

Hai guys it is my first time writing a novel so there will be so many grammatical mistakes so please do point it out for me and if there are any suggestions pls do mention them Two different people got a wish from R.O.B and they both are reincarcerated as cousins(boy/girl) in a muggle born with a soul connection and they both can use each other wishes. the whole story will be where MC will be mostly OP try reading it once and give me advise on how to develop the characters and how to be the dialogue writing. THANK YOU PLS ENJOY

Deathgamer_ · Movies
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20 Chs

Narcissa Malfoy

Narcissa heard the news that recently the Longbottom's are cured in the hospital, strangely but the most strange part is that after a day she got a letter from Longbottom to personally come and visit them in their manor. which is strange cause them inviting her at this time something is going on there according to Lucius the Long bottoms got cured in hospital strangely. but so many people are thinking someone helped them to cure but they are not revealing their identity.

She is not able to decide that should she go or not to Longbottom's manor. after brainstorming, for some time she decide to visit and see why they called her

Narcissa got ready in the morning and told Lucius she is going outside initially he didn't allow her to go outside but after showing the letter he said he will also come with me I just said it's ok using the flu network we both came to Longbottom's manor

" Welcome to my manor, I didn't expect you would bring your husband even though I told you to come alone" Augusta is a bit angry the Narcissa didn't even listen to her advice and brought her husband to her manor, the people who see it from outside will think Longbottom family is having links with this dark family

[ let them come in ] a smooth voice rang in her ear when she was scolding Narcissa in her mind

" come with me someone wants to meet with you, If not for her I wouldn't even invite you guys here," Augusta said calmly

" do you think we will meet someone as soon as you say for me to meet them, I am the lord of most ancient, the noble house of Malfoy " Lucius started shouting at Augusta

" come here and meet me " A smooth voice came from the room which Augusta showed, the voice is smooth but it contained an order which both Lucius and Narcissa are not able to resist they both obeyed it as natural and went towards the room

As soon as they entered they saw a beautiful lady sitting near a table both Narcissa and Lucius kept staring at her to see who she is, The lady who sat there turned her face to face them both when she saw both of them she showed a smile and turned towards Lucius and said "go to the corner and kneel "

Lucius Don't know why but he was not able to resist the order he went to the corner and knelt and kept thinking he will take revenge on all the people who bought him this shame

Narcissa is also not able to say a word to save her husband from shame when she was about to say something she heard " come sit in front of me "

Narcissa came and sat in front of the lady

" Ohh where are my manner I still didn't introduce myself, my name is Yang Xin, Lady Malfoy My boss is very interested in your skillset so he wants you to work for us" Yang Xin introduced herself and stated the reason

Aditya [ get me some popcorn the show is starting here and it is already intense ]

Aditi [ fuck off I am also seeing the show, Do you think it is necessary to make Lucius kneel like that ]

Aditya [ Sister yang is showing her power and superiority to them so when the discussion starts she will be an advantage ]

Aditi [ oh, what will you do If she won't accept the proposal ]

Aditya [ she will accept, all she cared about was Draco that's it's nothing else ]

"why do you think I will work for you" Narcissa after seeing her husband going to the corner and kneeling there she knows the other person is not something she can mess around and she is also thinking about what is the work and what are the benefits she will get

"for your son " when Narcissa heard that she got angry thinking they are threatening her using her son she was about to shout

" before you speak see this" She is shown what is Elder wand and how to get its recognition and how Tom came back and ordered Draco to kill Dumbledore and later she tweaked a bit and showed that Draco was killed in front of Narcissa by tom for the wand

Narcissa was not able to take any of that she thought everything was a lie she didn't believe it

" It is the future, As you can see how your son died under your lord for the wand, here is the deal from us join us and work for us, we will help you with the contract that is holding you as a slave in Malfoy house and you can raise your son as you want instead of seeing him follow his father steps and get dumber and spoil his future, And in future when Dark Lord returns we will help you be safe, If you doubt Will dark lord will return you can go and check regarding Horcrux with the capabilities you can find it in no time, After making decision come to Diagon alley to meet me, you can find me in the new shop there" after saying that Yang Xin got up and slowly walked out

Narcissa don't know what to do she is still sweating in her seat thinking something

" your husband will not remember anything so don't worry about him" She turned around and left from there

Aditi [ I thought some show will happen ]

Aditya [ me too]

Yang Xin [ Is master disappointed with my way of doing things ]

Aditya [ No, Short precise to the point no need for extra spice, I am happy as long as work is done, you did a great job, If it comes to worst control Lucius completely, his political power will be very powerful for us]

yang Xin [ I am already controlling him master ]

Aditya [ I know I can count on you sister Yang ]

Yang Xin [ hee hee Praise me more master ]