
Chapter 51

"Alright, form the seal of confrontation." Iruka said, which we complied. As always, the gloomy brat before me had his hands in his pockets, not even thinking of taking me seriously.

"You'll be in a world of hurt if you don't take this spar seriously, gloom-king. Well, you will still be in a world of hurt even if you did so I guess it does not really matter." Naruto and Hinata both shook their heads, wondering what I was up to.

The young Uchiha frowned at being called that, before he began slowly making his way towards me. He had been antagonized by the annoying girl ever since she got back. Calling him names and stuff, and it was beginning to piss him off so he decided he was going to teach her a lesson.

I rolled my eyes at him and emulated him, putting my hands in my pockets and scowled. It seemed to get to him as he clenched his teeth and run towards me. He was fast for an academy student. No doubt he had practiced long and hard since the massacre.

He threw a punch to my stomach, probably wanting to end this farce early. I easily caught his punch with a smile. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. And here I thought you were all that with your cool self." The grab was iron tight and tried as he did, he was unable to pull back his arm. He quickly sent a kick to my head, but I merely took a step back, pulling him along which made him fall in an awkward pose; Butt in the air.

Picking himself up, he looked up at me and saw me shaking my head in disappointment. His anger was building, evident from the angry deathly glares he was giving me. "How about this, I won't attack, I will give you ten strikes. I will only strike after every ten of you attacks. If you can land a single hit, then this spar is you win."

Ok, this might seem like bullying a twelve-year-old but it really isn't. I am also twelve after all. Don't bully folks, bullying is bad.

Sasuke charged at me once more, throwing a punch towards my face, again, dodged by stepping back, "One." Saying that seemed to agitate him the more as he upped the speed and began to throw all types of attacks at me. Kicks, punches, elbows and knees, I only evaded each and every one of them. I did not even need to rely on autopilot.

"Eight, nine, ten." I barely moved out of the way of his kick, then I moved closer, bringing his body closer to mine, then I punched his stomach, folding him in half before jumping back as he fell on the ground coughing. "Not bad at all actually. You have potential but you still have a long way to go if you want to reach your brother." What? It is all part of my plan. Ok? My long-term plan, ok.

Although in pain, my statement forced him to jerk his head towards me. I could see and practically feel the rage and hatred radiating off him. His glare turned deadly with a desire to kill. "How do you know my brother? What do you know? What do you know, huh?!" He screamed at me before pulling out a kunai from nowhere and charging at me. I thought academy students were not allowed kunais. His reckless abandon made me shake my head. He may play it cool but he was just a brat after all.

Just as he was about to reach me, a hand came out from the ground and grabbed his foot before pulling him into the ground, with his head sticking out. 'Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu (Double Suicidal Decapitation Technique). I had an earth clone underground prepared. That was what pulled the Uchiha down under.

The entire class became quite before the fangirls began screaming and hurling insults at me. I glared at them slightly which frightened them into a rather murmuring insult mode. Iruka intended to run towards up to intervene but stopped when I raised my hand and shook my head.

I walked towards him and sat cross-legged before him. His head trembling with rage. His eyes, venomous with hatred. "What do you know?! You know nothing!" He continued to glare, wanting nothing more than to vent the overflowing emotion he was feeling.

"I know everything, Sasuke. Not just everything; I know the actual truth. You can be a brat, with a shallow mind clouded by rage, or you can throw a tantrum. The fact that I mentioned his name should tell you I do know something." He continued to stare but I could see his trembling subside, forcing himself to calm down.

'Oh? Not bad at all.' My words were mostly loud enough for only him to hear.

"Not just your brother, I know the real truth about the entire Uchiha clan, so how about this; Since you did not pass my test, I will give you another. If you are ever able to land a clean hit on me, I will answer any of your questions. I can tell you the real truth about Uchiha Itachi."

I stood up and dusted my clothes and pulled out my protector, hanging on my neck in full view for all to see. It was mainly for Sasuke to see the difference between us before walking towards Naruto. "I hope you won't disappoint me, Uchiha Sasuke." I really hope he grows up quick so I could have my fun.

'Ah, I absolutely understand how Hisoka feels now.' Is that a bad thing?

"See you later for ramen, Naruto, Hinata. Today was fun."

"Sure, you have some explaining to do too." I chuckled before thanking and apologizing to Iruka before I disappeared from their sights with flicker. After I left, there was a burst of noise from the crowd with differing expressions. Iruka helped Sasuke out from the pit, who clenched his fists before leaving.

One other person this affected was Ino. For one, she understood and believed her friend no longer having interest in Sasuke with what she just saw. More important was she could no longer see the friend she constantly fought over Sasuke with. 'What happened to her?'

The pineapple hair shaped genius of the future Ino-Shika-Cho group, Nara Shikamaru had a slight frown on his face before sighing. He knew things were about to get troublesome.

Leaving the academy, I did not really know why but for some reason I was feeling good. I went home and put on my Anbu gear and made my way to the hokage office. I suddenly appeared in the window and greeted the old man who was swamped with paperwork, occasionally cursing under his breath.

"Yo, Jiji" The old man was startled by the sudden intrusion and began coughing on the smoke.

"Sakura, enter through the door normally, you are going to give an old man a heart attack." Hitting his chest a few times to sooth his cough, he spoken with tears at the rim of his eyes

"Haha. Sorry, sorry. So old man. How about I get a simple mission. One I can return from in about a week or so?" I climbed down from the window and stood in front of him. I pulled my mask to the side of my face and waited for his response.

Lighting his pipe once more, he puffed out before nodding. He took out a bingo book from his robes and opened it, motioning for me to pay attention. "This one. Haruki. S rank criminal." He said as he opened to a page, before setting it on the table. Seeing that made me raise an eyebrow.