
I Am Tony Stark Now

Maybe I would be panicking if I woke up as Tony Stark when Thanos was snapping his fingers, but since I was reborn when Tony was 7 years old, I can only offer my condolences to Thanos and my future enemies. Oh, I forgot to mention, being rich, smart, handsome, and not being a jerk can do wonders in a polygamous relationship. Unfortunately, Tony Canon didn't know this. Author's note: Normally, I only write for myself, but I decided to post it and see the public's reaction. I won't start another book until I finish this one. As far as this fanfic is concerned, in the first few chapters I rushed a lot as a novice author, but I think that apart from being rushed, they weren't bad quality. I've slowed down a lot in the current chapters. And in chapter 13, get ready for the cringest thing you'll ever see. Seriously, according to my readers, you'd better poke your eyes out, read that particular line, and then put your eyes back in. In that line, you'd better tell your mother to be prepared to call an ambulance, because it could be your last day of life. But in case you survive, don't comment that it's cringe, because I get it. And by default: I'm forced to say I don't have copyright on Marvel stuff.

Tigr4 · Filmes
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55 Chs

Lost Memories

From now on, it will be one chapter per day, but as an incentive, here are the goals for extra chapters beyond the daily ones: 

300 power stones - 1 extra chapter. 

400 power stones - 1 extra chapter. 

Top 10 - 2 extra chapters. 

Top 5 - 3 extra chapters. 

Top 1 - 4 extra chapters.


Reward Achieved: 200 power stones - 1 extra chapter. 


"Look, my name is Tony Stark, and as long as you don't intend to harm the Earth, I'll let you go." I said seriously, looking into her eyes.

She stared into my eyes for a few seconds and finally nodded her head.

I began to release her as my nanobots returned to me, carrying tissue and blood samples from Carol hidden within them. Well, I wasn't going to tell her that I took them.

Carol got up and massaged her wrists.

"Prove that you're not a Skrull." She said, looking at me seriously.

"Well, aren't we past the point of proving ourselves if I'm letting you go?" I asked with a smile.

"No! You could be deceiving me to gain something." She said, looking at me with even more doubt.

"Okay, okay...haaa... How do I prove it to you?" I simply gave in and cooperated, sighing and rolling my eyes.

"Skrulls are shapeshifters. They can transform into any life form, including your DNA. You really don't know what Skrulls are?" She asked, with even more doubt and suspicion in her eyes.

"Well, I do know about aliens and all that. Some visit the planet from time to time, and I monitor them from a distance." I said, shrugging and walking to a nearby bench. Carol followed but kept her distance from me.

"At least you know about the Kree? Noble warriors and heroes?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Oh? I know the Kree, but they're not what you narrated. About six years ago, a spacecraft invaded Earth's orbit and engaged in combat with a terranean ship equipped with light-speed engine technology. The terraquean ship was eventually shot down, and the bodies of the two pilots were never found." I narrated to her while showing the images my satellite captured at the time through a hologram that appeared in the palm of my hand.

"The attacking ship is a Kree combat vessel. The people on the ship with the supposed light-speed engine must have been Skrulls trying to steal technology. Fortunately, they were stopped, as it would have been catastrophic if they got their hands on that technology." Carol observed attentively and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the ship being shot down.

"Well, I wouldn't celebrate too soon, Carol..." I said, narrowing my eyes mysteriously.

She looked surprised when I called her by that name, but her focus quickly returned to the hologram, which zoomed in to show the face of the pilot emerging from the crashed ship.

"Impossible! Th-That's me?!" Carol exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, keep watching. There are more surprises." I said.

I then enabled the audio function. What? If my satellite can't capture audio, what kind of genius am I? 

["Carol, come in. Do you copy??" Maria Rambeau asked over the radio. 

"Yeah, I copy. We hit the ground." Carol responded, still dazed from the fall. 

"Carol, are you okay? Do you copy?" Maria asked again, anxious. 

"Yeah! I copy." Carol replied as she exited the jet and went to Dr. Lawson's side. 

"Doc? Your blood... it's blue." Carol asked in surprise when she removed Dr. Lawson's helmet and saw her awake and bleeding blue. 

"Yeah, but, uh, how's my hair? ha... Help me out, will ya?" The doctor didn't take it seriously and made a joke while asking for help and inquiring about Carol's well-being.]

The video continued as Lawson revealed her real name, Mar-Vell, and how her goal was to end wars.

As the video progressed, Carol's eyes became increasingly unfocused, until the end of the video, where there was an explosion after she shot at the light-speed engine, and she ended up absorbing the released energy.

"My name is Carol Danvers, not Vers. For six years, I've been manipulated to fight in a war that isn't mine." Carol said, looking down and clenching her fists bitterly. It seems she has regained all her memories.

I approached and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Well, just because we were on the wrong side at some point doesn't mean we can't change. My father used to manufacture weapons for money. His weapons killed many people, but one day, he faced a choice between continuing his carefree, wealthy life or changing and doing the right thing. He chose the latter, and I can tell you, if he hadn't, there would have been much more suffering on this little planet. Carol... we have to be better." I said, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly with a smile on my face. 

The story about my father's choice refers to when he chose to use his intellect against the Nazis and Hydra with his full focus and abandoned his selfishness.

Carol lifted her head, looked at me in my eyes, and nodded. But she was still lost about what to do and who she really should be.

"Hey, I was thinking, you seem to have a lot on your mind and haven't really looked at me properly. Did you realize that I'm the most handsome man you've ever seen?" I changed the subject abruptly with a mischievous smile, wanting to distract her.

Carol was startled by the abrupt change of subject, but she appreciated my attempt to change the topic. 

She teased me, "Heh, come on, you're at most in the average..." She teased as she raised her head and looked at my face, abruptly stopping with her mouth open.

"Okay, I admit it, you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." she blushed a little and said.

"*Ahem* Let's not talk about that. Can you give me a ride to a friend's house?" She coughed into her fist and changed the subject while blushing slightly.

"Sure! I'll call a car." I said with a smile.

After I said that, I stood still in silence, looking at Carol.

Carol started to blush and asked, "Aren't you going to call the car?"

"I've already called it. It'll be here in a moment." I said with a smile.

"You..." Carol furrowed her brow, and just as she was about to speak, the sound of a car's engine revving reached our ears.

A gray Audi R8 emerged from the road and parked in front of us, while its doors opened automatically.

I walked to the driver's side and sat down.

Carol followed and sat in the passenger seat.

"Has Earth's technology evolved so much in the six years I've been gone?" Carol asked, confused by the car with autopilot.

"Nah! It's just that I'm too brilliant. Such simple technology, even when you were on Earth, I already had it." I bragged.

As we headed toward Maria Rambeau's house, I engaged in small talk and made Carol laugh from time to time. And I'd say she's starting to develop feelings for me. 

Thank goodness for my good looks. Thanks, Extremis!

A few hours after we left, Skrulls and S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared where we had been, but since they didn't find anyone, there was never an intersection between Nick Fury and Carol. 

They didn't even know about her because Jarvis deleted the area's footage.