
CHAPTER 5 Spell on Me

The principal’s office room door immediately opened, startling the Alpha and me from our seats; the two of us quickly got off the cold waiting seat as we heard the door open: Luna Mira comes out. She was upset, her face looks as tight as the skirt she was wearing and her cheeks are as firm as her ass, and they were so attractive, making every guy who saw them lose control, just like my father, who still can’t get over her.

The Alpha approached his mother when he saw she stepped out of the principal’s office; his face, which had been filled with rosy emotions when he spoke to me, now turned into worriedness that never ended when he saw his mother.

“Mom…” When the Alpha approached his mother, his eyes were full of concerns.

“What happened?” He asked in dismay, the two of them stood right in front of the principal office which was only six meters away from my seat at that moment.

I was still standing next to my seat, waiting for my father, hiding my face from Luna Mira because I did not want to get involved in their problems, so I chose to stay in my line and not listen to them, but as I previously stated, I have a special hearing ability that allows me to hear everything.

“Nothing happened, son” Luna Mira chose to lie to her son, concealing something from him, which made me wonder why she did not tell him the truth.

“I am just emotional because you won’t be by my side starting tomorrow” His mother stated with a fake smile on her face in order to protect her son’s feelings.

They were so warm, and his mother seemed to love him; their bond was a genuine connection between a mother and a son, which was the polar opposite of my father and me, who used me as a weapon.

I am jealous of their relationship, I wanted what they had and I was saddened when I saw how his mother treated him; it reminded me of my ideal life, one that I will never have in this life.

My father and I only had a bond because I was the heir to the throne, not because I was his daughter, which makes me understand why Luna Mira left him and choose another wolf. After all, my father is not a great father; he is just a thirsty control beast.

But I love my father and rely on him because I believe he will change one day, no matter how long it takes. I put all my trust in him, just as my mother did. But how can I communicate to him that I am not happy with this, that I am not happy to stand on the next throne as he wished?

I want to be a regular girl who goes out with friends and goes to the club, dancing and finding some fun stuff in life, not a girl who spent the rest of her life training in the hope that her father will love her if she makes her father’s dream come true.

The Alpha and his mother then leave their spot, leaving me behind, and the Alpha does not even turn back when they leave, acting as if we never talk, despite the fact that he initiated the conversation. 

I was so sad when I know he never looks back to see me or say goodbye even if it was just a second, my heart breaks into pieces knowing that he placed his mother over his future mate, I am his mate, I could feel it but how can I prove that he is my mate?

The strong connection leads me to him, but in the reality, I have to keep it to myself because my father will go against me, the connection between the Alpha and I same as the connection between my father and Luna Mira, it past connection, the karmic connection that trapped us in the same room and none of us can get out of that room, we are all twin flames.

My father will not be happy if I told this to him, he will send me back to Eden Spring and make me rot in that place, not letting me get out of it and for the rest of my life I will end like my mother, I will be his prisoner.

“Shit” I mumbled deep inside when I saw the Alpha and his mother leaving the place, and the wolf inside me respond with something that I had never expected.

“Call him!” For the first time in my life, my wolf talked to me. 

When I first heard it, my heart beat three times faster, but what can I expect from it? My wolf form does not even want to show up and prefers to stay inside, so why should I follow it?

“Ask his name!” It talked to me again, demanding me to do what it will.

“Stop him now!” It snapped at me.

When my wolf barked, my ears felt like they were filled with water, and the noise that should have been heard around the training center suddenly vanished, replaced by a hum that made me almost fall to the ground.

My vision became black and white, causing everything in front of me to blur; my hand then landed right on the waiting seat handle to keep me from falling, and my face turned pale.

The Alpha and his mother, who were still stepping not far from me, didn’t even notice that I was on the verge of losing my life and it makes me feel blue knowing that he has seen me as if I was not important to him.

I felt trapped in time, the clock that should have been ticking now stopped when I lost my power, and the afterlife seemed to be waiting for me to come to it, I slowly lose my breath when my other hand tries to reach my forehead, I try to reduce the pain in my head even though I can’t.

When I was about to fall and pass out, the principal came out of his room and stood next to the door, waiting for me to come, calling my name from his position, oblivious to the fact that I was struggling to keep my head up.

“Elora, your father is waiting for you inside...” He said.

But I say nothing and shut my mouth when he demanded me to come into his office room, my palm still resting against the waiting seat handle at that moment, waiting for the roller coaster in my head to disappear.

The principal shook his head, sighed, and got back to his office, that old man left the door open for me when he got into his office.

My mind told me that something bad must have happened.

I took a deep breath and tried to relax, drawing my strength back to myself and releasing the waiting seat handle, my body now standing straight despite the pain in my head. When I returned my gaze to the corridor, I did not see Luna Mira or her son; I am sure they had already left .

With a blue feeling, I began to make my way toward the principal room, stepping like a toddler. I finally reached the principal room in minutes, forgetting about my wolf that had been talking to me, and moving on as if nothing had happened.

I see my father was in a rage, the principal even placed his face down on the ground when my father talked to him. The situation was tense at that time.

It turned out that my father disapproved of Luna Mira bringing her son to this training center. Luna Mira was aware that the place is a public training facility, and that my father was only the largest benefactor of the facility, not the rightful owner. She fighted back and demanded the principal not to treat her son differently.

“How could you have allowed them in?” With a voice of rage, my father declared from his seat, the seat was right in front of the principal’s work desk; I was closing the door at the moment he talked to the principal.

“According to the rules, the training center is open to the public…” The principal explained.

“Alpha Adrian, we can’t ban the Night-Bloods because this place is not a private area” He declared.

The door noises that I made seemingly interrupted their conversation. My father, who was furious at the time, turned his gaze to me, looking for the source of the interruption to their conversation.

“Please take your seat, my dear...” The principal demanded I take a seat; he smiled at me but couldn’t hide the tension on his face; I immediately took the seat next to my father.

With trembling legs I sat next to him, my hands shaking when waiting for them to continue their conversation, the first meeting that happens right now is worse than the meeting I had with the Red-Bloods’ head.

“Elora, your father Alpha Adrian told me that you had been concerning him lately…” The principal said his first word after my arrival, I nodded in reaction.

The two of them seemed to move on to my problem. The principal then went on to expand on the subject.

“Alpha Adrian mentioned that you hadn’t transformed until now, which concerned him because you should have gotten your form on your seventeenth birthday. I am here to clear everything up so we will know what I should do to assist you in obtaining your wolf” The principal came to a halt and began to reach for something on the bookshelf behind him.

A brown book landed on his desk, it was full of dust that caused me to cough; I coughed as I felt the dust get into my lungs.

“You know, I have known your father since you were born, and I remember seeing you at your first training when you were six! I see you had a lot of potential to be on the next throne, and your father badly wanted you to stand on that podium” The principal said as he flipped through the aged book.

“Do you have any idea about what’s on my desk right now?” He gave me a question, his brow raised the moment he punched me with the question. 

“No, I have no idea what that is…” I responded, gulping and tensely inhaling.

“Well, let me explain, my dear…” The principal replied.

He then started to place his ten fingers on the paper; the book page was at page seven at that moment and I have no idea what page seven meant, but I am sure it means something. The principal took a deep breath before starting the spell, closing his eyes and demanding us to do the same thing.

“Sto ónoma tis Theás tis Selínis, sas zitó na mou deíxete éna simádi kai na apantísete stin erótisí mou”

(In the name of the Moon Goddess, I demand you to show me a sign, and answer my question)