
Anuall meeting

Its been10 months, So many things happened in this time Narcissa accepted the deal we controlled the whole Malfoy house and some other Noble houses from behind

Edward created some amazing artifacts they are so much famous and the potions of our shop are also getting their recognition I have told Edward and Potion mistress to hold the seminars and do discussions about their topics and increase more connections

Ministry is our main customer followed by Quidditch teams sponsors. Quibbler got super popular with newly created color pictures. Initially, Daily prophet thought it won't be a great hit and they will sell the ink to them for less price because the content in quibble is always weird, But I have changed so many staffs and made sure the quality in the paper is very high we made sure there are sections for each age group and they all contain what interests them most for that age groups In children section, there will be puzzle and quizzes for children and when someone finishes first it shows top people names who completed first it ignited so many people fighting spirit

The main thing the potions are great in our shop is beauty potions and beauty products the Potions mistress created it is full profitable business It was introduced in so many foreign markets the people who brought from us and some people tried to recreate them but they failed

And mainly the potion for Werewolf's, The effect of the potions is they will remain human even during the full moon for six months after six months they will become werewolves but they will have very fewer tendencies to attack people and the people who got a bit if they get the vaccine within next full moon they can completely be immune to werewolves poison

During this time I and Aditi learned a lot of things from Occlumency is the main thing we still didn't go into Legilimency it is a bit difficult to practice

Now we are In the manor in Devon 5 people are sitting with me at the round dining table

" Do they get admission notice from all the schools?" I asked in a shocked tone, some time before I have specifically created some puppets below age 11 and sent them to various parts of the world to see if they get school invitations for admissions

"except Durmstrang we got call letters from all seven institute's, there are some small schools which we are not taking them seriously, so yeah we got calls from all the seven schools, "Yang Xin said in a smooth voice

" It is good, tell everyone to accept the invitations and attend their respective schools and tell no two people in the same house in every campus and get very good ties with every family and be a model student so likely to get the perfect and head boy position in future and good connections with good families are also important " I have ordered them sorting my thoughts and thinking what to else to order

"Edward I want all the Magical knowledge the puppets are collecting in one place How do you think we should do, you guys also think"

"hmm create a database and upload the books in them it will be easy to share in that way and we can also sort them easily to study "Aditi gave an idea

" It will be possible " Edward answered simply

I frowned my brows thinking something

Sister Yang came to my back and started massaging my shoulders

" uploading each book will take so much time it will waste time and resource, uploading each book manually is muggle way, but we are magicians we should also get a trick to upload the books easily Edward try to see if you can get a device that can scan the whole book at a time so It will so much time for the puppets and we can also get the work done quickly"

"Yes master" Edward replied just that one world and didn't talk much

"It is time to spread the business to all the places with the seven institutes we will have students I the school studying we can have the advertisement from them and we also have some fame in most places due to our products take advantage of fame and time and spread fast" I continued to give orders to take people trained by Dark arts master for security

"Edward one more thing you do know some materials cost at one place is dirt cheap same material in another place is very costly so I want you to try a way to connect all the shops in various places so the person in charge of one place can directly get to another place where it is free and buy that for bulk in our shop and come back both sides it is profit"

" ok young master "

I turned to Yang Xin " how are the people we hired "

"We mostly hired the people we thought skill full and being suppressed in ministry and wasting their talents most of them are muggle origins and werewolves and squibs they all got tattooed they thought the moving snake tattoo on their body is cool it is fun to read their minds " Yang Xin replied playfully

" ok let them be as long as they are happy and loyal to us " I replied and we continued the meeting for some time we talked about some miscellaneous things and ended the meeting