
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

The Liquidator

-Just after Hex finished her training-

Another ridiculous war for conquering and power. That is what Hex is calling this battle. She stood next to a now fully grown Hela on her left and Odin on her right. They waited patiently on the planet she long but forgot the name of. The residents running towards them with their blades held high.

Another innocent planet filled with monsters for occupants. An opportunity both Hela and Odin seized to gain more control and grow their unnecessarily large army. Hex was highly irritated with this since they only used her for their battles. They never once lifted a finger. She thought ten new planets was enough, but she lost count at over 100.

Loathsome, wicked, damned, the devil. Hex said to herself. Lucifer and Satan together again to garner those they wish to kill. Hex moves forward, her steps agonizingly slow as she forgets who she truly is.

For she belongs in Niflheim and he who is unholy. A king with no crown, a daughter without a father. Hex's hair slowly turns to the darkness of death. Her green eyes long but corrupted.

I belong with them, for I am death itself. The taker of souls, the mother of the dead. The ground beneath her engulfed in dark shadows spreading forward, aimed for the innocent ahead. Her golden hands gathering power as she levitates from the surface.

Death is a mercy I must give you, for if not then it will become an endless torture of pain and suffering. Forgive me those who listen, for I am committing that of which cannot be forgiven. My sanity lost all hope, my soul trapped in a cage. My humanity a ghost of a whisper, my benevolence a gravestone long but forgotten.

Forgive me those that see me, for I have become your extinction. The shadows engulf the soldiers before her, their cries silent. I have become your destruction. For I am your liquidator and I am your purgatory. Hex said as she rips the few trapped in her dark abyss to shreds. The force so strong she pushes the surface upwards and breaks the ground beneath their feet.

The smoke disperses and her eyes stair at nothing as she moves her power before her. Death is something she did not want to see, it was an all too familiar world for her. But on the days like this she did not have a choice. She had to stare death in the face and greet it as an old friend.

She sped forward landing with a force on the surface, sending a few soldiers flying. Her steps slow as she walks amongst the fighters. Their gazes hard and strong as they struggle to gain access through her force field. She conjures her blades and starts slicing at the mass of bodies around her. Her blades cutting as if the soldiers was made from butter.

Her hand conjures her power and she slowly suffocates, shreds and incinerates hundreds of them in her path. Her long blades she now forces through the ground. The power and destruction emitted from it instantly killing the others left around her. Their souls dead but their bodies still alive. Torture. Hex says. Forgive me. She whips her hands up and slowly sucks the last of the soldiers life sources from them.

Their muscles disappearing as their skin clings to the bones left in their weak bodies. An army of skeletons. Mindless, soulless, lifeless bones walking on the dead surface they once called home. Mercy. She says as she moves her wrists and her flecks of gold surround the dull residents of the dead before her. The gold crushing their bodies and evidentially disappearing into the tainted air. Safe.

Hex stares at the blood and destruction before her. This was an easy day, this was not her most brutal ways. She was not completely lost, not yet. If she was, not even Odin, Hela and their army would be safe. She subtly turns on her feet and walks back to the others.

Her face splattered with crimson, an artists muse taking over her features. Her mind still sane enough for less brutality, but not enough for her to forget her sins. My sins must not be forgiven, for I have counted the numbers. And no scale matched the digit.

"Hex my dear! Well done on another win." Odin said, his tone pleased but his face uncertain. He but long wanted to end the battles and retire to rule and guard Asgard. Hela was the convincing one of the two, her actions and ideas were destructive. Both Hex and Odin knew that. Both knew what had to be done.

"You decided to give them mercy? They are weak! You should've left them when their souls were gone. Not give their bodies the ending they deserve." Hela spat at Hex.

"Hela..." Odin began.

"Maybe you're the weak one here. Maybe I should make sure you stay dark. So that your mind can die along with these feeble soldiers!"

"Hela! Watch your tongue." Odin said angrily.

"Or what? She never harmed us before in this state. She doesn't have the nerve." Hela said, slowly making her way towards Hex.

Hex only glared her down, every piece of sanity left in her slowly deteriorating away the closer Hela came. Perhaps Odin might have a point with Hela keeping her tongue. Hex did not think of killing them since she needs Odin. Hex never killed Hela because she was the daughter of the Allfather. But since even the king himself wants Hela gone, Hex no longer needs the constraint. Hela is fair game.

