
Hunting in Hollywood

A continental director from many years in the future unexpectedly returns to Hollywood in 1986, and so begins his legendary journey to take step-by-step control of the center of the world's largest film industry. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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336 Chs

Chapter 143: Weakness

Linda Florentino denied, "I'm not looking for trouble, Mr. Westeros. I'm just fighting for what I rightfully deserve."

Simon, with a hint of mockery in his voice, said, "Have you ever thought that you might be overestimating your abilities?"

Under Simon's gaze, Linda Florentino did not show any signs of weakness; instead, she slightly lifted her chin and said, "I have to try."

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly quieted down. Brian De Palma appeared quite intrigued, while Jonathan Friedman and others maintained a spectator's stance. Only Linda Florentino's agent looked dejected, worried that Simon Westeros might suddenly ask him to take this foolish woman and leave.

After observing Linda Florentino for a moment across the conference table, Simon put down the pencil in his hand, leaned back in his office chair, and said, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"To cut back on the nude scenes," Linda Florentino said. "I've already mentioned that."

Simon replied, "As I've already said, if you insist on this demand, you can leave now."

Linda Florentino paused before saying, "At least, that bottom-revealing shot must be removed."

Simon refused, "It's a crucial emotional moment in the film; it can't be removed. But I can assure you that even if someone were to play it frame by frame in the future, they would see nothing."

Linda Florentino hesitated for a moment before lighting up a cigarette and then added, "I don't want to be labeled as an erotic film actress. After this movie, Daenerys Productions must allow me to pick another role from your production list."

Simon said, "I've seen your performance in Martin Scorsese's 'After Hours'; it was quite good. You can't pick any role, but I can arrange something for you."

Linda Florentino, surprised by Simon's prompt agreement, quickly added, "It must be a leading role, and no nudity required."

Simon nodded, "No problem."

Although it seemed too easy to agree, Linda Florentino quickly continued, "Additionally, a salary of $100,000 is too low. I want $300,000."

Simon nodded again, "Okay."

Linda Florentino, looking at Simon, began to suspect whether this young man was playing games with her. "All this must be written into the contract."

Simon agreed, "Of course. Any other demands?"

Linda Florentino thought for a moment, then shook her head, "No more."

"Then, let me state my demands," Simon straightened up, his gaze sharp as he looked at the woman and intensified his tone, "Put out the cigarette!"

Linda Florentino's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, and after a standoff, she finally stubbed the cigarette out in an ashtray that Jennifer had passed to her.

After she extinguished the cigarette, Simon continued, "Your performance just now fits very well with the personality of the main character, Catherine Tramell—bold, sharp, and strong. Therefore, I forgive your rudeness this time, but only this time. If I see you smoking in a work meeting again, I will have someone escort you out."

Listening to Simon's stern rebuke, Linda Florentino instinctively straightened up.

However, thinking about the conditions she had just negotiated, she suppressed the urge to retaliate. $300,000 was a hundred times what she received for her first acting role three years ago. She had started the negotiation thinking that getting an increase to $150,000 would already be a major achievement.

With these thoughts flashing through her mind, Linda Florentino suddenly realized something, and looked at Simon again.

This man really was a devil at manipulating people.

Had it been only $100,000, even if negotiations broke down, she wouldn't have felt too regretful as she was not particularly interested in a role with extensive nudity. But with $300,000, it would be much harder for her to refuse now.

Although she always thought she wasn't too concerned about money, having grown up in an Italian immigrant family with eight children, she had never seen $300,000 in her life.

Such an amount could ensure she wouldn't have to worry about living expenses for the next few years.


There were two main female roles, a chance many actresses might not get in their lifetime.

Simon, unaware whether Linda Florentino had figured out his intentions, continued, "Now that you have what you want, you must commit fully to this film. I don't want to hear any complaints about the role you need to play. I can tell you clearly, if this movie is successful, you will definitely become one of Hollywood's most famous actresses, and I promise that your next role will take your acting career to another level. But if you mess it

 up, and it's because of you, I can assure you, Hollywood will no longer have a place for you."

Linda Florentino was provoked again, "Mr. Westeros, are you threatening me?"

"Yes," Simon nodded, "But you can still back out now. The door is right there. And never say again that others have no other choice. Hollywood does not lack for actors."

Feeling the intensity of the man's gaze across the table, Linda Florentino fumbled with her handbag at her side, ultimately not getting up but turning her face away.

Seeing the woman finally submitting, Simon turned to the others, "Let's continue."

After discussing for another half-hour and finalizing the matter, Simon consulted with Jonathan about some things regarding Robert De Niro and those two scripts before leaving the WMA headquarters.

Inside the car.

Simon reopened the aircraft document, asking his female assistant, "What's next on the schedule?"

Jennifer glanced at her memo, "The author of 'Rocketeer', Dave Stevens, is coming over at four."

Simon recalled this sci-fi comic set in the 1930s and 1940s in America. With a lot on his plate recently, he wasn't keen on spending too much effort on this side project he had casually gotten involved with. He decided to keep the upcoming meeting brief, preferably letting this project naturally stall.

Deciding on this, Simon then asked, "Is next week's schedule ready?"

Jennifer flipped another page of her memo, "Monday is for the supporting role auditions for 'Instinct', Tuesday through Thursday is the trip to San Francisco to inspect the filming locations for 'Instinct', and I've also arranged for you to visit Silicon Graphics and Pixar Studios. Friday you rush to Park City to attend the opening ceremony of this year's Sundance Film Festival."

