
Lost and Found

 Things didn't wind up going to plan Harry for the life of him didn't see how he had climbed up the way he had because going down every hold or place to set his feet seemed to lead to the far side of the rocks. He finally gave up and went with the flow. He did the last twenty five feet by moonlight, and ended on the far side of the rocks from the service road and Yiska in the dark he figured it would take him an hour in the dark to get there so he started walking.

He wanted to give his shoulders a break from the pack so he took off one shoulder strap and undid the belt. He hadn't gone far when the rock he was standing on shifted causing him to fall and hit his head on an overhanging rock.

He woke up what he hoped was only a short time later unfortunately it was pitch black and he had lost his backpack not to mention his head was pounding. His face was being licked. He put his hands up to find out what was licking him because he couldn't see. It was dark and his glasses were Merlin alone knew where. He felt a dog like face and body that was small. It was soon joined by four more.

Suddenly he realized these were the wolf pups he'd heard last night. A few minutes later he heard a growl the pups yipped their excitement and Harry flopped back down to the floor of the cave or overhang or whatever it was in order to make himself as non-threatening as possible.

The wolf came over to him and sniffed him. After a few minutes it appeared the wolf decided he wasn't a threat and proceeded to ignore him much to his relief. The pups alternated between ignoring him and trying to include him in their play. Before dawn a second adult came into the den and brought a piece of wood into the den with it.

The pup Harry couldn't help but think of as the alpha pup dragged the stick over and insisted Harry play tug-of-war with it. When the sun finally came up enough that Harry had light to see by the pup had worn itself out and had left the branch with Harry. Harry took the stick with him as he left the den on his way out he found his glasses an just outside he found his pack. He took the wood and added it to his pack before putting it on and hiking back to where Yiska had parked the truck.

Yiska looked up from his coffee cup. Harry was standing there he had a lump and a bruise near his temple but his magic was no longer flaring wildly. "Had your vision and found your guide?"

Harry nodded.

"Then lets go back." He poured the coffee on the camp stove into a thermos gave Harry some juice from the cooler and put everything back in the truck. Then they left.


Remus went to the annual Order of the Phoenix meeting at the end of April and found it was most all he could do to sit quietly instead of hexing Albus. Albus played his usual games of making everyone at the meeting feel as if he cared about them but Remus noticed that most all of his promises and or comments cost him nothing but garnered him support from most of the even went so far as to say to him, "I have a friend that needs help writing a textbook shall I pass your name on."

In years past he had made similar offers and in years past Remus had been grateful for them. They had been what kept him in food and money for train tickets to deserted moors or securely locked rooms for the nights of the full moon.

Remus realized that he had ghost written seven textbooks in previous years but had received no royalties or credit for his work. Thank Merlin for Sirius. Remus had been able to say "No need Headmaster. I have a good job right now." The flash of annoyance in Albus' eyes was missed by everyone else, but Remus caught it because he knew to watch for it.

Albus did his usual song and dance about how many students would be coming to Hogwarts next year and how he had checked the book and verified that Harry still lived then promptly did a little story telling of how it was such a shame that a boy wizard of such light was growing up under the influence of a dark wizard like Sirius. Remus wanted to puke. As soon as the meeting was adjourned he started to leave.

Minerva McGonagall had noticed his slightly uncharacteristic behavior and caught up with him before he left the castle. "Remus, could I speak with you?"

"Of course Minerva what could I do for you?" Remus spoke calmly but watched his words not wanting any warning flags to go up on Albus Dumbledore's radar.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. It's just a bit to close to the full moon is all. How about you come and visit me after school lets out we'll have tea and talk."

Minerva looked at one of her former favorites and nodded. "In six weeks then."

Andie smiled after weeks of subtle stalking she had finally been invited to tea at the Greengrasses'. She and Imogene Greengrass were in Slytherin together at Hogwarts of course Imogene had been a Nott then she hadn't gotten along with her family but had managed in a Slytherin way to get out from under their thumb. Now Andie intended to use her own Slytherin guile to gain an ally and hopefully plant some seeds of doubt about Dumbledore.

"Thank you for having me over for tea."

"Well I was so happy for you when the Duke reinstated you to the family and had you take over the family seats. I have to admit to being curious why not take over the seats himself?"

"Oh it's simple really. His Grace doesn't trust Albus Dumbledore or the Ministry and whose to blame him. He heard about cousin Sirius' trial; well so called trial anyway. I'm afraid I agree with the goblins on this one, a trial where the defendant has no chance to speak to defend himself is no trial at all."

"But didn't your cousin kidnap the Potter boy?"

"So some say, but I know that Sirius was named godfather to the boy. So is that really kidnapping?"

"I thought Albus was the boy's guardian, and Sirius betrayed the Potters."

"And who says that? And what does he gain by it?"

Imogene Greengrass was very quiet as she thought about what she just learned and its implications. They talked of general things, their children, fashion and the weather and after an hour and a half Andie thanked Imogene for hosting, saying they would have to do it again sometime with her a hostess.

A couple of weeks later, Augusta Longbottom smiled as Neville played draughts with Susan Bones. "Have I ever thanked you Amelia?"

"What for?"

"For encouraging me to break my isolation."

"You're welcome. I wondered if you've heard some of the latest gossip, you've been around for quite a while and I thought you might have some insight."

"What gossip is that dear?"

"Well it's two sided actually. One part is about the Duke de Sable. He's been very generous with the auror department and I've heard he's been equally generous with St. Mungo's medical research division. Anyway, he restored Andromeda Black-Tonks to the family and declared Bellatrix LeStrange oathbreaker, and she said he assigned her the Black family seat. Apparently he doesn't trust Albus or the Wizengamot because of the highly irregular trial of Sirius Black."

"Well His Grace must be a generous man. But I have my doubts about that family. As far as what's happened to Bellatrix, it serves the b… Sorry her name infuriates me.

She deserves ever bit of bad that comes her way. I had already stepped back from public life to care for Neville when Black's trial was held, not that I cared because the betrayal of his friends is as heinous as what happened to my son. And the kidnapping of a child disgraceful."


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