
Helming Hollywood (Fanfic)

Levin, who had experienced ups and downs in the entertainment industry in his previous life came to Hollywood in 1996 from 2014. It's a slow-paced novel. Unofficial translation of the novel by heracross. Raw version can be found at https://www.uukanshu.com/b/24330/. You can read advanced chapters on my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/Sayonara816.

Sayonara816 · Celebridades
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342 Chs


The gathering with friends at the bar ended with the finalized development direction as a paragraph. Although Levi wanted to strike while the iron was hot and decide what TV series he would film in the future, looking at the time, he still felt that it was a wise choice to go back to the hospital. And at noon the next day, when Levi returned from the hospital to the apartment, he remembered, he was a little surprised when he looked at the surrounding situation.

In his memory, Nicholas Levi has almost always carried out the idea that he is at the bottom of society, which also makes Levi think that his living conditions may be as bad as his home. But when he came out of the hospital, he found that he was driving a Porsche, and when he arrived in the community he remembered and found that he was renting a two-bedroom house and one living room alone. How is the condition terrible?

Although he and his father seem stalemate, Levi bets that little Levi can't earn money by himself. He can afford to drive a good car and rent a house to live alone, and his father arranged for him to work as an executive director and pool hundreds of thousands of dollars with his friends to shoot a movie. No matter how you look at it, his life is not hard.

Levi is entirely satisfied with his current status. It is already much better than his previous life's struggling living environment. After all, the second generation is the second generation. Even if they are down and out, they still have good conditions.

After I have traveled through time, my living conditions and interpersonal relationships are better than before. Levi had been immersed in the excitement and confusion of crossing all day yesterday. Now that he is alone, he is also thinking about what he should do in the future.

Levi, in his previous life, was not eligible to talk about dreams, but Levi in this life has a lot of capital to dream, but he needs to learn how to dream. He has a good network of relationships, and these networks can become paving bricks on his way forward. He has the memory of the future, knows the development trend of the film industry, and can make movies that people love. He even knows that some industries will have incredible value in the future. It is now 1996. If he invests a little money, he can become a rich man. There are too many paths he can choose. Although he has nothing now, his future self will have an excellent development path.

Maybe he should plan his development path. Now it is 1996, so the era of blockbuster movies has not yet arrived, and the period of crazy development of movie special effects has not yet arrived, and he can use it himself. In 1996, let alone the peak of superhero movies, even the first Marvel superhero movie was not yet released. In this regard, he has an opportunity to take advantage of it. Pay stations are generally underdeveloped in this era, and he can catch up with the excellent time. Reality shows have yet to develop, and he can use them. It's a pity that he doesn't know much about music; otherwise, he could do much.

And the issue of making money. Even if you don't mention the Asian financial turmoil two years later, he at least knows that it is the time when Internet technology is prevalent. He has heard of companies like Yahoo and Google. Investing is not impossible as long as he is not a fool. Levi has been thinking about what to do for a while. After thinking about it, he also thought of what he should do. He wants to avoid going into business: firstly, because he doesn't understand; secondly, because he doesn't like it; and thirdly, because doing business is too easy for him.

After returning home, Levi had been thinking about these things until a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, and he didn't notice that it was already afternoon.

At this time, who will come?

"Nick, I was swamped yesterday and didn't go to the hospital to see you. Today I heard you have returned, so I came to see you directly. Father told me you are recovering well, so I am relieved. Do you owe someone for the film? Let me know the number, and I will send you the money. This money is from our father, so you don't have to pay it back, but you must be careful. Father can't give it every time."

After opening the door, the person outside had already pushed the door open and barged in, and sat down directly on the sofa. This person looks a few years older than Levi, but in appearance, he is pretty similar to Levi, which immediately makes Levi know who he is. Although this person had been babbling and accusing Levi since he entered the door, when he heard he was there to give money to him, Levi felt all the accusations in his words could be ignored.

"Bruce, thank you for coming to see me." After knowing that the person in front of him was his brother, Levi greeted him with a smile. Whether they were siblings in the past or not, have feelings for this person or not, it doesn't matter. Now he is here to give money, and he will have to ask him to do things in the future—people who ask for something have to put on a smile. So, he interrupted the other party's smooth talk and didn't let the other party continue talking.

