

Izuku Midoriya happily write a note about the new hero that just debuted "wow, this hero has-" only for his surrounding getting dark

"Huh? Why the sky suddenly get dark?" Izuku Midoriya confused, checking the sky hoping it just your usual cloudy day…only to find a countless spaceship that so many that literally covers the sky

This phenomena not just appear in Japan but in another part of the earth too. Spaceship varying size and form line up and covering the sky

All Government panicked, pro heroes gape, villains eyes widened, normal adult confused, while the kids only said one word 'Wow'

The whole living being on earth in uproar

"How is the status?" A nation leader asked his subordinate

"The other country also asking a similar question" The subordinate sweated "we can believe this not their attempt to start a war or somekind of prank, that countless spaceship in the sky is real and literally came from outer space, and inside it, is a real-life Alien"

"...is there any chance this just the work of a quirk?" the nation leader hoped

"It was Zero" the subordinate reported "while our superpower 'quirk' is powerful but they have obvious limitation just like human body, that actually set a clear difference between real life super power and ages old comic book super power"

"A person that can generate flame will not completely immune to heat, a person with animal quirk will have the strength of the animal along all of its weakness and habit, or even continuously using our quirk will make it stronger but also using it too much will cause some strain in it just like a muscle"

"To make an illusion with some kind illusion power that can cover entire earth sky is possible in a comic book but its really impossible in real life because the strain will really big and the user will experiencing some pain that will kill them right now as we speak"

The nation leader eyes lost their glimmering light of hope "So is this really a potential Alien invasion? "

"...yes. Don't worry sir, isn't in the movie or any media Human always prevail against alien? "

The nation leader vein popped and his face turn into red "Let me tell you something interesting, my stupid subordinate…"

"In any alien invasion genre, the reason why humanity always prevail because the writer is human"

"?" The subordinate confused

"Because the writer is human, so of course the story will be biased to favor human" The nation leader explained "to win against an alien invasion in any sci-fi story, usually we need a protagonist that protected by plot device or the alien weak to something that harmless to human or somehow their weaponry is weak against nuclear or the human has a special ability or anything really"

"But let me tell something again my subordinate all of that is pretty bullshit in real life" The nation leader takes a deep breath calming himself "with any of our stagnant technology, we still cannot find any planet that inhabited by any life-form. That means the alien come from further than any place that we can observe"

"If they can build a spaceship that can travel that far, ignoring the FTL tech to travel the distance, the alien must have their own culture politic, and own civil war"

The subordinate nodded

"So that means they supposed to developed something similar to nuclear bomb or hydrogen bomb"

The subordinate nodded again

"So it doesn't make sense that they didn't have a countermeasure for that, if you have the tech to make FTL, the nuclear weaponry will become obsolete. Just see any sci-fi story where humans rule as the only race in the universe. You will find any nuclear weaponry is a third-rate weapon in that kind of story. Heck, in Gundam Franchise the FTL are rare and the nuclear already third rate!"

The subordinate realized in horror

"Yeah, we are facing a civilization that has a 99% chance for them, nuclear weaponry is useless"

Suddenly a creature descended from one ship in every country sky, directly to the government building.

All nation leader tensed if they gonna be invaded even they are clearly outmatched they not gonna down without a fight. The many soldiers stand guard in case thing went wrong

The creature is so bizarre even by quirk standard


"Ah…sorry I don't understand your language," The nation leader said embarrassed "did you even understand what I am saying?"

The creature look have some kind of realization and adjusting somekind tech

"Ah, can you understand me?" The creature said

"Ah, Yes!" The nation leader nodded fascinated seeing a tech that capable translating language

"So here a question…"

The nation leader and the soldiers of any country tensed

"Do you know the address of Alpha Centauri? Our tourist group kinda lost and seeing this village planet so we decided to visit and ask"

Needless to say, no matter what country the nation leader got gobsmacked by the question


Zeltrech cackling madly, Nezu cackling madly, Shinji and Illya laugh so hard that they are in tears

Zeltrech cackling madly, Nezu cackling madly, Ritsu sweatdropped

Zeltrech cackling madly, Nezu cackling madly, Xiang Yu and Hinako can't hold their laugh

"Zeltrech do you record it?" Shinji said between his laugh "their face is pure gold!"

Zeltrech and Nezu nodded

"I feel bad for this world" Ritsu muttered "but their reaction is funny nonetheless"

This is the plan they come up with, asking the help of every Multiverse traveler that has a spaceship and explaining the circumstances of their favorite vacation world.

Of course, they all agree, to take part in the troll.

"With this the earth whether they like it or not will advance the tech because of the appearance of aliens. They can't help to think, 'what happens if the next visitor is hostile' scenario" Nezu smiled "I admit this one is better than making a mindless sadistic alien like the Zerg or Grimm. I even got a good laugh of it!"

"I more surprised most of the multiverse traveler has their own spaceship thought" Ritsu pointed out

"Well, when you strong enough to travel multiverse you will have a few hobby" Zeltrech admitted

"Can I get one?" Shinji ask with a star in his eyes "And a Gundam, preferably Wing Gundam Zero Custom!"

"Sure! But where you will put it?"

"I have an inventory" Shinji explained

"Just wait a few weeks" Zeltrech promised

"So did you guys want to spend some time exploring my world?" Nezu asked

"What did you guys think?" Shinji asked

"Yes!" Everyone agreed afterall a world where superpower is common is pretty interesting

And so they start exploring the quirky world of BNHA.

Hello reader! This is the last chapter for the current mass release. Something that I forget to write is: Happy New Year folks!

Kaichou9779creators' thoughts