
I Became the Weakest Demon Prince!

[Welcome, chosen ones, to the world of Aurelia!] The system's voice echoed in the vast white space. [Your mission is to save this world from the demon threat!] My classmates and I found ourselves transported into our favorite fantasy novel. Each of us was given skills and classes to help protect humanity. We received blue panels, symbolizing our mission to eliminate the demons. But my panel glowed blood-red. [Your mission: Annihilate all the races and conquer the world.] Reborn as Azazel, the weakest prince of the demon royal family, I am scorned for my incomplete runes and weak aura. “This can't be real...” I whispered to myself, staring at my reflection. “How am I supposed to conquer the world like this?” Armed with my knowledge of the novel’s plot and driven by a hidden potential, I must navigate the treacherous politics of the demon court, outwit my powerful siblings, and fulfill my dark mission. Caught between my past life as a human and my new identity as a demon prince, I face a journey filled with peril and moral dilemmas. Can I rewrite my destiny, or will I succumb to the darkness within?

Ascendent · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Ordinary Day

The school day began like any other, with me trudging through the crowded hallways, clutching my books and avoiding eye contact. My black hair fell over my forehead, partially obscuring a pair of glasses that rested on my nose.

Standing at an average height with a lean, almost frail frame, my dark eyes seemed perpetually tired behind the lenses, giving me a studious yet weary appearance.

I was your ordinary high school student. I loved fantasy novels and video games—probably a bit too much—but other than that, I was pretty unremarkable. My timid nature and quiet demeanor made me an easy target for bullies. I often felt like an outcast, save for my one true friend, Adam.

Ah, Adam. With his short brown hair and muscular build, he was the complete opposite of me. Friendly, well-liked by most, and fiercely protective of me.

My last class was history. Fascinating subject, right? Well, I found it both fascinating and tedious. I entered the classroom and sat in my usual spot near the back, doodling in my notebook as the teacher droned on about ancient civilizations.

My mind, however, was far away, wandering to the latest novel I was reading. It was a gripping fantasy epic about heroes, demons, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.

How nice would it be if I had these epic powers...

Tap! Tap! A table knock was heard.

"Huh?" I opened my eyes and raised my head.

I saw my teacher standing right in front of my desk, looking at me with a mix of impatience and curiosity, one hand resting firmly on the table.

"Noah, are you dozing off in class? I asked you a question." the teacher said impatiently.

I hurriedly stood up and bowed my head. "Sorry, ma'am. I won't repeat this!"

The teacher sighed, massaging her temples. "That's alright. No need to apologize. You can sit." she said while walking back toward the whiteboard.

This child is too timid, she sighed internally.

I slouched in my seat, barely keeping my eyes open.

I really should pay attention in class, I thought while glancing at the professor droning on about a statue.

But seriously, all this stuff feels so superficial. Why does everything feel so pointless? I wondered, frustration bubbling up. It's like I'm just drifting through life without a purpose.

I straightened my back and started paying attention in class, though my mind was still clouded with thoughts of fantasy and escape.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the final class. I packed my bag and stood up.

"Hey Noah, got caught daydreaming?" Adam asked, grinning as he approached.

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. "Yeah, you know me. Always drifting off."

Adam chuckled. "One day, man, one day you'll get through a whole class without zoning out. So, what's the plan for the rest of the day?"

I shrugged. "Probably just head home and read."

"Of course you do," Adam said with a laugh. "You're always buried in those books. Maybe you should try living out here in the real world a bit more."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Says the guy who spent the entire lunch period trying to beat his high score in that new game."

"Touché." Adam admitted, raising his hands in mock surrender. "But seriously, you should hang out more. We're going to the arcade later. Wanna come?"

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, why not? It might be fun."

Adam clapped me on the back. "That's the spirit! Meet us there at six."

As we exited our classroom, we were joined by Sarah, who had long, wavy chestnut hair and green eyes that always seemed kind.

She fell into step beside me, her presence comforting.

