

Michael, a truck driver gets reincarnated in Harry Potter world with knowledge about holy magic. watch *imagine* his adventures in this new world. Parings: MC / Fleur Delacour / Nymphadora Tonks Harry / Hermione / Ginny R-18??? (Maybe) ( Please comment ) **DISCLAIMER** I am a noob writer so any kind of suggestions and criticism will be gladly accepted. I don't own Harry Potter or any of it's characters, if I did I won't be writing here. this is just a fan fiction. I don't own the cover photo

Imperial_Fox · Movies
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Chapter-14 : A week off with friends

Michael layed unconscious on his bed. His body was convulsing on its own. Sounds of bones breaking as well as joining themselves along with tendons rearranging could be heard from his body. Him being unconscious now was a benefit to him as this process appeared very painful after 1 hour, his body stopped convulsing.

His muscles appeared buffed. as his entire body was changed. 5 minutes later his muscles started becoming more compact as the buffness disappeared, releasing a large amount of sweat in the process, which was directly turned into vapours by coming in contact with his skin. his body temperature very high now. his skin had become red.

Then his body was slowly started losing its redness, After about 40 min Michael opened his eyes.

He felt a little different now, his actions now became more fluid. He now had to apply very little strength to move. It was like his body became more perfect in every physical aspect.

Now he faced very less less resistance in his every action. He felt like he became free, free from something that had grasped him from his birth. He felt like restrictions on his body had been destroyed.

Free in every sense.

He moved towards his dressing table, seeing himself in the mirror, he was dumbstruck, before his developing body could be considered very good, but now it was perfect, in every way. He knew what this was, it was the awakening of his holy constitution, now his body become a very good conductor of magic as well as physical strength.

His every action now was about 60% more efficient. his very small blood Vessels that were blocked opened up, increasing the amount of energy that was supplied to each part of his body to a large extent. Even his lung capacity directly went to full usage.

Feeling of tiredness struck him, he again layed down on the bed, and slept till noon next morning. It was a good thing that it was Sunday.

Michael decided that he would take a 1 week break from his training and practice sessions.

Going out of his room, to visit the quidditch ground with his friend, who was Cedric.

Though they were in different houses, they became friends quite easily. Other students saw him as the 'genius' or 'Heir blest', Ced was the only one who saw him as Michael. It was at the time when ced had some doubts after the transfiguration class and asked Michael for help to which he readily agreed.

while explaining, some Slytherin snakes disturbed them. making fun of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, but crossed the line when said something about their moms.

To which they left them with bleeding lips, broken nose, swelled up face with a couple of purple eyes. Michael didn't even give them time to draw their wands, they were immediately attacked by a flurry of punches and kicks.

All of them fell unconscious on the floor as both him and ced made a run for it. there was no evidence that they were the one who attacked them, Michael even use memory disorientating charms, which made their memory of the incident hazy, they won't remember faces of their attackers.

As they finally stopped at the astronomy tower, they both burst into laughter. It was then, when they became friends.

Ced was also amazed by Michael's fitness, his 'wierd' but powerful moves he used.(MMA moves) and asked Michael to help in his training.

Now he and ced were doing the morning training together. Ced was a brilliant and talented wizard, Michael now got first member for his Anti V-man squad.

Right now they were going to see quidditch match together, it was Ravenclaw v/s Gryffindor. The match was interesting. But for Michael, he now had another problem, he was now attracting gazes of girls upto third year, with stink eyes from the boys.

He had to solve this problem but couldn't find a solution to it. He tried to ask Ced, to only find him grinning ear to ear.

The match was over as Ravenclaw finally found the snitch and won.

His relaxing week went good, there were no problems. He spent most of the time trying to socialize with other student, with only little success.

The good thing was that he finally met with Hagrid, the jolly half giant. He was very easy to befriend, all he needed was to ask some tips at handling magical creatures, and voila.

He also met Charlie Weasley at Hagrid's hut, he and Charlie also become friends as Charlie was a Dragon fanatic, he only needed to start a topic about dragons, and he would start like a tape recorder.

Charlie was a little eccentric in nature, he never gave straight answers. Always relating them to dragons.

Hagrid and Charlie were beyond shocked when he told them that he could talk with animals. They were imagining themselves with this ability, Hagrid was imagining himself standing at the center of the forbidden forest, talking with every creature, telling them stories about different kind of magical creatures, his adventure alongside magical creature, being emotional with them.

On the other hand, Charlie was imagining himself surrounded by female dragons, as he took out a a ring that can fit on the tail of a dragon, and proposed them in dragon language, to which they blushed and said yes, and lived happily ever after.

But both of them were awakened from their fantasies by an awkward coughing sound from Michael.

They met every two days at Hagrid's 'little' hut.

One thing that bugged Michael was writing a sh*t load of homework everyday.

And the worst of them was potion's homework, which Snape demanded to be at least three times the charms homework. Now he knew why Snape was a sadistic bast*rd.

There was a day when he almost believed that Snape gets orgasms from homeworks.

So he developed a writing quill, which demanded precise use of transfiguration with charms along with the knowledge about the topic to write. He called it homework quill. he would have to provide his knowledge about the topic to write alongside with some mana and it would do the homework for him while he can do anything.

That was the day when Snape started regretting giving so much homework to Michael.

Michael now always gave double the amount of homework that professors demanded. Incorporating miscellaneous details from here and there in the homework. And in Snape's case he directly tripled the homework he gave, even adding some OWL level concepts, details that would be hard to confirm, but were true and were from atleast 15 different books.

Which gave a massive headache to Snape whenever he opened Michael's parchment, he had to check all the details that if they are correct or not, had to keep skimming through alot of books just to check his homework, which took a lot of time. All the teachers were now considering to actually reduce the homework given to students.

Little they knew that Michael didn't even needed to touch his quill to complete the homework.

Instead of the hardwork he did smartwork.