
Humanity Unchained

Getting another chance at life, Shiras travels back in time in the Wizarding World and helps shape the world a bit, while also keeping to himself. As the Ultimate Human, he will learn and progress and maybe even create his own school. He will travel through the Omniverse and prove to everyone, the potential and power of humanity. This is a multiverse and Essence fanfic. World to visit: - Harry Potter - One Piece - Black Clover - Bleach - Star Wars - Invincible - Marvel - (ASOIAF) - (Warhammer 40k)

Vincent_0580 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Shaping the future

There will be a time skip next chapter. I can see that the readers finally want to see us reach the 20th century and that's what we'll do. We'll just have to find out what the Emperor did from different sources. 


(Salazar POV)

Making our way through the lands and across the sea, was harder than I imagined. I always thought it would be hard but to think it was this hard, I was not ready. There were quite unruly tribes across the sea and there were many attempted robberies. Thankfully we are a group of powerful wizards and witches, so dealing with them wasn't a problem. 

Rowena as usual took everything in and memorised it. Helga simply enjoyed the time we all spent together and was sad about the poverty we saw all around. There were rich as well as very poor people. We didn't meet any other witches or wizards. It is considered illegal and those disgusting muggles burn us if they find out. 

Godric used the chance that others tried to rob us as a way to fight and practice his swordsmanship. No matter what I say to him, he is an impressive fighter. I will never admit that though. His skill in attacking and duelling is top-notch, but he is incapable of subterfuge and has no variety in his arsenal. 

We followed a map that we had acquired from a muggle merchant. If it was up to me, we would have simply used a confundus spell and then left without paying, but both Rowena and Helga refused my offer. Godric did as well, but not as much as the other two. Why would we waste good money, if we can make use of our abilities? 

The way towards Cadia led us through deep woods, mud-covered paths and filth-infested towns. I didn't like it one bit. I would rather spend my time in my basement and continue to make new discoveries in the art of potion-making and curses. Warding is also something I have come up with. I am certain that no one else has had this idea, to use magic and form a protective spell around your home. There would have to be a magical anchor though ... I will need more time to figure that out. 


"Look at that!", Helga says and wakes me up from my thoughts. I look at what she is pointing at and notice that the condition of the street has improved drastically. 

"It seems like there is an invisible border here, that runs along a perfect line. And where this border starts, the condition of the street is perfect.", Rowena says. I observe this strange occurrence. She is right. I can only assume that someone has taken care of the street in his territory which starts here. 

"So we are entering someone's territory then. We should be careful then.", I tell them. If the street is in this perfect condition, someone has a lot of money and where there is money, there are guards. 

"We should walk around it.", I suggest.

"That won't be possible.", Godric remarks. I look at him with a questioning look. He looks at me and then points at a sign. 

"'Imperium of Cadia'!! So we reached it finally.", Rowena is excited, I can tell. I am also rather happy about this. If we have reached Cadia, then we are getting closer to our goal. But we have to be cautious. There is a chance that there is no magic in Cadia but something else. 

"They have such nice streets?! This is amazing.", Helga says. I can tell that no matter what I say, everyone will want to continue forward. I kneel to the ground and let my two snakes free.

"SSSS SSS SSSS SSSS SSSSSS" (Look out for any danger), I tell them and they disappear in the grass. 

"Let's go! I can't wait to find out more about the country. There has to be so much that we don't know yet. The quicker we arrive there, the better for us.", Rowena says and walks on the seemingly perfect street. I follow them but the trouble arrives soon.


"There is something going on here.", I tell the others. 

"What are you talking about, Sali?", Helga asks me. She is the one who takes my hunches seriously. 

"I haven't heard anything about my snakes after sending them to gather intel. That was four hours ago.", I tell her.

"Don't worry about the snakes, Salazar. They are probably also overwhelmed with the new country and have a hard time finding us again."

"No, I have a scent that they can recognise anywhere. I have a bad premonition. Something is going on. We also haven't seen a single soul since arriving in Cadia. That is strange."

"Not really. We could walk through days without meeting anyone before. Why would it be different here?"

"Because the streets are in perfect condition. You don't just have such good roads without taking care of them. Someone has to take care of them, as they aren't magical in nature. I already checked."

"Hm, as much as it pains me to say this ... Snake Man is right. I know for a fact, that his snakes always find their way back to him. Do you think they went hunting for food?", he asks me. He is surprisingly wary as well. 

"It wouldn't take them this long. They are enhanced by my magic and a ritual I came up with, so they should be the strongest snakes around."

"As far as you know off.", a voice says surprising us.


A few men and a woman stand in front of us suddenly. I didn't hear or sense their approach, so how did they get this close? And what is it they are wearing? That seems like ... armour? But it looks so strange. 


"Who are you four? Don't you know that you have to register if you aren't from Cadia?", the woman asks us with authority. I don't believe that she is the one who has the command here, but it does look that way. The men are all standing behind her. 

