
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Filmes
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127 Chs

With all one's strength!

I screamed in pain. Blood spurted from my wounds, and consciousness began to fall into sleep. My body was aching and I was on edge and Jaeger was standing there looking at me happily.

The next moment, rockets began to fall from the sky at the place where Jaeger was standing. All the ground around him began to explode, and Jaeger quickly jumped to the side, doing a beautiful somersault in the air. He landed on his feet and looked in the direction the rockets had come from. I also looked there and saw another Jaeger running towards us far away from us.

This Jaeger was familiar to me, but I did not remember its name or who its pilots were. But one thing was certain! This one was from Marshall. He was far away, but I could see many cannons sticking out of his chest, from which he fired missiles.

'No! I have to finish this fight! I don't need help!' I got really mad at myself. Gathering my strength, I began to rise from the ground. My muscles were shaking from tension and fatigue. And a whole river of blood flowed from the mouth.

Having risen to my feet, it was difficult for me to stand. But I wasn't going to fall any more. I started to take steps forward. Step by step, I began to approach the black Jaeger again. He looked at me for a second and started to back away. As my steps quickened to a run, he also ran again.

I had no choice. I had to throw something at him. And I had a piece of Jaeger and an ax for it. But the problem is that he easily dodges. With its acrobatic agility and blue fuel powered engines, it could dodge even in the air.

We ran in the opposite direction from the Jaeger who came to help me, and he could not catch up with us. Maybe he didn't have improvements...

This could not continue. I couldn't run like I used to. But when the black Jaeger took the grenade out of his leg again, I saw an opportunity to end it. Jaeger turned his body towards me, continuing to run, and easily threw a grenade. It was his mistake. He did not throw the grenade with all his might, but did it as if he was pleased to watch me before the explosion.

The grenade flew towards me spinning in the air. It had a flashing light, saying that the grenade was ready to explode. But it didn't suit me. This was my last chance to end it here and now.


With a scream, I threw forward the piece of debris what left from the robot in my right hand. And immediately grabbed the ax with both hands. A piece of debris flew faster than a grenade and hit her.


Somewhere in the middle of the distance between me and the black Jaeger, there was a loud explosion, forming a sphere of blue fire many times larger than me, and then a mushroom-shaped cloud of dust rose up.

I wasted no time and as soon as I was hit by the shock wave from the explosion, I threw the ax with all my might in the direction where the black Jaeger was.


With another shout, I threw the ax and it flew in a horizontal position, spinning continuously in the air. The ax flew through the fire and dust of the explosion and I lost sight of it.


I heard the sound of the ax hitting metal and ran desperately into the fire and dust for the axe. I broke through the mushroom cloud and ran out the other side. I waved my hand away to blow away the dust and saw my ax lodged in the black Jaeger's back. Had the ax been fully charged, it could have sliced through the Jaeger's waist, but thankfully energy was enough to keep the ax stuck there.

Yeger lost his coordination and almost fell to the ground. He took confused steps to keep from falling. But I was already near him. The Jaeger turned to me, and I felt his fear. In front of him was a monster with bloodshot eyes. His body was black, covered in dust and blood, and there was not a single living spot on his body, but this beast was still rapidly approaching, coming out of the fire.

In desperation, the Jaeger turned on all the engines on his body in an attempt to escape, but he could not make it. I jumped forward just as the Jaeger began to move away from me. In a jump, I stretched my left hand forward and reached for him. His engines lifted Jaeger off the ground and he tried to fly back, looking at me.

He almost escaped! He almost won! But his fate was decided. My hand reached him and I grabbed his leg. It was his death. This moment decided his fate. He pulled his two knives out of his hands in desperation, but I had already pulled him to me.

How his engines didn't scream with the force with which they lifted the thousand-ton robot into the air, but they were not enough to fight me. I pulled Jaeger towards me, then turned my back on him and threw him over my back.

Pulling his leg, I swung him over me and hit the ground.


The Jaeger hit the ground and his body hummed and creaked. He swung his blades but couldn't hit me because I picked him up again and threw him over me and hit the ground.


His armor cracked and many sparks flew as he was slammed into the ground a second time. Many of the motors in his body stopped working and I no longer felt any resistance from him.

As I picked him up again and slammed him to the ground, his leg that I was holding came off and remained in my hand, the rest of the Jaeger lay on the ground, broken and motionless.

This battle is finally over! I put my foot on Jaeger's chest and inhaled air.


I screamed with all my might at the lying Jaeger. The scream was so loud that it created a shock wave all around. A strong stream of air came out of my mouth along with the flowing blood. Blood splattered all around, and I began to press down on Jaeger's chest with my foot.



The black Jaeger's armor failed, and my foot sank into his chest. Many electrical sparks and explosions echoed beneath my feet.

I heard Jaeger's heavy steps running towards us. He was already near us and stopped just as I stopped screaming and pulled my leg out of the black Jaeger's chest. Its light gray color and beautiful appearance stood out against the background of the desert.

"Don't kill the pilots! We need them for…" This Jaeger started to say something to me, but when he looked into my bloodshot eyes, he stopped.

My breathing was heavy and ragged. Every time I exhaled, it was accompanied by a rasping sound and a river of blood flowing from my mouth.

'This battle is over! I won!' That was the last thing I thought before my mind went blank. The Jaeger's leg, which was still in my hand, fell to the ground as I let go, and I wrenched the ax from the black robot's stomach.

I didn't know where to go. My mind stopped working and I lost my sense of direction so I just went where I was looking.

Walking in an unknown direction, I slowly moved my feet. No one approached me and no one said anything to me when I disappeared into the desert.

Later, after several days of walking, I reached the ocean and dived into it. It was the ocean between Australia and Indonesia, but I didn't know that. I was lucky enough to find some small source of radiation at the bottom of the ocean. Apparently, it was an illegal storage of radioactive waste. I didn't have the strength to check the environment. I just switched off as soon as I hit the bottom of the ocean.

After a few weeks, the entire path that Torterra traveled was covered with various vegetation. Australia was divided down the middle from south to north by a strip of green grass that was resistant to hot climates. But the most amazing thing about this strip of grass were the red flowers that had absorbed Torterra's blood. These flowers bloomed in the morning and in the evening, releasing a pleasant smell of freshness and dew.

People called these flowers "Peace after war".


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