"So, Noah, what's this new book you're reading about?" asked Sarah.

"It's about a world where humans and other races are locked in an eternal struggle against demons. The main character is a bit of an anti-hero, trying to find his place in all the chaos." I explained, my eyes lighting up as I talked about it.

"Sounds intense." Sarah said, nodding appreciatively. "You always find the most interesting books."

"Yeah, and then he zones out in class thinking about them." Adam teased, earning a laugh from the group.

But the laughter was short-lived.

A group of boys from my class, led by Jason, a tall, broad-shouldered bully with cropped blonde hair and a perpetual sneer, blocked our path. Jason smirked, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"Look who it is, the bookworm." Jason sneered. "Lost in your fantasy world with dragons and silly magic again, Noah?"

My heart raced, but I tried to stay calm. "Just talking about a book, Jason. Nothing more."

Jason's smirk widened. "A book? How fascinating. Maybe you should try living in the real world for a change."

Adam stepped forward, his expression hardening. "Back off, Jason. We're not looking for trouble."

Jason raised his hands in mock surrender. "Relax, Adam. We're just having a bit of fun."

Fun, huh? I knew Jason's idea of fun all too well. Before I could react, Jason shoved me, causing me to stumble and drop my spectacles. The hall filled with laughter as I scrambled to find my glasses, my face burning with humiliation.

Why do they always have to pick on me? I thought angrily, my frustration mounting.

What did I ever do to them?!

"That's enough!" Adam snapped, helping me pick up my glasses. "Let's go, Noah."

I could feel the stares and hear the whispers. I clutched my backpack a little tighter, anticipation and anxiety swirling in my mind.

Just when we continued down the hallway, the sky outside suddenly darkened, casting eerie shadows through the windows. A low rumble echoed through the school, causing the ground to tremble.

"What's happening?" I asked, my voice tinged with fear.

"I don't know," Adam replied, his eyes scanning the hallway for any sign of danger.

Suddenly, a blinding light filled the hallway, enveloping me, Adam, Sarah, Jason, and about twenty other students.

The light grew brighter and brighter until everything around us disappeared.

When the light faded, we found ourselves standing in a vast, white expanse. Confusion and panic set in as we looked around, trying to make sense of our new surroundings.

"What the hell is going on?" Jason shouted, his usual bravado replaced with fear.

Before anyone could answer, a robotic voice echoed through the void.

[Welcome, chosen ones, to the world of Aurelia. Your mission is to save this world from the demon threat.]

My heart raced as I realized this sounded eerily familiar.

This is...

The students began to murmur amongst themselves, their voices a mix of confusion and fear.

"What's happening?" Sarah whispered, clutching my arm.

"I don't know." I replied, my voice shaky. "But it's like something out of a story."

Jason turned his head and shot a glare at me. "What do you mean? Do you know something about this?"

I hesitated. "It's just... it sounds like a novel I read."

Jason stepped closer, grabbing me by the collar. "Spill it, nerd! What do you know?!"

Adam quickly intervened, pulling Jason away. "Back off, Jason! This isn't Noah's fault."

Jason sneered but let go. "I don't trust him. He knows something."

The robotic voice continued, ignoring the commotion.

[To open your system panel, simply say "Open System Panel" or think about opening it. Once activated, you will be able to see your mission in the panel.]

The students looked around at each other, unsure of what to do next. Slowly, one by one, they began to say the command. As each student did so, a glowing blue panel appeared before them, displaying a message and a series of options.

I hesitated, then said, "Alright, let's see what this is about. Open System Panel."

A panel materialized before me, glowing an ominous blood-red.


[Your mission: Annihilate all the races and conquer the world.]

[Rewards for clearing the mission: ???]


My eyes widened in shock.

What the hell? This isn't part of the story I know...

Sarah leaned in, concerned. "Noah, are you okay? You look pale."

"I'm... I'm fine," I lied, my voice trembling.

The robotic voice continued, indifferent to our reactions.

