
I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body of everyone’s favorite neighborhood Spider-Man. Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya) Ps- I’ve changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of Tom Holland’s 5’8. (A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn’t write for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to speak. I’ve learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the romance will start earlier since I’m not writing about 11 year old kids going to magical schools anymore. Lol) No Harem BTW If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. VVV Https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Filmes
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716 Chs

C82 Making Contact

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 9 chapters ahead at chapter 91. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today.


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Natasha- He's here

Upon receiving this text, the Avengers council convened once again, but by this time they were informed that Banner was sound asleep in an apartment above some pizza place.

Knowing that it isn't best to wake him up, as nobody is happy when someone wakes them from their sleep, they all agreed to give Banner his beauty sleep, as he may turn green without it.

They would rely on Clint and Natasha to inform them when he's awake, and head over together at that time.

-Next Day-

"Is this guy a bear or something? I didn't know humans could hibernate..." Clint comments from his position in an empty shop across the street from Stanley's Pizza Parlor.

It was already mid-day and there has been zero sign of Banner leaving the building. The shop had some traffic from customers coming to buy food, but there was no sign of their sleepy scientist.

The second floors curtains were shut tightly, so they couldn't see inside, not even a shadow was visible. Though this wasn't some trained agent that they were dealing with, so neither Natasha nor Clint were worried about Banner giving them the slip.

Especially with Clint keeping watch of the building. They don't call him Hawkeye for nothing after all.

"From what I can guess, he most likely didn't sleep during the entire trip here. He's being hunted by a United States General. I'm sure the nerves have been hell for someone so untrained." Natasha answers from across the room, polishing one of her many pistols.

"Yeah, well hopefully he wakes up soon. I promised Laura and the kids that I'd be on a plane back by tonight." Clint says as he keeps his eyes trained across the street.

"Well, our job will be finished when the bosses arrive, so you could just leave as soon as they get here." Natasha says with a shrug.

"Are you sticking around?" Clint asks with a raised brow.

"Yes, I'll stay in the area just in case they need some help." Natasha nods as she holsters her gun.

"Sigh, then I'll stay as well..." Clint sighs defeatedly.

Clint didn't have it in him to leave the mission when his partner would stay behind without him. If something happened to her after he left, then Clint would never forgive himself.

His family would understand. After all, this isn't the first time that he would return home late. It certainly wouldn't be the last either. That's for sure.

"You don't have to. I doubt that they'll need my help..." Natasha started speaking but she was soon cut off.

"Oh, we got movement!" Clint practically jumps as he sees a much cleaner Bruce Banner walk out of the pizza shop with a couple of pizza boxes in hand.

"Where's he going?" Natasha asks as she sees Banner walking toward campus buildings.

"I don't know. To deliver some pizzas? Let Fury and them know he's up and moving." Clint says and they slip out of the building, following Banner at a safe distance as not to cause suspicion.


-Culver University Science Building-

"Excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through." Banner maneuvered his way through a crowded entrance and towards the security desk. "Hey, pal. I got a delivery on the 5th floor."

"I don't think there's anybody up there right now." A fat security guard replies in confusion.

"Look, I'm going to catch hell from my boss if I don't collect. You have to let me at least check it out. I'll tell you what. I got an extra medium. Take it on the house." Banner holds out a pizza box toward the guard.

"Eh... Fine, just be quick about it." The guy snatches the free pizza and shoos Bruce inside.

"You're the man." Banner says thankfully as he walks passed the guard.

Both Natasha and Clint watched this interaction from close by but out of sight and were shocked.

"Did he just bribe a security guard with a pizza?" Clint asks as he watches the sad excuse of a guard start inhaling pizza slices.

"Yeah, I can't believe that worked." Natasha says with a shake of her head.

Navigating his way through the building, Banner finds a computer lab of sorts and he signs into one of the many PCs as Betty Ross. He still knew her login and password after five years apart.

Thankfully she didn't change anything.

Unfortunately, any and all work associated with the project that turned him into a monster was gone without a trace left behind.

When he ran from the soldiers in Brazil a few days ago, he had a laptop with all of the research data from the Super Soldier Serum recreation project. Bruce saved that data and even added to it over these many years, hoping to use it to cure his green skin condition.

Sadly, that laptop was completely destroyed during the escape, so his only hope to recover some of it was this, but sadly, either the government or his old girlfriend deleted all of the data from that time.

Sighing in defeat as he was hunched over the computer, Banner loads up a message board and instantly a line of text appears.

Mr. Blue- Mr. Green! How goes your meditation?

Bruce Banner- The data is gone. They found me and my laptop was destroyed during my escape.

Mr. Blue- Without that data, I don't know how to help you. What now?

Bruce Banner- I've gotta keep moving, I guess.

"Mr. Blue and Mr. Green?" A voice sounds over Bruce's shoulder, causing him to jump from his seat and onto his feet. "How secretive..."

Turning around, Banner saw someone that he definitely didn't think would be there. He expected a guard or a professor perhaps but not this.

Surely not this.

"S-Spider-Man?" Banner mutters in shock.

"Hello." Peter waves from his position, leaning on a nearby desk.

"W-What?" Bruce asks in confusion

"I'm here to speak with you and help if that's what you're asking?" Peter says as he pulls up a chair and takes a seat.

"Help? You want to help me?" Banner was confused.

After all, in his mind, the Hulk is a killer that would warrant Spider-Mans assistance in subduing, not helping. It would be easier for Bruce to believe that Peter was here to attack him than anything else.

"Yep, you've been on the Avengers radar for a while now, but we decided to wait. We were still building and recruiting at the time, so we gave you some space." Peter says as Banner tries his best to control his emotions and blood pressure.

"Umm, okay?" Bruce wasn't sure what to say.

"Technically, we would have left you alone a bit longer but General Ross decided to pull his shenanigans, so we had to move up our schedule. After all, we can't have that idiot provoking you into destroying a city or something." Peter says, showing his clear distaste for Banner's most hated enemy.

"I see..." Bruce says as he starts to slowly calm down.

"Good, you're taking this well." Peter says with a smile and stands up. "We shouldn't stay here for too long. Get back to that pizza place. I'll meet you there."

"How do you..." Bruce asks but Peter jumped out of the window and disappeared before he could finish speaking. "Sigh...My life used to be so simple."


Peter could have portal'd Banner out of the building instead of splitting up like this, but he didn't want to reveal his portal ability to the hulk just yet. He didn't know if the Hulk sees and knows everything that Bruce does after all.

Portals will be Peter's best weapon against a being as powerful as the Hulk. Especially when it comes to trapping or moving him out of a crowded area.

Though they technically didn't separate, as Peter stealthy followed Banner all the way back to the pizzeria, wanting to make sure the squirrelly scientist didn't try to run.

Not like it would matter as the Hand and Shield were still following him as well. Peter had to be careful dealing with Banner so he refused to take any chances though.

On top of that, the team of Avengers that arrived with Peter was watching and listening in on that whole first meeting, ready to pounce should the need arise.

They would continue to remain hidden but close by, as too many people may scare or excite Banner into turning green, which wouldn't be good for the people and property in the area.

A/N: 1431 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As king of this small land. I must demand tribute. Those who refuse are nothing but traitors!]


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