
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 18

The general showed up at the palace. He asked if it is possible for Soren to send his troops to assist. Soren said no. He demanded an explanation to which I showed him the videos of the soldiers saying that they wanted to harm the nocturnals. He made it clear that they are permanently removed so it all good now. He gave the council his word that the military had good intentions. Soren decided to send men and women from both sides. I felt like this was a trap so I volunteered to stay behind to keep an eye out for trouble.

The moment the people left. A few soldiers jumped over the gate. They managed ten paces when I used superspeed and taser to incapacitate them. I opened the gates and send them out. I ran to the med bay and got a few sedatives. The moment they came back. I whizzed past them and inject them. They fell asleep. I moved them out. No one saw anything. The next batch arrived from the sewers. Oleg and the others used the taser and took them to the front gate. They stayed on their knees. The next batch came by helix. Keola used an EMP. The helix fell on the other side of the wall. Zombies came running to eat them. The soldiers ran towards the door. I told them to throw their weapons. They did and the door opened to let them in. They were escorted to the gate where they stayed on their knees with their hands on their head.

I called Soren and a human answered saying that I had dialed wrong number. I hung up and extended my senses. I saw that Soren and Abraham were being held hostage while the others were patrolling the city. I pulled the ear piece off a soldier nearest to me. I wasn't surprised when I heard the voice on the other end. It was the man who moments ago walked into our building and said that he had no evil intentions. He asked if they have found the catacombs where I was supposed to be asleep. To which I responded that his men are outside the gate on their knees. The catacombs are undisturbed as it has been for over a year. He said a few profanities and the line went silent. Then I closed my eyes and mentally reached out to all the nocturnals patrolling the city to come back. I also showed them that this was a trap. They turned around and rescued Soren and Abraham. They came back to the nocturnal sector. They walked through in and called the president. He was insulted that the soldiers lied to him. The men were summoned to the white house and they were warned never to do it again. The general was stripped of his rank and sent to prison.

The public was split into two opinions. One was insulted and the other was pleased with the military's actions. They said that having me awake had better advantages since they had seen my shield at work. The other side said that the science department must stop making new versions of zombies in their supposed attempt to make things right. The public asked Soren if he could wake me up till these menaces were destroyed. His response was no. Sasha had earned her rest. The earliest anyone will see her in a hundred years. This caused an uproar saying that by then there will be fewer humans left.

I sat down to read a book and a vampire sat to ask me about Sasha. She wanted to know why people were interested in her. I changed back to my old self and introduced myself as Sasha. She was surprised and so were the people who were observimg this conversation. So I asked her not to be afraid that I will not harm her. She asked me why I wasn't in the catacombs. I said that I don't sleep. I maintain a disguise to avoid situations that would get me in trouble. I have been falsely accused on a few occasions. Oleg reminded me to change my looks for safety reasons and I did. The vampire introduced herself as Alice. We shook hands and I walked to the library to read a book. The newer additions were told about me and they observed me from a distance. I would go on patrol and would see that I go the extra mile to protect them so they kept my identity as a secret.

Despite the security people would enter in the hopes seeing how the other lives. Our side is made to look like a city in Italy or a scene from a story book. Each place has an ethereal look to it. Even the apartment looks out of this world. The humans who were able to get in took pictures and brought it to their side. I got see the human side. It had check points. There is a baracade every hundred yards. Their side also had slums and also the some of the building were old and less maintained. The buildings looked like they were going to fall. The human side looked like the city was dying.

Some people were able to construct their houses once more. Others lived with multiple families to make ends meet. They saw the houses that the nocturnals had built but also that they weren't in any competition with each other. They worked in symbiosis. So the humans who were inspired started to work together as well. They were able to rise from the misery to happiness again. But there were those that say the grass is greener on the other side. They wanted to live in the nocturnal sector. Their request was denied. The mayor and people worked together and rebuilt their half of the city. Still the difference would annoy some of the humans. The opulence would get to them. The freedom to walk the streets made their hearts ache.

The break-ins were less frequent after one of the humans saw the werewolves in their true form. They saw that they were more feral than humans. They told the others about it and those who knew that these guys changes into beasts said that they are ok with that. So they weren't sure when these guys would transform so nocturna was left to relative peace.

Days and night passed and soon Abraham rose to be emperor. I was given the title crown princess. He sat on the throne and the werewolves cheered loudly. He waved at the historical moment. Usually they are treated like slaves now they are equals. Abraham said that it was possible because of me. Both sides applauded the beginning of a new era.

Abraham asked me what I wanted so I asked for a small portion of land to build my cottage. Abraham allowed it. The werewolves watched as I decided what goes where. When I was done deciding the work started. Both sides helped me build it. It was a small two person cottage with a huge tree with a swing and a small but picturesque garden. I moved in the very next day. The humans would send drones to see the latest improvement done to what they call the opulant half of the city. I simply destroy it the moment I saw it. No one had the nerve to come and claim the drone since it is an arrestable offense.