
Guardian Of Infinite Earths

Aliens wish to invade the Earth? Did I allow it? In the M.I.B., he was Agent N. In Transformers, he was a crazy driver. In the Avengers, he was a superhero who could arm-wrestle with the Hulk...

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78 Chs

IE: Chapter 57. The Powerful Hancock.

There were a lot of troubles around here. Noah wasn't interested in being a messenger of justice. After their infighting, local police could handle it. He ran in the direction of the red dot on the radar.


Noah suddenly found that the red dot was coming in his direction as well, and he stopped in his tracks when he saw a black shadow swish overhead.

Noah: w(?A?)w

This flying alien was too tricky to deal with. When will the system add a flying function to him?

He turned around and pursued the red dot.


Hancock found that there would always be some people here after dark who were up to no good. Mugging people, robberies, and so on. He decided to be a superman of justice and help others.

He felt happy after doing it yesterday, protecting someone that was being mugged. Of course, he also conveniently took all the money from the mugger's pocket. Today, he had a full meal and bought a bottle of good alcohol.

As soon as he woke up, it was already dark. So, he decided to do good deeds again and earn some money to buy some drinks.

In a small alley, two young men were surrounding a girl.

"Alice, you can't run away. Be a good girl and come back with me, or do you want to stay here?" A young man, Bale, had a dagger in his hand and a lecherous smile as he looked at the girl in front of him.

It took several attempts to intercept the girl working in a restaurant. If she had brought a companion with her today, she might have escaped.

"I won't go with you. If you touch me, I'll call the police!" Alice bravely shouted.

"Call the police? Try it. Do you have a phone? I have a phone at home, why don't you come home with me and call them?" Bale reached out and ran his hand over the girl's cheek.

"Bale, take her back. Why Don't I take a couple of pictures of you guys while you're at it? Let's see if she would call the police by then? Maybe she'll give her all her money to keep it a secret? Hahaha!" Bale's partner came up with even crueller ideas.

"Hahaha, good idea! Alice, would you like to be my girlfriend or my slave-girl?"

"Please leave me alone. I'll give you the money. You can use it to find a woman, okay? Help! Someone help!" Alice was eventually crying from fear; she couldn't imagine what life would be like later on.

"If you don't want to go to my house, then stay here." Bale grabbed Alice's clothes and was about to tear them.

Suddenly, his wrist was caught by a big hand.

"It's not nice for two guys to bully a girl." Hancock turned to the girl with a self-satisfied smile. "Don't be afraid. I'll protect you."

"Fuck! Where did you come from?" Bale was furious that a hobo had disturbed his fun. He waved his knife without hesitation to teach the hobo a lesson. And by the way, scare Alice to submission.


Bale stabbed the hobo with a knife, but he felt like he had struck a wall. He pushed too hard, and the blade slashed his palm. It was bleeding profusely.

"Did you just try to kill me? Trash like you deserve to get locked up for life!" Hancock threw up a straight uppercut. Bale flew up and smashed into a dumpster a dozen meters away.

Bale's partner was stunned. 'Is this guy even human? He wasn't hurt by the knife, and he even sent Bale flying with a punch!'

When he wanted to turn and run, Hancock rushed over like lightning, grabbed his collar and threw him away.

The guy smashed into a roadside car with a thud.

"All right, Miss. You're safe; go home." Hancock looked at Alice with a smile, waiting for the other party to thank him.

"Ah ~~~"

Alice shrieked and turned to run.

"Hey! I saved your life! Where's the thank you?" Hancock lifted his hand and dropped it helplessly.

"Because she's more scared of you and thinks you're a monster." A voice came from behind Hancock.

Hancock suddenly turned around and took a closer look, "It's you? You actually chased me to L.A.?"

'I left New York and ran all the way to L.A. You're still chasing me?'

"I needed to talk to you about something. I can help you." Noah spread out his hands to show that he meant no harm.

"No, you want to arrest me, I didn't do anything bad, and I didn't steal someone else's hot dog. I said I picked it up. Why don't you believe me?! I'm not a monster, and I'm not a bad person; I'm helping her."

'Why can't people understand me? I only want to be a good person!'

"No, I believe you. But I'm really here to help you. I also know that you just protected that girl, and you're a good person."

"You're lying! No one would come all the way over from New York to help a stranger. You just wanna catch me!"

Hancock was furious and lunged at Noah. He didn't want to bully others, but he couldn't be bullied either!

Noah's pupil contracted, 'This guy was faster than I thought.' Instinctively, he reached out and grabbed Hancock's wrist. At the same time, he leaned sideways, twisted his waist and threw Hancock to the ground with a shoulder throw.

Hancock was stunned; he had never been thrown down like that before.

This made him even angrier!


Noah took a kick to the shoulder and would have been kicked in the chest if he hadn't dodged. But the other party's strength was too powerful, and he was still slammed against the wall.

Looking at Hancock coming at him again, he was pissed off too, 'if I had sneaked up on you earlier, I would have finished you off with one shot! And that kick, it fucking hurts!' He spent all four of his accumulated attribute points on strength and rushed towards Hancock as well.

Noah was at a disadvantage in terms of strength and speed, but Hancock didn't seem to know much about fighting techniques. It was just a straightforward use of brute force.


Noah once again threw Hancock down and smashed him into the dumpster. He was kicked away once again, crashing into the wall. He felt fatigued, and his body ached.

"I didn't want to arrest you. I wanted to help you. Can't you understand me?" Noah turned his hand and took out the Series 2 De-Atomizer gun. With bare hands, he really couldn't beat him.

"Bullets won't work on me, you can't beat me!" Hancock had a disdainful smile on his lips. He had never been beaten so badly before, and he really wanted to teach this guy a good lesson.

However, he also noticed that this person's strength and speed seemed far superior to that of ordinary people. However, it was still worse than himself.


Noah fired the gun at the ground, and a big hole appeared in the ground.

"This is no ordinary gun. If I really wanted to hurt you just now and shot you in the back, would you still be standing right now?"

"What kind of gun is that? Who the hell are you?"

Hancock was starting to hesitate, but when confronted, he wasn't afraid. Although he didn't know if he could withstand it, he certainly had the speed to dodge and avoid being hit.

"I'm from the M.I.B, not the F.B.I. You're an alien, not an earthling. Did you get a head wound and can't remember the past? I can help you recover your memories."

"I can also find you a job, so you wouldn't have to wander around. I can guarantee that they will adore you, and you will have friends."

Not having to wander and being able to make friends, these things struck a chord in Hancock's heart.

"Can you really bring my memories back?"

"Yes, I guarantee it."


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