Hex's black iris's now engulfed her whole eye as she grabs Hela by the neck, lifting her up from the ground. "No Mercy for the goddess of the Dead." Hex hisses at Hela who's eyes only held amusement.

Hex only squeezed Hela's neck tighter. Her golden flakes surrounding the goddess's throat, it slowly draining her life force from her. Dark shadows emit from her arm as it surroundings Hela as it slowly burns away her flesh. "If only the goddess could save her self from death. Pity." Hex said unamused and dropped Hela to the ground.

Hela coughed and yelled in anger and pain. Hex only stepped over her and headed towards Odin. Who seemed to have a very neutral expression for someone who's daughter was in the hands of her demise.

"It's time you get rid of the mutt." Hex spoke to the Allfather. "And her wolf too." She pointed towards Fenrir who stood staring angrily at Hex. She left for Asgard without another word, leaving the others on the forgotten planet.

It was two days later when Odin officially exiled Hela from this realm. Along with her is Fenrir and the army they both once valued. Hex only stood next to Odin with a neutral expression as Hela cursed and threatened her father. Hex's hair was a dark brown and her eyes a forest green, edging on the surface of the dark.

Her dark side usually took long to subside. Odin left her alone at times like this. At least merciful enough to realise even Hex needs a break from war.

As Odin's last words were spoken and Hela banished for eternity, Hex left for her chambers only to find herself more alone than ever. She instead headed towards the gardens and sat in her favourite tree. The scent of the flowers calming her senses. Her hair turned to its former glory, but her eyes stayed the same. They were wary, stalking, waiting.

That's how she spent most of her days, either admiring the beauty of the gardens or reading in the library. Expanding her knowledge where ever she could.


Son, warrior, king. Maiden, lover, wife. Hex read as she sat on the bench underneath a window. It has been years later and Odin has found a Queen. She wasn't a wife or queen of the Allfather yet, but Hex knew she would be. She could see it in her eyes when they met. The woman named Frigga was raised by witches and could read Hex just as well. Queen. She said out loud to herself.

"What is it you are reading?" Frigga asked as she entered the library. "Doesn't seem very interesting. Your head is in the clouds and not in the book." She laughed softly.

Hex smiled and shut the book as she stood.

"My mind is wondering. Has been for years now. It doesn't seem to find its destination."

"Come." Frigga said as she held her hand. "Let me teach you a few tricks. It might help you a bit. But don't tell Odin." She laughed. "I don't think he needs to know."

Hex smiled, a geniune expression of admiration for the woman in front of her. She took Frigga's hand as they left the library. "I don't plan on it."

Hex was grateful for the lessons Frigga gave her these past few months. She taught her what ever she could. Hex was a quick learner and easily managed the tricks at hand. But Hex's mind was still lost, the steps an agonizingly slow pace.

Hex made her way towards the Allfather and his new Queen and settled with a bow before them. Her respect was for Frigga, not Odin.

"I have a small request if I may?" Hex asked the king. Her head proud and her stance strong.

"I know what you are asking. Frigga told me you have been feeling lost. Even I can see it in your eyes." Odin said kindly. Hex didn't trust his expressions, she knew he was being different because of Frigga. Everything he did was for the benefit of his wife, rarely his kingdom and his people. Hex was grateful for that every day. Her respect for Frigga truly earned.

"You may rest if that is what you truly desire, but..." The Allfather hesitated.

Of course. Hex thought. There's always something else.

"I must tell you that your rest may not be as long as you want. Frigga is with child. I would like my heir to learn from you when he or she come of age." Hex was shocked with the news but kept her face neutral.

She knew Frigga was different, but she did not bother to think that she might expecting.

"I will open your chamber when it is time. That is all I have to say." Odin finished. Hex thought there was to be more, it seems Frigga really does work miracles.

"Of course Odin. And I congratulate you on your gift Frigga. It seems your destiny bares good fortune. I wish your heir a full life." Hex spoke honestly.

Frigga nodded towards Hex and said her thanks. Odin stood and walked Hex to the chamber.

Joy. Hex thought. Rest, peace, mortal.

Odin enclosed Hex within her chamber and left her as she slept. For years, Odin taught his sons about Hex. Never once did they see her or know where she is. She was a myth, a legend, a story.

Loki knew, since childhood. His destiny was sleeping in a chamber. Hidden away from the tainted world. He did not realise it then, but his future was already set when his soul attached itself with his other half. The half he only believed existed when he was of age.