
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Filmes
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65 Chs

Chapter 20

Chapter 20


Hiccup Pov:


 The First week of school was great so here is a summary.


 In the Sword Training class we have finally finished basics. In Study/History we just continued to Study and we also learned the History on some tribes. In the Forgery class we had mastered the basics and our next task was to craft a basic dagger. In Hand to Hand Combat we have got the basics done and are sparring a lot to improve.


 Now Maces and Talons is probably the most challenging for everyone else. On the second day Dagur lasted a little longer. When it came to my turn everyone was watching with anticipation. "Just so you know I won't go as easy on you." Viggo said.


 "Ok." I say and we go at it for a while. we are evenly matched but he beats me somehow. "Good game Hiccup. I must say you really are a great Opponent." Viggo says.


 We finish up the day and nothing much happens the rest of the week. Viggo stays at the same difficulty for everyone but me, He goes a little harder on me.


 I am doing Mutism's weighted training gear when Dagur comes up and asks me. "Can you teach me Maces and Talons?!" He has been doing this for the past week since his first defeat along with others.


 Since they have been doing it a lot I say. "Sure but before you cut me off I am going to do it tomorrow. Basically I will be in the main hall doing it all day is that good. If it is tell everyone in Maces and Talons." At this he seems extremely excited and says. "Thankyou Brother!" An runs off.


 I finish the gear and present it to Mutism and he thanks me. Now it is time for the announcement in the Main hall. When we arrive we see the headmaster along with the teachers up front and I am wondering what the announcement is.


 "SILENCE!!" The Headmaster calls out silencing everyone and continues. "We have decided after the visit from last week that every week right before classes start. That we will be having guests here, the last visit was Berk and the next is a tribe governed by Griselda the Grievous." At this I tense up and Scribbler notices.


 After that the announcement is done and I go back to the dorm to figure out how I am going to hide myself from them. As I am wondering I hear. "Who is Griselda the Grievous, Hiccup?" I turn around and see Scribbler. Since he will find out eventually I decide to let him know.


 "She is the leader of some dragon hunters. They caught me when I was on a solo journey and imprisoned me. I managed to escape but later there was a task for our Seafaring class at home and some of the class was attacked by her." I say to Scribbler and he seems to understand my reasons.


 "So what are you going to do Hiccup." Scribbler says and I am about to Respond when I hear Dagur saying. "What are you guys talking about?" Since he is hear I may as well summarize it and say it.


 "Griselda the Grievous wants me dead since I escaped her prison so I need to figure out a disguise. All I need to do is change my clothes but I was not wearing my mask at the time so yeah." I tell him and Mutism who was beside him.


 We discuss what to do until dinnertime and decide that I will wear a pair of Scribblers.


 We finish up the day and go to bed.


 The next morning I put on the clothes from Scribbler, somehow we are the same size. From there I head out and get breakfast. After breakfast I pull out a Maces and Talons Board and sit at a table in the corner.


 From there people start to line up to test their luck. I told Dagur the day before that the prize would be a item of their choice if they won that I would make. I did Maces and Talons all day and no one came close to beating me.


 We had lunch and I went back to it when I noticed a couple of people watching. Viggo from the teachers table and the guests on the opposite side of the room.


 After my next match one of the guests comes up and says. "Can I have a try." Since they are guests I can't say no so. "Sure."


 He goes at it and loses pretty quickly earning a Surprise gasp from the other 2 guests. At that the main person comes up and says. "I am surprised you beat my general, may I have a try?"


 Since I don't know them I say. "Sure but, what's your name?" At this they don't look surprised but say. "My name is Griselda the Grievous, what is yours?" I was not prepared for this but I said. "I was doing this because people wanted to get better at Maces and Talons. The people who defeat me get a item of their choice made by me. My name will be on it so if you beat me you will find out."


 Griselda took this as a challenge and went at it. It was a close game and it lasted longer than my one with Viggo. Eventually I won but said. "you are the longest to last against me so I will make you an Item what will it be?"


 "The best sword you can make." Griselda said and I left to work on it. Griselda went on the tour and I finished it and me and Scribbler had decided on a name and what to brand it with.


 I went and found Griselda and gave it to her and said. "This is a sword that I made to the best of my abilities here, It is called Eagle claw." She does not look impressed and said. "May I try its durability then."


 "I don't have a problem." I said and she tests it and leaves me alone for the rest of the time she is here. My disguise worked and I live to fight another day.