one knows my real identity except my family. And even if they did, they wouldn't believe me. The Demon Prince and Princess are S-rank demons... and I'm just a D-rank.

A sense of bitterness and sadness washed over me. Why did this have to happen to me? I've always been the weak one... the one left behind.

I recalled the details from the novel. "The Demon Prince and Princess were S-rank demons at the beginning of the story," I whispered to myself.

"And by the end, they had reached SSS rank, becoming some of the strongest characters in the entire novel."

I clenched my fists, feeling the weight of my new reality.

They started strong and became even stronger, while I'm stuck here as a D-rank. I felt a surge of frustration. But if my class can evolve... maybe I have a chance to change that.

As I paced the room, trying to piece together my new life, I thought, Exiled to a town on the edge of the demon realm... no one knows who I really am. I sighed, running a hand through my midnight black hair. This is my chance to start over, to become something more.

I looked back at my reflection, my crimson eyes glowing faintly in the dim light.

"I need to find a way to unlock my potential and prove myself. No matter what it takes."