

Michael, a truck driver gets reincarnated in Harry Potter world with knowledge about holy magic. watch *imagine* his adventures in this new world. Parings: MC / Fleur Delacour / Nymphadora Tonks Harry / Hermione / Ginny R-18??? (Maybe) ( Please comment ) **DISCLAIMER** I am a noob writer so any kind of suggestions and criticism will be gladly accepted. I don't own Harry Potter or any of it's characters, if I did I won't be writing here. this is just a fan fiction. I don't own the cover photo

Imperial_Fox · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter-17 : Duelling [1]

Michael and his team arrived in the waiting area where all the participants waited for their names to be called for match.

It was first the singles round where young wizards have to fight 1 v 1.

While looking around and feeling the magic power of other participants, he felt there were only 6 other participants which could pose a little problem. Looking towards them, one was from Japan, one from Russia, two from India, one from America and last one from France. The magic signature of the one from France was biggest of them all. Looking closely, the participant was a female, and if he remembered correct, she was Fleur Delacour.

She was a part veela, and due to her veela heritage, she had extreme beauty and veela's charming aura.

Though she always kept her aura at the minimum she could, people who did not have a strong mind get attracted toward her.

Fleur always hated this ability of hers, because of this ability her female classmates were always jealous, boys always became attracted towards her.

Some girls even blamed her of 'stealing' their 'loved'. Because of this ability, she didn't have a single friend in her life. only one she could share her sadness was her little sister, Gabrielle.

As Michael looked towards her, he could see her being surrounded by boys. As he tried to feel her emotions, he only felt the feeling of disgust coming off her.

"Guess she really hates boys like this" Michael thought.

As he was looking towards her, she suddenly turned her eyes towards Michael as if felt something from him. looking towards him, she thought "Same kind of creatures, no matter from where!!!! " and turned around and left the spot.

Seeing her reaction, Michael felt weird, but didn't pay any attention to it as he continued looking towards other participants.

The ones from America and Russia had almost same magic power as Cedric. The one from Japan had magic power bigger than Cedric but less than Fleur, one peculiar thing was the calmness of magic around her, she had great control of her mana, almost eerily calm.

But the ones that caught his attention were the ones from India, they were twins and had magic power reaching almost the level of Fleur. As he recalled them, they were the the champions of previous years tournament, two times consecutive winners of under 13 category (A/N : under 13 includes 13 year olds as well) in duals. They never participated in singles.

As he remembered the information on them, they were known as the 'twin dancing dragons'. They both were known for their ability to telepathically talk to each other, Their martial arts along with their parseltongue magic.

Looking towards them reminded him of thr twin pranksters of Weasley family. Similarity was too much.

As he was thinking this, his name was called.

As he approached the fighting stage, it was a 20 × 20 metre stage. The rules were simple, except for killing, greatly injuring, or anything crippling, everything else was allowed.

As he reached the stage, it was the an Egyptian boy who he had to fight against.

The duel was not very much interesting, the boy tried every method he knew, from offensive to defensive, nothing worked against Michael. Michael didn't want to revel his powers so early in the tournament so he kept on defensive, he fully tired his opponent and at last just fired a small Knockback jinx, pushing his opponent off the ring.

Michael continued his matches with the same strategy of tiring off his opponents and sending them off with a knockback jinx. Until the semi-finals.

The for people on the semi-finals were Him, Ced, Fleur and the Japanese girl.

Michael's match was against the Japanese girl, and Ced was against Fleur.

First was match of Ced and Fleur. And with no doubt, Fleur won it. Ced was doing great until she released her illusion spells. Veelas were known for their powerful illusion spells. Her spells were able to bind him in illusion for 5 seconds, which were enough for her to knock Cedric out.

Michael rushed towards Ced to check him and found that he was just unconscious and had exhausted his mana.

He said thanks to Fleur as he carried Ced off to medical room. He knew that if she wanted to something excessive she could have had Ced unconscious for months. This was a duel between people, not a spar. quite a few of the participants here were very ruthless, causing injuries which would take months along with a lot of money to heal. Korea was one of them.

After 15 minutes was his match against the Japanese girl. She was tall for her age, had purple coloured hair, had a flexibility armour on her, along with katana covered in a red sheath.

Her name was Saeko Busujima.

Hearing this name, Michael felt that he had heard this name somewhere. but no matter how much he tried he couldn't find it, it just felt like a deja vu.

This was a match which he would have to fight seriously. Michael could feel the excitement inside him bursting. he had everything in life, but was only missing a worthy opponent. He came to this tournament not to fight and prove that he is above everyone else, but to find worthy opponents. To him, fighting had become a way to express himself. He found joy in fighting strong opponents. He wanted to find where he would stand in this world with the power he had.

As thay both reached the stage, Michael stood in his battle pose. He had decided to go and use augmentation magic with his physical prowess to fight in this match.

He flared up his Aura using magic. Moving mana towards his mana points as it covered his body and flooded his muscles and bones in mana as his physical stats improved drastically.

Seeing her opponent using augmentation of this level, Saeko became serious as well. She took out her katana from its sheath and augmented herself and the katana in mana as her battle Intent flared.

Then the voice of the refree came in, "FIGHT".

If you guys don't know about Saeko Busujima then there is no need to worry.

She is from anime - Highschool Of The Dead

you can google her name for picture references.

I kinda liked her character so included her in.

Don't worry, she won't affect the story too much. She was just the type of girl that I found missing in his harem. If you have suggestions for any other Harem members you can comment on it.

Imperial_Foxcreators' thoughts