
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
144 Chs

Chapter 19

I was walking back inside when I heard Abraham say "Get Sasha here immediately" So I came as the actual me and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped when he felt my touch but brushed it off. I saw soldiers with weapons and military vehicles on the other side of the street watching us. I tilted my head wanting to know what was up. Abraham opened the gate and zombies walked in. I realized why he summoned me. I took a deep breath and let it out. My voice bounced off the wall and echoed all over. The zombies fell dead and I turned around to see the werewolves were grinning. The humans were told to go back to the main gate since they are more in need there then we do here. The soldiers asked how I am able to do that to which Abraham responded that I am classified and non-negotiable. So the soldiers left to secure the perimeter on the human side. They kept looking back so the werewolves got annoyed and stood in front of me. They didn't see me change back to the disguise again.

I told Abraham that I was thirsty. I asked if I could go to the clinic and get a blood bag. Abraham asked one of his men to roll up his sleeve. I reminded him the effects to which he said it was ok. The man was overworked and this will give him a well deserved rest. I sank my teeth and took a few sips. He was sent to the medical wing till he recovered. I got permission from Abraham to go back to my little cottage. He said that I should call him Abe. To which I reminded him that he is the emperor. There should be a line not to cross. Out of respect I prefer Abraham. I like the sound of it. This made him but I promised to call him Abe on informal situations. He agreed to my terms and I was allowed to return to my chores.

The humans arrived the next day hoping to get my help but Abe made it clear that humans created zombies so humans will handle it. I will only defend nocturnals unless the situation calls for it. They asked if they can talk to me. Abe said that he won't allow it. The soldiers explained their predicament but Abe sent them back. I heard the argument from both sides. I extended my shield to the protect nocturna. Oleg came with an ice box full of blood bags and a single heart. He said that this was a gift from Abe for using my shield to defend my family. I said that I am honored to be of service. Keola was smiling as I accepted the box. He gave me a wink as did the Native American called Bear.

I sat down to eat the human heart when I heard the humans sneaking in. I washed my hand and stepped on the silent alarm. It is a red button on the kitchen floor. I installed for this reason specifically. Everyone in the entire nocturnal district walked out into the street. The humans were shocked to see this. Both of them were sent back to their sector. And everything went back to normal. Igor sent his thanks.

Jasper came to see me. He was holding a bouquet of roses. I accepted them as he walked inside. He asked me why I didn't chose an apartment or a mansion. I said that this is a replica of a house I used to have before it was demolished. I like simple things. I am allergic to complicated things. He gave me a smile. I felt my cheeks turn hot. He sat on one of the stools and took a deep breath. He asked me to show him what it was like with his brother. It turns out they didn't get along. I pressed my hand against his forehead and started with the day we first met each. Then the days that came after. Our bitter departure after his betrayal and his surprise transformation. When he saw all the memories he thanked me and left. Oleg was curious why he was so interested in my spouse but let it go when I said he was looking for closure.

I heard explosions and then I heard a stampede. People were racing to the gate. The werewolves wouldn't open the door. So they asked what they should do. Abraham said to shoot the person who blew up the wall. Nobody knew who it was so Abe refused to let them in. Till they found the person the gates will remain shut. I found the person and the police shot him between the eyes. When he fell down the gates opened to let the people in. When the last human was inside the gate was closed. Abe asked Ute to find me.

Abe ordered me to kill the zombies and I did. The humans refused saying that there might be more of those things out there. Abe gave the orders and both vampire and werewolves pushed the humans out. The gate was shut and I was given a blood bag to suck on. Abe and his friend Monique went back to their quarters. I on the other hand went back to my cottage. I changed back to my disguise and started to prune my garden. Soren and Samantha took off to Osteria Villa to visit Kirigan and Kaz. I wished them a safe trip as I will be joining them in a few weeks for a well deserved R&R.

I heard the intruders and pressed the silent alarm. The nocturnals came out and the humans were told to go home. They were sent back to their side. They said they had PTSD. Abe asked if there was any good therapist and Dr Ford came forth. Both of them were placed as in patients. The bill was paid by the mayor since this debacle was his idea.

People can be seen staring inside. Some asked if they could get jobs here. There were no vacancies but the humans insisted. The nocturnals all said that they prefer their own species. I heard one of them say that they will move here to nocturna one day. I hope that don't happen since her plans were all disaster. I passed it along and she was blacklisted. She didn't find that out for at least a decade.

The secretary of state wanted to celebrate unity day inside nocturna. Abe flat out refused saying that he had enough of deception. He rather have it on the human side. The military conveyed their apology. I was told by Abe that the nocturnal side was called Piedra de la Luna. Which means moonstone. I was pleased to know. There were a few wolves that stared at me as I walked passed them. I asked if they were feeling ok. They said that they are looking for a wife and I wished them well. They can tell that I wasn't interested so they diverted their attention towards others. Jasper found someone too and he wished me to find someone that will make my life better.

I was given permission to leave for the week so I had a busy day killing the ones outside the gate. When Abe gave the all clear to a convoy that came to escort me. Among them were vampires and werewolves. They were very serious as they drove west towards the Osteria Villa. The journey will take nine days and there are moments when the vampire were brutality exposed to sun. So I waved my hand and bats covered the sky till it was completely midnight. The vampires thanked me as they drove me to my destination.