
His Wolfless Lycan Luna

Our eyes locked the night I discovered his true color, our lips pressed and his breath touching mine as I kissed him. “I love you, Elora...” When we came to a halt, those words escaped his lips. “You will always have a special place in my heart because we belong together. No one can compare to you.” The Alpha declared, persuading me that I was his true mate. “I heart you too, Drax” I replied, my glazed eyes filled with love looking at him in front of me, his palms wrapped against mine and it was the warmest feeling I’d ever felt. I found myself falling in love with him at that moment, but my love for him had turned into torture; it stabbed me right in the middle of my chest, causing me to lose my breath. Elora proved she has no wolf on her seventeenth birthday, and her family keeps it a secret because they are afraid her limitations will prevent her from finding a mate. Elora is the only daughter of Alpha Adrian of the Red-Blood pack; her father is a powerful Alpha who leads their pack, and Elora was blessed by the moon goddess with strength even though she showed no signs of changing on her birthday. Elora meets a charming wolf named Drax at summer training and believes he is the mate she has been looking for. Drax approaches Elora but after everything they’d been through together, through joy and sorrow, it turns out that the Alpha is approaching her for another reason.

MaiaDeLaCruz21 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs

CHAPTER 4; “Our First Chat”

  My father had never been this bitter before, his eyes gazing at Luna Mira with hatred as if he wanted to take her life. He seemed to have the desire to stab his lover’s chest and took out the name that was written in it, her chosen mate.

  I suspected my father still loved her and those eyes can’t lie to themselves, I spotted the sparkle of love inside my father’s eyes even though he is staring at her with hatred, so I grabbed my father’s arm and held it, blocking him from doing anything far.

  He looked at me with fire in his eyes, angry that I stopped him from insulting them even more, my father’s heart was racing as if it was about to burst, his anger toward Luna Mira almost caused him to lose control, he was about to take a step and show the world that he had some unfinished business with the Night-Bloods.

  “Dad, think about the future before you do what's on your mind!” I said quietly as I held his arm, only my father and I could hear my words.

  My heart rate increased at that moment because I was afraid that my father would cause trouble, which resulted in me being kicked out of the training center before I could even enter it.

  “Get over it, dad” I whispered, clutching his arm even tighter and smiling at the old man who was none other than my future principal but that’s if only I could get into this training before my father ruined everything.

  My father appeared to realize our first priority, he awoke from his rage and returned to the reason we came to this place, he then smiled and smoothed out his navy suit, my father looked charming at that moment, never knowing if he did it for Luna Mira or if it happened by chance.

  “I recognize them… Who hasn’t heard of the strongest Lycan leader in this land?” My father faked a chuckle as if he has no ill will toward the Night-Bloods.

  “I can’t believe you’re still standing after the death of the original leader of the Night-Blood” My father began nudging Luna Mira about her mate’s death, which prompted Luna Mira to speak up, escalating the tension.

  “He may be dead, but he lives on in me! That’s what made me stronger, not you, who justifies everything” Luna Mira finally spoke and her words silenced my father.

  My father’s palms formed into fists and the flames of rage immediately entered through his shadow on the ground, rising through his feet and heading straight to my father’s upper body, he was so enraged by Luna Mira’s first lethal sentence.

  The principal seemed to notice that the atmosphere was becoming tenser and in order to avoid a war, he invited us to look at the training center; we left where we were standing and went straight into the building.

  When our feet began to step into the building, the Lycan frequently glanced at me; the tension I felt at this time came not from the trouble that my father and Luna Mira had caused, but from the charming Lycan who was watching me.

  I could hear my heartbeat, my ears were filled with heartbeat noises and I could clearly hear my breath at that moment, which interrupted me because I couldn’t bring myself to focus when the principal told us about the lesson we would have the next day.

  My father and I were walking next to each other at that time, and Luna Mira was walking next to the principal with her son next to her; the old man became a barrier between us, protecting us from the chaos that could occur.

  The building is well maintained, with gray paint on the walls and a clean white ceiling, making it comfortable. What excites me is that this training center has entertainment venues such as a gym, basketball court, and swimming pool to keep students entertained.

  The massive corridor became our final destination and the principal office was right in the corridor’s corner; the five of us then came to a halt in front of the waiting seat.

  “Alpha Adrian, Luna Mira... Please come in…” The old man invited my father and Luna Mira to join him in his office, his arms wide open as he welcomed them.

  I thought the principal expected us to come into his office, that he demanded we come in, but I was mistaken; he only expected the parents to go with him.

  I can do nothing when my father leaves me, he gets into the office with Luna Mira next to him, the door closed afterward and now only the Alpha and I who had left in the empty corridor with cold waiting seats filled the place.

  “Shit” I mumbled deep inside when I realized I’d be spending my time with the Alpha outside of the principal’s office; my head became dizzy, as did my belly, which began to feel heartburn, and the moment felt similar to when I was waiting for my final test results.

  He stood not far from me, gulping when he realized I had noticed him as well; I could feel his tension when I looked at him, and I am as well.

  I turned away from him, making my way to the cold waiting seat and hoping for my father to come out of the principal’s office soon so I don't have to be a cold stone who sits on the seat, shutting my mouth as if I were mute.

  When the Alpha noticed that I was hiding my eyes from him, that I didn’t want to see him while making his way to the waiting seat, he took a seat and chose the seat that faced my seat, I knew that was the Alpha’s plan to sit on that seat instead of finding a seat that was located away from me.

  “So you grew up in Eden Spring?” He began his first sentence with something I had not expected to hear: his voice.

  His voice was deep; I wasn’t expecting such a deep voice from a young Lycan at that age, which surprised me because my male pack doesn’t have that voice.

  I kept my mouth shut, not because I didn't want to, but because I remembered why I was here: to get my wolf form and train harder, to make my parents proud of me.

  The Alpha took a deep breath before continuing his sentence, his back now straight and not resting against the seat. The Alpha’s eyes then looked at me intently, and he pressed his palms together and rested his chin on them while looking at me.

  “I had no idea you were mute! But I’ve heard Eden Spring is a lovely place! Unfortunately, only its own people could pass through the gate” The Alpha declared.

  “I wish I could go to Eden Spring” He ended his words, seemingly waiting for me to respond.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes, turning away from him and began to point my gaze at the principal’s office, praying to the Moon Goddess to make my father leave the office as soon as possible because I couldn’t stand it any longer with this charming wolf, I can’t hold myself for any more minutes, I want to get out as soon as possible.

  “Hey, look...” The Alpha resumed his sentence, and I returned my gaze to him; I wasn’t intending to look at him, but it just happened.

  “I am not sure what your father said about us, but we’re not-” He did not finish his sentence because I cut him off and shut him up.

  “Please do not say anything about my father!” I exclaimed angrily but subtly, my back which was against the seat about to leave it when I heard him say something about my father.

  “Never, ever continue your next sentence” I declared, but my warning did not deter him; instead, he opened his mouth again.

  “I thought you were mute! But now, guess I had a chance to talk with you”