His low-key made Bruce stunned for a moment. He looked his younger brother up and down before speaking, "No wonder father said your mood changed a lot after your attempted suicide. It's different from usual. I have to be more careful not to irritate you. Did your doctor prescribe any medicine for you? Are you taking medications now?"

"Do you suspect everyone who greets you well has taken medicine?"

"No, I only suspect you. You are different from others." Bruce looked at Levi, a little puzzled, and continued to speak with some observations, "It would be much easier if you didn't take any medication. Now get dressed. The two of us need to go out."

"Where are you going?"

"I heard from father that he arranged for you to shoot a TV series for ABC?" Bruce asked back.


"That's right. If you are shooting a TV series, I want to introduce a few people to you. They are all critics. They may not be able to help you make a TV series, but when your TV series comes out, they may be able to use a few good words to cover up the horror of your TV series." Bruce stood up and patted Levi on the shoulder, "Now you are finally more sensible than before, and you no longer insist on your dream of boring independent movies. Since you can compromise with our father, you can also compromise with me, right? Let me introduce you to a few people who will be very helpful for the future development of your career."

This is the primary purpose of Bruce's visit.

Levi needed to determine whether this was Bruce's intention or Adam's. However, no matter who it is, it is the same: they hope that Levi will get back on track, stop aggressively pursuing his own so-called independent film path, and make good use of his well-developed family connections. If he remembers well, Bruce inherited his father's unemployment and entered Variety Magazine, but he had a lower status than his father. He was just the head of the film department of Variety Magazine. He said that the friends he would introduce to him would not be simple tabloid reporters. These people were likely to be his colleagues or industry elites of the same level as him.

And the comments of these people have a considerable influence in Hollywood. From the looks of it, although his current background is not the kind of big family that is invincibly wealthy, nor is it a political dignitary with a lot of power, it does have a lot of influence.

This is indeed an asset.

"I'll come as soon as I pack up." Levi nodded, knowing more people is not a bad thing.

"It's amazing. In the past, let alone attending a banquet, you wouldn't even attend church with me. If only I knew that the near-death experience was so effective; when you were young, I had a lot of opportunities to do it."

Levi went into the bedroom to change clothes, and in the living room, Bruce was still chattering, "How about we go to church together next time? Many people are also worthy of your acquaintance, from investors to publishers. It has it all - the church is one of our treasures; you should see it."

"Let's talk about it next time?" Levi, who was in the room, interrupted Bruce.

"It's up to you, but you know the importance of these connections." Bruce agreed, and then he heard Levi say, "What kind of party is today?" "Oh, Oscar's promotion meeting. Slightly more formal, and the scene is bigger."

"The promotion meeting of that movie? Braveheart?" Levi asked casually, thinking of the poster he saw in the bar last night. Levi remembered that on the eve of the Oscars every February, these figures in the critics are the most sought after.

"No, I don't like Mel Gibson. That guy has antisemitic tendencies. Tonight's promotion meeting is a promotion meeting of Sense and Sensibility. Have you read the original book of that British movie? You have seen classic British dramas, right? That's fine. The show is quite standard, don't talk too much nonsense."

Pushing open the bedroom door, Levi came out. "I've seen this movie." A smile on his face is a kind of surprise: "I don't know if you have seen them, but I have watched the previous films directed by Ang Lee."

"Those Chinese films? Unexpected."

Levi smiled. He also didn't expect to have such a good opportunity: going to the promotion meeting of Braveheart and the promotion meeting of a movie directed by Ang Lee meant utterly different options to him! There will be many unexpected things.

"If you have read it, it will be easy to handle. Then you will not be afraid of saying the wrong thing, and I can introduce you better." Bruce nodded in satisfaction. He looked at Levi's dress, straightened his tie, and spoke again, "Nick, there is one more thing. I forgot to say when I walked in the door just now: I am glad that nothing happened to you."

"I am also happy that nothing happened to me." Levi was stunned. After a while, he still hugged Bruce, "Now that I'm back, I couldn't be happier."


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