[In this world, there are many classes and skills available to you. As newcomers, you will each receive a free mystery box that contains your initial class and skill.]

[These boxes are graded from F to SSS and can contain both combat and non-combat abilities. The grade of your class and skill will depend on your luck or what the system deems suitable for you. You will retain your current facial appearance, but there may be a few modifications to your physical body based on your class and potential mutations.]

The tension grew as the voice outlined the rules.

I could feel the hostility from my classmates, their eyes filled with suspicion and fear.

Adam stepped forward, trying to calm the situation. "Let's just focus on what the system is saying. Panicking won't help."

Sarah nodded, supporting Adam. "We need to stick together and figure this out."

Jason, however, was not convinced. "We're not done here, Noah. If you're hiding something, we'll find out."

I felt the weight of their gazes and the pressure mounting. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

One student, a girl with glasses, screamed, "What the hell is this?"

Another boy began to panic, "Are we stuck here? What's going on?"

The air was filled with shouts and murmurs as the students tried to make sense of the situation.

"Noah, what's your panel saying?" Adam asked, concern etched on his face.

"It's... different." I admitted, hesitating. "It's red. I don't know why. It says my mission is to annihilate all the races and conquer the world."

Sarah's eyes widened. "That's... not what mine says at all. Mine says I need to protect the world from demons."

"Same here." another student stepped forward, showing their panel. "I have to defend against the demon threat too."

"Me too." added another, nodding vigorously.

"Yeah, mine's the same as Sarah's." a fifth student confirmed, raising their hand. "We're here to stop the demons."

"It's unanimous." said yet another voice from the back of the room. "We're all tasked with defending this world."

Jason pushed his way forward, grabbing me by the collar. "What did you just say? Annihilate all the races? Are you serious?"

I nodded, fear creeping into my voice. "Yeah, that's what it says. I don't understand it either. I don't remember seeing any of this in the story."

Badum! Badum!

My heartbeat thundered in my ears, drowning out the chaos around me. The room seemed to tilt, and my vision began to blur at the edges.

"So you're saying you're our enemy?" a student shouted from the crowd, their voice laced with fear and anger.

"No, that's not what I'm saying!" I protested, my voice shaking. "I don't want to hurt anyone!"

"How can we trust you?" another student yelled.

"Your mission is the complete opposite of ours!"

Why is this happening to me?

My thoughts raced, my breath quickening.

I don't want this...

"Noah's our friend. He wouldn't betray us." Adam said firmly, stepping in front of me to protect me.

Jason's grip tightened, his face a mask of rage. "This isn't some game, Noah. If you're planning to betray us, we'll stop you before you get the chance!"

"Back off, Jason!" Sarah shouted, stepping in. "We need to figure this out together. Fighting among ourselves won't help."

"Easy for you to say." Jason retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Your mission isn't to wipe out everyone else!"

The other students watched the exchange with a mix of fear and hostility, their eyes on me. The tension in the air was palpable, everyone on edge.

A girl from the back, trembling, said, "We need to stay calm and think. Maybe there's a reason why Noah's mission is different."

"Or maybe he's just lying to us." another student countered. "How do we know he's telling the truth?"

This can't be real...

My vision swam as Jason's words echoed in my mind.

"Why would I lie about something like this?" I pleaded, my voice shaking. "I'm just as scared and confused as you are!"

Adam placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me. "We'll figure this out, Noah. We just need to stay calm and work together."

The robotic voice suddenly interrupted, indifferent to the rising tension.

[You will now be transported to your respective locations. Remember, your mission is crucial to the survival or conquest of Aurelia. Good luck, chosen ones.]

The light began to envelop us once more, the tension reaching a breaking point.

"Wait!" Jason shouted, but it was too late.

The light grew blinding, and I felt my body being pulled in different directions. The sensation was disorienting, and I closed my eyes, trying to steady myself.

This can't be happening...

The last thing I heard was Jason's furious voice echoing through the void.

"This isn't over, Noah!"