
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord rebirth

On the night of Halloween 1981, Voldemort casts the killing curse on Harry Potter. However, he could never have predicted the result of his actions. Now he finds himself trapped in the body of the boy he wanted to kill.

Krio_Genix · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
105 Chs



Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 35


The next day, while most of the school had already started eating their breakfast, Cho Chang and her two friends made their way to their table.

They were still feeling a bit off, after whatever happened to them the day prior.

The moment Cho Chang sat down, she noticed that Luna Lovegood was already sitting in front of her and was happily eating pudding.

Cho Chang started to feel anger just by seeing her.

'Was this somehow her fault?. Did that weirdo do something to us?.' She wonders

She wanted to get some answers, so he looked at Luna and went to call her.

"Ei!. Loon-" The moment she tried to speak that name out loud, she felt an intense pain around her stomach area.

She bent down and placed her hands on her belly.

"Uggg" She could only make that noise, the pain was too intense.

"Cho, what's wrong? are you ok?" Marietta, who saw this, asked her friend.

The pain seem to recede for a moment and Cho was able to speak again.

"My stomach started to hurt, but I think I'm fi-"

At that moment, the pain came back and got a lot more intense than before. She felt like she was being burned from the inside.


Cho Chang made a blood-curling scream that got the attention of everyone in the hall.

The teachers rushed to her side. McGonagall and Flitwick took her quickly to the infirmary while she continued to scream. Cho Chang and her two friends follow behind them.

The great hall was silent for a few seconds. No one knew what to say or think about what happened.

Then everyone started to talk again.

"What happened to her?"

"Could it have been the food?"

Harry just looked at the procedures with no change in his expression.

'Looks like it works just fine, but I will keep an eye on them just to make sure.'

Harry was thinking about the measures he took the day before. He has never tried to do something so complex. Those girls will serve as test subjects.

The mind is truly incredible. Pain is in reality a defense mechanism. It warns you when there is something wrong with your body.

However, the mind can be tricked. What he used was something close to a confundus charm that makes the brain think that the body is severely injured and so, pain must be felt.

He also had to add specific triggers, and that was probably the most complex part. In this case, the pain will trigger when they try to insult or attack a specific person.

The pain is also all in the mind of the victim, so even an experienced healer like Madam Pomfrey will be unable to find anything wrong with her.

Harry smiled softly, thinking about his small accomplishment, before going back to his breakfast.


"Why do I have to come too?" Harry asked, exasperated.

"Ohh come on Harry, is a dueling club made by professor Lockhart himself!. Is going to be amazing!." Hannah commented excitedly.

"Yes, and I believe professor Lockhart asked you personally to attend, didn't He?." Susan asked.

"I don't know, I never listen to that man," Harry said dryly and Susan just laughed.

Once they made it to the classroom hosting the first session of the dueling club, the trio could just how full the place was. Almost every second year in the school must have decided to attend.

In the middle of the classroom, there was a dueling platform, and on top of it, one could see professor Lockhard smiling and waving at everyone. Next to him was professor Snape. He was not smiling at all.

Once the last students came in, Lockhard gave a few claps to gather everyone's attention and started to speak.

"Welcome to the best dueling class you will ever attend!. As you all already know, I am Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin third class, successful author, and five times winner of the most charming smile by Witch Weekly. But on top of that, I am also a master in defense against the dark arts. I am sure you all have already read about my many incredible fights against dark creatures and evil w-."

Snape made a few coughing noises to interrupt him.

"Lockhart, I do not have all day to waste here, so let's get this class started already," Snape said, looking very exasperated.

"Ah yes, of course. Why don't we start this class with a demonstration? One of the most useful spells for self-defense is the disarming charm."

He gave a smile to Snape and then said.

"Professor Snape and I are going to have a quick duel and demonstrate how it works. Oh and don't worry children, I will give You, your potions professor back in one piece, I promise." Lockhard gave a soft laugh and most of the girls in the room followed him.

Snape now looked…just murderous.

'Maybe we'll get lucky and Snape will just kill the clown.' Harry thought.

"Oh, this is so exciting. We are going to see professor Lockhard in action!." Hannah barely contains her excitement.

It seems that many of the girls in the room shared her opinion by the looks of it.

Lockhard and Snape took their positions.

"At the count of three," Lockhard said.





Lockhard started making his wand motion.


"EXPELLIARMUS" Snape was much faster on his casting.

Lockhart was hit in the chest and went flying off the platform, he ended up crashing against some tables that were placed in the back while making a tremendous noise.

"I think Snape put too much force into that spell…Is not supposed to send people flying." Harry mentioned.

"Well, that was…something," Said Susan.

"Ohh NO!. I hope proffessor Lockhard is ok." Hannah said, worriedly.

"He did lose very fast though." Susan pointed.

"I am sure he just has a bad day. It can happen to anyone." Hannah defended.