"My name is Rowena Ravenclaw. My father is-"

"There is only one title that matters in Cadia and yours doesn't mean anything, girl. Everyone registers if they come to Cadia. That's the law. You either do that, or you go to prison. Now, what is the reason for your visit?", the woman interrupts Rowena and dismisses her status like it is nothing. I can't help but marvel at that fact.

"Do you mean there are no nobles in Cadia?", I ask her. She finally looks at me and narrows her eyes. I can't help but tense for a second. 

"You must be the one who sent his snakes on our lands.", she says and looks at another person standing behind her. 

"You're right, he has the same smell as the snakes did.", a knight comments and she nods her head. Right after that, a big eagle comes flying and lands on the knight's shoulders. But before that, he drops two snakes on the floor ... my snakes. I feel a pang in my heart when I see them. 

"I didn't even need confirmation for that. You have the aura of a snake. Don't let any animal loose in Cada, if you want to see them alive again. Now you either answer my question, leave or we can do this the hard way and your blood will flow. Your choice."

"You should remember your station, woman. Did your father not teach you to behave and how to talk to those above your station? Just because you are wearing some fancy armour, doesn't make you better. It actually makes you lesser. I would defeat you any time of the day." 


Of course, it was Godric who said that. Why must he be so stupid? 

"Never take a gamble you're not prepared to lose. Now have you made your choice?", she says addressing Rowena. It seems she has understood who holds the most authority in our group. Although we are equals, Rowena usually has the last say, because of her station. 

"As I was about to say before, I am Rowena Ravenclaw. Daughter of-"

"And as I told you, nothing but you maters in Cadia. What your father or mother did, is of no concern here. Now tell us what you want?"

"We ... we are witches and wizards. Where we're from, we are hated and hunted down. I heard from my father that the country of Cadia is rumoured to hide wizards and witches. The prosperity of your country speaks for itself and we hoped to find those who are like us and learn here.", Rowena finally told them our objective. 

"Hahahaha" "Hohohoho" "Hahaha"

The group began to laugh at something. I don't understand why they are laughing, but it seems that this was enough to enrage Godric. To be honest this can be useful. I will observe his fight and then take note of their strength. For killing my snakes, they deserve punishment. I will kill that eagle. 

"Darn you, woman!!!", Godric screams and attacks her with his sword. The woman pierces her sword into the ground and then catches Godric's sword with her bare hands. Granted she has armour on, but to catch his powerful swing that way ... 

Then she pulls Godric close and plunges her elbow into his stomach knocking the wind out of him. She grabs his head, brings it down and smashes her knee into it. 


To finish things off, she kicks him and sends him to the ground. 



(3rd Person POV)

It takes a while, but after humbling the group of young wizards and witches, they finally are taken to the office where an Adeptus Magicae is waiting for them and notes down their information. He also has them sign a magical contract that everything they see in Cadia will stay confidential, otherwise they would lose their magic and lives as well. 

The Ministry of Magic of Cadia doesn't mess around. 

To their surprise, they were led to the Ministry of Magic which was located in 'Eagle Eye', the capital of Cadia. There they even got the honor of an audience with the Emperor himself. That wasn't special of course. 

The Emperor knew of their arrival before they even thought of coming to Cadia. He had seen them coming here and he knew the role they played. He also knew that he would have fun and could change the future with this. The sooner these four found Hogwarts, the sooner he can show the students of Aquila, how much superior they are to the rest of the world. 

All his preparations were complete now. He was ready to leave the wizarding world for the next one and leave the remaining conquest in the hands of Cadia's citizens. Most of his army, the Adeptus Terranes, Adeptus Custodes and the SPARTANS were relocated to his home dimension, where he created a big area for themselves. The army he was building up here, was coming along nicely and with the weapons he had already given to create, it would be a simple matter. 

He was interested in leaving now. His fight with Hercules in the Marvel Universe showed him that he needed a challenge. He would not find anything here that interested him anymore. 


The four young men and women entered the throne room and saw the Emperor sitting on his throne. The aura he was emitting, even though he was holding almost 100% back made the four kneel down. They saw him in his golden glow, that demanded respect. 

"Your Majesty, we have come here to humbly ask you to allow us to study some of the magic of Cadia. We have come to understand that you found a magic school and we would be beyond thankful if you allowed us to have a look at it. We hope to find more people who are like us.", Rowena was the one to speak. She had a way with words. 

"And why would I allow you to do that? Most of what is in Aquila School of Magic, has been researched by me and I don't see why I should part with any of my secrets.", Neoth said. He knew that he would allow them to have a look, but he wanted them to work for it. 

"We understand that. Is there anything we can do for you to allow us entry?"



"There might be a way.", Neoth said, acting as if he was contemplating. He had a particular magical contract ready that would make them give him all their secrets as soon as they discovered new things concerning magic. He was taking advantage of them but at the same time allowed them to read in his library ... or was he? 

That's the way the founding four of Hogwarts were allowed entry into Aquila for a time. He knew that it would be for the best of Cadia if he used this chance and the Hogwarts Four, were eager to learn more about magic. Little did they know, that the deal they made, was not really good for them.


Please give me some tips. I welcome constructive criticism. I try to change things to make it better.