
Chapter 50

[Sorry i had been gone a while. Seemed i had pushed myself a little to much and broke down the body. Woke up last night and saw all your messages. I am really happy you guys are enjoying the novel. (woke up to terrible reviews as well but still). Anyways, i am back and resuming releases. Enjoy the chapter. P.atreon chapters are around 63 if you want to read ahead]

The next day I went to see the Third Hokage with the mask I intended to use. The Anbu registration went off without any problems. I received my Anbu wear as well as my Tattoo on my left arm. My mask, which I had been dying to have for so long was, of course, you guessed it, Ichigo's visord hollow mask. It was a simple white mask with red stripes at each side with grinning teeth and eerie yellow slightly glowing eyes. (https://www.deviantart.com/chev327fox/art/Ichigo-s-Visord-Hollow-Mask-199888192). The Third was pleased and intended for me to go on my first mission right after the graduation. After talking with him a bit I left for the academy. I wanted to have a look at the main characters.

I was already late because of where I needed to be first but I did not really care. I hid the forehead protector and entered the class. Surprisingly there was no one at the podium teaching, but the whole class was present. Well, the main cast that I knew of anyway.

The whole class was surprised by my sudden entrance. Why wouldn't they be; I suddenly left and had been gone an entire year without saying anything to them.

"Sakura! Where have you been? OH, you look so different. You cut your hair shorter? You still look ugly." A fair skinned blonde hear girl rushed towards me and stood in front of me. The future third member of Ino-Shika-Cho group, Yamanaka Ino. I was surprised. Weren't these two no longer friends because of Sasuke? More accurately, Sakura ended the friendship because Ino liked Sasuke as well. *Sigh*.

Won't lie; The ugly part kind of got to me. "Yo, Ino. I missed you. Sorry I couldn't tell you before leaving. It was quite urgent." I smiled at her which seemed to surprise her.

"Now that you are here, don't even think about getting close to my Sasuke-kun." She warned which made me chuckle.

"Don't worry Ino, I no longer have any interests. You can have him. I just hope to have my friend back." My words made her widen her eyes and mouth. Suddenly she began to slightly tear up a little at the rim of her eyes. Just as she was about to speak, she froze in her tracks and quickly wiped those tears away.

"Ah, you have gotten good. This is another of your plots to get me to let my guard down so you can snatch Sasuke-kun, huh! Well it won't work!" With a humph, she walked away.

'Aah, you are just as hardheaded as the old Sakura.' I shook my head before lifting my head to see Naruto smiling and waving for me to join them at the back. Apparently, he had saved me a seat. By his side was his Hyuga girlfriend. I was definitely in for another wave of killing intent from the white-eyed princess.

I smiled and made my way toward him before I felt something pass through me that made me slump, "I want to be a flea." I mumbled to myself before snapping out of it. "This ability, the Horo Horo no mi? Ghost Princess Perona?" Was I really in an AU? I quickly turned to the side, the source, to have a look at her, but all I saw was a dark-haired boy with a heavy scowl and an even heavier aura. Uchiha Sasuke.

"Fuck! Such a terrible gloomy aura. I actually thought you were someone else for a minute there." I yelled at him which made him frown hard.

"What is your problem!?" He was getting annoyed. The annoying girl that kept pestering him was back, and like always he was just going to ignore her, but who would have thought she would curse at him.

"My problem, gloom-king, is your gloomy aura actually affected me. Damn, this place needs to be quarantined." He balled his hands into a fist, holding himself back from punching me.

"Damn, that snuck up on me." I shook my head and left while the ladies in class kept screaming and yelling to leave their Sasuke alone. I could always antagonize him more some other time but that gloom was dangerous. I was hoping to change the whole Naruto chasing Sasuke to bring him back to see how things would turn out. Would he consider him just another mission if he was assigned to bring him back? Was itching to find out.

Sitting at the back of the class I got a good look at everyone. I finally got a good look at the main cast. Looking at them, I did not really feel as 'squeely' as I thought I would. What interested me though were the civilians in the class. Most seemed to have their noses in the air, an air of arrogance about them. That made me raise my brows a bit.

The civilians seem to be puffing out their chests lately. I was reminded of the civilian that kept yelling at me in the cave we rescued Aoi and Kouki, and when I was taking out the clan on my first mission. They kept yelling something about being the true royal clans.

'Liberation, huh? So far, even after digging around for so long I have yet to uncover anything concrete on them. I should try and liaise with Jiraiya when I meet him. As a master at information gathering, he should definitely have something. This Liberation group looks fun to take on.' I could not help but get excited. Either way, it looked like they had given most of the civilians quite the confidence.

The day went on exactly as I thought it would; boring. Too much brainwashing and very little to do with being an actual ninja. It made sense. The basics was drilled into them and the rest of the time was used for subtle brainwashing.

'It is best I take the old man's mission for the next few days before returning for the scroll. This place is definitely not for me.' Having made my decision, it was already time for class sparing.

Iruka stood by the side and began calling names in pairs. I walked to Iruka and asked him to pair me up with Sasuke. It was time to start pushing things. He looked at me, thinking for a bit. At first, he intended to disagree, assuming it to be me trying to get Sasuke's attention as always. But I showed him a peak of my Konoha headband before whispering to him. Looking at me with wide eyes, he finally nodded.

"Next match, Uchiha Sasuke vs Haruno Sakura." Sasuke with a bored expression, walked up. I made my way up as well with and innocent smile.