In the 1990s, many blockbuster movies, including 'Jurassic Park' and 'Independence Day', used professional graphic workstations from Silicon Graphics for CG effects. Silicon Graphics was still a small company at that time and also a holding company of Westeros Corporation.

Simon had already made contact with them, hoping to push the development of CG effects forward. Silicon Graphics was very enthusiastic about this.

As for Pixar, it was obviously for the 3D animation venture.

"And, um," Simon remembered another matter, then added, "I'll handle this one myself."

Since he was going to San Francisco, he would definitely visit Dr. Henry Chapman; such arrangements didn't need Jennifer's involvement, just a phone call in advance.

However, organizing next week's schedule, Simon realized that he wouldn't be able to focus on the post-production of 'Pulp Fiction' for another week. Fortunately, the film was nearing completion, with a release date set for June 3. Even with plans to participate in the Cannes Film Festival, it was only January, so there should be no delay.

Weekend overtime was inevitable.

As the SUV entered the downtown area of Santa Monica, nearing the Daenerys Productions headquarters, Jennifer looked at Simon beside her and suddenly said, "I didn't expect you to be so strict with a pretty lady."

Simon glanced at his female assistant, "If you don't behave, I can be very strict too."

Jennifer avoided the man's gaze, "If you make an unreasonable demand, I definitely won't listen. And I wouldn't submit just for $300,000 either."

"I never believe money can make a person submit, unless it's a lot of money. However, everyone has their weaknesses. Once found, that's enough. A third-tier actress, not very well-off, yet eager for fame—her weaknesses are money and opportunity. I can give her these, and also easily take them away. Thus, she can only submit to me."

Jennifer hesitated, then ventured, "What about me?"

Simon shook his head, "Don't know."

Yet Jennifer suddenly asserted, "You must know."

Simon smiled, "Maybe, but we need to test it."

Jennifer hesitated for a moment, then boldly met Simon's gaze, "Then, test it."



Simon set aside the folder on his lap, reached out, and gently brushed aside Jennifer's beautiful blonde hair.

The moment Simon's fingers touched her hair, Jennifer felt like a small squirrel that had encountered a predator, completely frozen in shock.

My God.

He actually touched my hair.

But, this is in the car.

How is this possible?

Feeling the man's breath drawing closer, she wanted to escape, but found herself unable to move even her fingertips.



He's a wizard.

Only after the man brushed aside her hair, kissed her neck lightly, and then sat back did Jennifer feel her body relax again.

Then, she heard what seemed to be a very pleased voice beside her ear, "See, found it. Keep your hair tied up from now on; I like to see it."

She hung her head, fiddling with

 her handbag in disarray.

She really wanted to accuse him of cheating.


Not sure how long had passed, probably the car had already stopped in the parking lot, she seemed, maybe, probably to remember that she had lightly murmured in agreement.

After the weekend.

Monday, January 11.

Many thought it would be a very ordinary week, but as news came from New York, Hollywood once again turned its attention to a young man who would turn twenty next month.

Westeros Corporation on the first trading day of the week filed with the SEC, claiming to hold 5% of New World Entertainment's shares. After filing, Westeros Corporation did not stop there, continuing to absorb shares of New World Entertainment.

By the end of the day, the previously low $7.50 share price of New World Entertainment had easily broken $8.

But this was just the beginning.

Early the next morning, as the New York Stock Exchange just opened, the share price of New World Entertainment surged past $9, and during the trading day, it nearly reached $10.

Having just secured a substantial sum by selling Motorola shares, if Westeros Corporation continued to buy tech stocks, it might not have caused much reaction.

However, when Simon Westeros turned his attention to a comprehensive media company operating in film, television, and comics, such intentions became too obvious.

Daenerys Productions had recently invested heavily in acquiring copyrights and had invested in several movie projects like 'Instinct', 'Rain Man', 'Dead Poets Society', and 'Scream', aiming to ensure their production and distribution. Simon Westeros definitely needed to further expand his company.

With sufficient funds, expanding through acquisitions was undoubtedly the quickest shortcut.

Simon Westeros's net worth was not enough to purchase any of the seven major film studios, making a second-tier media company like New World Entertainment seem all the more suitable.


The subsequent developments were somewhat unexpected by many.

After Simon's operations in the stock index futures market were exposed at the end of last year, he had been a focal point of Wall Street. Months later, many investment institutions were still supporting the tech stock market by following Westeros Corporation's lead.

Now, with Westeros Corporation suddenly showing interest in a brand-new company, many investors almost subconsciously began to follow suit.

New World Entertainment, ultimately a small company with a total share capital of 25 million and a market value of less than $200 million before Westeros Corporation's filing, saw its share price soar to $15 by Wednesday's close with the influx of more investors. Compared to the previous week, the share price had doubled, and its market value surged to $375 million.

Simon and James had previously agreed on a 50% premium limit for the acquisition of New World Entertainment. Although they had anticipated a price increase following the announcement, neither had expected so many people to 'join the fun', driving up the company's share price by double in just three days.


Since a public statement had been made not to sell any Motorola shares within a year, when New World Entertainment's share price doubled, Simon could not afford the acquisition even if he wanted to. Moreover, he would not be willing to pay such a high price.

James's advice to Simon was also to immediately sell all the shares.

Westeros Corporation had accumulated 1.75 million shares of New World Entertainment before the price reached $10, holding a 7% stake. Since acquisition was no longer feasible, selling now could still turn a small profit for Westeros Corporation.


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