
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
144 Chs

Chapter 17

Soren was talking to the vampires when I walked past him. I wished him goodnight and walked out. At least I tried to. Soren asked me where I was going. I reminded him that everyone takes a turn to guard the perimeter. To which the Ute reminded me that I am princess. I said that I am responsible for the men and women. So I am going. I walked out to see a surprised band of Samoans. A few Native Americans stepped forward. I said that I am here to keep an eye out for trouble makers. One of them said that it is not necessary but I waved them off and looked around. I extended my senses to realize that someone was trying to sneak in. I took the comms and called it in. Moments later the security confirmed it. I reminded them I am hybrid so my senses are different than the others. I took a deep breath before I sensed around.

I walked around the building and used echolocation to get a better view. I sensed that someone uninvited has found a way inside through the sewer. He climbed out and was roaming the streets. I happily tapped him on the shoulder before I tased him. He fell face first on the stone pavement. I tried to pick him up but someone else brushed me to aside and slung him on the shoulder. The intruder was escorted to the gates and it was shut behind him. I took a deep breath and walked towards the clock tower. I turned around to see the werewolves were following me. While I watched the perimeter they guarded me. They watched the sunrise and Abraham said that I should come inside. I waited past afternoon before I walked back inside. I wished everyone a wonderful day. They wished the same as a maid came with a goblet of blood. I winked at them and accepted the drink.

I walked back to my room where women were waiting with loofahs and sponges to scrub me head to toe. Apparently there was a party being thrown by the speaker of parliament. I decided to skip it. Soren and Abraham on the other hand chose to go. I walked to the library to find something to distract myself till they arrived.

I was lying down in the garden when I accidentally extended my senses. I saw that Soren and Abraham had walked into a trap. I used Igor's comms to let them know. But it was too late. I had to watch as the werewolves and vampires got shot. Thankfully they survived. The rogue soldiers demanded the leaders of both sides to destroy the peace treaty. I asked the council to let me go and handle the situation. They didn't want me to do it till they heard what was going on.

So with a heavy heart they gave me permission to handle the situation. I took a deep breath and ran at superspeed. The military was detained before the president and Soren nullified the treaty. I went as Sasha and not princess Alexi. I made myself invisible before I went out the door. I reached the open window and beheaded the soldiers before I ran to the next target. The men were facing the elevator. I twisted their necks before I extended my senses to find out where Soren was. I ran at superspeed and killed all the mercenaries. I cut off their heads as I sped past them.

Then I ran to get to Abraham and Soren out of there. I took out the crooks and swiftly untied both of them. Abraham whispered that I should head back to the palace. I didn't need to be told twice. I was back home before Abraham asked his security to get his car. I used Igor's comms to let him know that I was home. Abraham said his thanks and so did Soren. The president wanted to know what had happened. To which the speaker of parliament said that Sasha has been woken so she came to their rescue. She is so fast that no one saw what she looks like.

The president politely requested that they don't put me back to sleep. Abraham said that I am here to investigate something. When that is over I am going to sleep whether the humans want it or not. I used the comms to tell him that I had done my business so I am going back to sleep. He passed it on and one of the guests ask what the investigation was. To which Soren said that it was none of their business. By the time they arrived I was in disguise again. They were followed by the speaker of parliament.

The skinny balding old man in a cheap suit asked where Sasha was and I said that he is not allowed beyond the living room. He said that he is the speaker of parliament so he can declassify anything. I said that he can only declassify human affairs. This is nocturnal zone so he can keep saying that he had the authority but he will be arrested for trespassing. His human title won't make a difference in this territory. Abraham and Soren concured. So the man stormed off. He was escorted back to his car.

The council said that they allowed me to leave when they realize that the new document allowed the military and the scientific community the authority to enslave the nocturnals. Soren thanked both of us and walked back to his quarters. Abraham pat me on the back and he went to talk to the other werewolves. The council wished me goodnight and they walked back to their wing.

I went on my nightly jog and saw that the military were waiting outside. But they got a call from the speaker of parliament that the original treaty is still stands so they are ordered to go home. The men said that one day they will get past the gate and kill everyone. The others said that they don't want to kill anyone. His attitude is the reason why nocturnals hate the army. He apologized for his barbaric nature and hopped into the jeep. I asked the others to keep an eye out for him. The guards blacklisted the soldiers.

I came out for my evening jog to see the same men out by the gate. I told Jefferson to be careful. He smiled that I knew his name. I said that I know the names of my entire family. He called the police and the men dispersed to wherever they could. I turned around and ran till I reached the haiku staircase. I watched the stars twinkle like a diamond before I turned around to go back.

The private pool was open so I decided to take a dip. I was floating on the cool tranquil waters when I heard the humans say that they are enforcing a curfew. The military was going outside so they needed to make no one was out and about in case a zombie managed to get past them. People were wondering if these were conducting illegal experiments again. The military approached the nocturnals if they will be help them patrol the city but they said no after they heard that the military tried to spy on them.