

Michael, a truck driver gets reincarnated in Harry Potter world with knowledge about holy magic. watch *imagine* his adventures in this new world. Parings: MC / Fleur Delacour / Nymphadora Tonks Harry / Hermione / Ginny R-18??? (Maybe) ( Please comment ) **DISCLAIMER** I am a noob writer so any kind of suggestions and criticism will be gladly accepted. I don't own Harry Potter or any of it's characters, if I did I won't be writing here. this is just a fan fiction. I don't own the cover photo

Imperial_Fox · Filmes
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19 Chs

Chapter-15 : Year end and Championship

Days at hogwarts were getting a little boring now. Classes were going good but he wasn't interested in them.

Practice and training were the only ways in which he could relieve his boredom.

He fully dedicated himself to his training. Now he could easily do an OWL level spell worldlessly.

Wandless magic was difficult, like really difficult. But he started to get a hang of it now he could do third year spells wandlessly.

Nothing of much concern happened during past months.

He had thoughts of skipping year, but he didn't because he had to be in his final year when Harry becomes a forth year, then only he would get a chance at fighting V-man.

Hogwarts now became really boring. From Professor Flitwick he got to know that under 13 duelling championship was going to start at the end of the session. He was excited about it, his duelling training in Room of requirements will finally pay of. He was going to approach Prof. Flitwick for some duelling training. He also invited Cedric for the training. To which he said yes.

When they approached Prof. Flitwick, he was very much ready to take them under his wings.

They trained 2 hours everyday after all the classes along with 2nd and 3rd year students.

Professor's traing was really very effective. Michael could feel his senses getting sharper, his reflexes faster and his efficiency increasing.

Practicing against real humans was a lot more difficult than practicing against moving figures. results were that he beat the sh*t out of everyone.

Now his spell casting time reduced greatly, it was about halved. with this, the championship was in the bag.

The year ended, seeing back his year at hogwarts, Michael smiled. His gains were great. He learned many things

His results were best. He got O+ (Outstanding with distinction) in every subject. which was the result he desired. He even created history with an O+ in potions. Snape never awarded O+ to anyone other than Slytherins, Maximum was an O which was 4 years ago.

Students at Ravenclaw and Gryffindor saw him in new light, now he gained respect from Ravenclaws and Gryffindors, he did what people thought was impossible.

He also got a chance to snuck into filch's den. He found the Marauders map. which was in the cupboard, with a lot of dirt on it.

He took it and erased his traces of ever going there. He started analysing it. it was a wonder of magic. It was made up of almost 300 different Spells, charms, runes and inscriptions, all of which were connected delicately. the basic concept was that if you came under hogwarts' wards, you would have to accept being monitored by hogwarts. To which the marauders overrode the authority, with different spells and inscriptions. It was same as hacking government's super computers.

This was a legacy created by marauders. it took him a whole week to understand the working of the map. After which he created another copy of the map and kept the original in Filch's den. if original marauders knew that he copied the map in just a week, they would probably be vomiting blood. It took them 3 years of constant trial and errors to finally create the map. which he just understood and copied in a week.

He had new ideas of improving marauders map, using magic inscriptions and runes he thought of creating a 3D map of Hogwarts.

It was a new and Interesting project. one that could get him rid off his boredom. at least for a while.

As the year at hogwarts ended, he was now excited for the international duelling championship.

He practiced duelling daily with his mother at home. it was a headache to get her teach him, but he finally succeeded with the ultimate spell against womankind, the 'Puppy eyes' spell.

After 2 weeks it was finally time for the championship.

First were country qualifier round, he participated in individuals as well as doubles along with Cedric. It wasn't much of a surprise, they both became Britain champions. Michael coming first and Cedric second. They both now represented Britain in internationals along with two other second years.

The country qualifiers weren't much of a deal. mostly all of the young wizards belonged to Hogwarts. except a few homeschooled ones.

Internationals were the real deal.

This time they were held at Moscow in Russia. there was still a week.

Keeping that topic aside, he now also knew how much wealthy he was. Before he thought that his family was rich, but now it was on another level. His mother spent around a million galleons this year on ingredients for potions. and this was just a drop from the pool of his family's wealth.

If they took all the money out in the real world, they would, without a doubt, be the richest family on earth.

He thought that money sitting in the vault would go to waste. He, with his mother created a company in the muggle world, called 'Genesis'.

He also bought major amount of shares of companies that he knew would make it big after a decade.

He even recruited the geniuses of the muggle world.

His mother was now a major shareholder of both Apple and Microsoft, but still gave the command of the company to their respective creators.

Both Apple and Microsoft now were part of the Genesis corporation.

Now, with the investment from Genesis, the development of the new technologies will skyrocket. It wouldn't be long before they reap the benefits of this.

Now, it was only one day remaining before the International rounds of the duelling championship.



sorry that I wasn't able to post new chapters, I was just too busy.

The update speed will go down. but there will still be 4-5 chapters a week.