
Rogue wolves

Jason and his companions walked through the dark ghoul forest, it was the largest forest in ornifal, and most dangerous. The group of them were all werewolves, aside from Jason there were nine others, a beta who was walking closely beside Jason two Delta's behind one sentinel four hunters and one Omega who recently joined the pack. The Omega was carrying Jason's bag and walking at the back of the group.

The Beta was saying something to Jason, " the rogue wolves are getting more bold I heard that they are moving deeper to our territory I wonder what gave them the courage" Jason didn't say a word, he couldn't get the taught of the new girl from his mind, she is so full of herself, " young Lord the beta shouted as he shook Jason. Jason woke up from his reverie " oh what were you saying". The Beta look infuriated his name is Louis, he is like Jason right hand man and they grew up together

Louis didn't bother to say a word again. The sentinel moved closer and start explaining. "The rogue wolves have start enclosing the land that belongs to our north mystic wolf pack, nobody knows what emboldened them". Jason was silent and didn't say a word as he thought deeply. The north mystic pack is easily the number one pack in all of ornifal, it was surprising how the rogue wolves were emboldened enough to enclose it. It seems like there's a deeper scheme behind this.

There was a sudden rustling of leaves ahead, the sentinel was the first to notice it and silently alert the others soon some figures appeared. They were all wearing dirty and tattered clothes, the leader was a tall sinister man, a very sinister smile hung on his lips. " What do we have here oh! It's the great and famous young Alpha of the north mystic pack it's very pleasant meeting you young master". His voice rang out it was very hoarse.

Jason scrutinized them, "the rogue wolves" he murmured to himself then turning to the leader he said in a loud voice " Gezo it seemed that you rogue wolves are becoming emboldened enough to ambush us it seems like you have a death wish" he released his aura it was a powerful aura some of the rogue wolves whimpered. But Gezo simple sneered, "it won't be us that will be dieing today, perhaps you were the ones having a death wish" he immediately start transforming the other rogue wolves all let out a howl as they start transforming.

Louis showed infuriated looks he immediately transformed and pounced on Gezo he was followed by the the hunter wolf's then the Delta's, the sentinel and the Omega stayed behind to wait over the Alpha but it looked like it was not necessary Jason transformed immediately the rogue wolves outnumbered them. There were fifteen of them so there was naturally no way he could leave is pack alone to weather the storm, he grabbed a rogue wolf and pounced on him them taking a bite on his neck he let out a roar. all the wolves nearby were shaken, the unlucky wolf was dead, Gezo has shaken off Louis, he though the Beta is very strong he is still not an equal opponent for the rogue wolf but he wasn't given a respite before Jason pounced on him, the two wolves engaged in a bloody fight Gezo was clearly not a match for the Alpha, he remained on the defensive. From the corner of his eyes Jason could make out the Omega wolf, he was weaker than the wolves present and looked like he was not faring well, the wolf attacking was clearly ruthless he was always aiming on his vital points. Jason broke out of the fight with Gezo and attacked the rogue wolf that was attacking the Omega, the rogue wolf was no match for the Alpha he immediately succumbed to death. As for Gezo, he didn't pursue Jason to finish there fight instead he starts retreating they clearly underestimated the might of the young Alpha. He let out an howl as he retreated without even glancing at his wolves, clearly there is no honor among rogue wolves. After all they are mostly wolves that have been banned for committing evil deeds, how could they have any honor. The other wolves seeing there leader leave immediately start escaping the north mystic wolves gave chase the escaping rogue wolves lacked courage making it easier for them to be hunted down.

After chasing them for a while they gave up on the chase they're already on the boundaries of the north mystic pack, Jason called back his pack but there was a glint in his eyes he looked around the scene to inspect the damage. Thankfully there was not much damage done few of the wolves were wounded but the Omegas wound seems quite deeper than the rest. " We should return first" Jason said to the pack, they didn't say another word.


Inside the dark ghoul forest, a palace stood on top of a hill. The palace was majestic in all sense and stooi as if it was the hegemon of the world. This was the north mystic pack the young wolves have returned, the wounded have gone to the infirmary to be treated by the salutary wolves.

Inside a large Hall in the palace the werewolves elders were gathered with few guidiance and two scouts, they were round a table. In the head of the table sat a man with a very suffocating strong aura nobody dared to breath hard in front of. He was the main Alpha of the north mystic pack and the strongest wolf in all of ornifal he looked middle aged around fourty to fourty-five from his sharp features one could tell that he was extremely handsome when he was younger, beside him sat Jason he was the only one from the younger generation capable of being here.

" You mean the rogue wolves formed a group and even have the guts to attack us" the Alpha said in a loud strong voice.