
Auntie Bessy

"Yes my Lord, answered Jason in short it could be considered as forming a pack". The Alpha thought for a while he turned to the scout " tell us what you all know" his voice was straight to the point. One of the scouts stood up he was Rashmond leader of the wolf scouts, he was also among the senior Alphas strongest supporters when he was still fighting over the Alpha position with his older brother.

" From our investigation I think the vampires are involved" from the mention of vampires all the wolves in the hall growled, the vampire and the wolves have a great enemity between them they could be at each other's throats at any time. Rashmond cleared his throat and continued " the vampires seems to be making some unknown movements and surprising enough they were the ones instigating the rogue wolves to be unbridle, they have probably offered something to the rogue wolves" he paused looking at the faces of the wolves gathered in the hall, many of the elders are grinding there teeth in anger and disgust. " Those fools if they have the guts they should face us one on one instead of pulling dirty tricks.

The Alpha looked at the scout giving him a silent nod to continue, he knew that Rashmond still has things to say Rashmond nodded and cleared his throat loudly "we happened to find out that the members of dark witch coven from the East have visited the vampires in some daily basis".

" I say let's attack these insolent fools and put them on their knees" one the elders snarled. The Alpha ignored him and stood up " I am going to call a meeting for all the wolves pack in ornifal to discuss this, though I know they must have received news through there informant now you all are dismissed.

Jason walked down to the infirmary to see the wounded wolves, the wolves weren't too bothered about their injuries, at least they took down five of the rogue wolves without having deep casualty compared to that their injury are nothing.

He walked to the Omega, his name is Todd and he is new to the pack. He was naturally the most injured.. seeing Jason towards him he raised his head and smiled in an assuring way "you shouldn't worry about me my Lord we defeated after all it's a victory" Jason new that the new wolf doesn't want him to worry about him since that will make him appear weak. It was normal for wolves especially for a new Omega who was ranked last in the pack, he wouldn't allow anything that might affect his promotion.

Jason gave him an approving nod "don't worry I will make sure that you will be promoted to a hunter wolf soon". Todd was delighted when he heard it he bowed slowly and didn't say a thing again. Louis moved closer to Jason and sat beside him " what is the pack decision" he asked.

"There is no decision yet, there is going to be a meeting with the whole pack in ornifal" Jason replied. Louis looked confused, " isn't just a few rogue wolves they're not worth it", his face betrayed his confusion. Jason smiled "indeed they do not worth it, but the power behind them, the vampires and perhaps the dark witch coven too".


Lisa drove her car towards her house. vastile lane the street she lived in was quite lonely, actually the street wasn't that populated. She parked her car in front of a one storey building house, the house stood alone the houses close to it seemed quite a bit far. it was her new house with her mom. She got down from the car and went inside the building, she pushed the door handle it was locked it seemed like her mom is not around.

She dipped her hand inside her hand bag and brought out her keys she opened the house and walked inside, the house was decorated simply it looked very clean. "seems like auntie Bessy did a clean up, but I wonder where she is" she thought to herself. Auntie Bessy was her mother's nephew, but she was quite older than her so she normally calls her auntie Bessy. She has lived with them for while now and normally does most of the miscellaneous chores in the house.

Lisa decided to bath first she went inside her room, her room was quite simple with many girlish designs and her favorite teddy chow chow lying on the bed. She walked towards the wardrobe and start rummaging, she brought out new sets of clothes and underwear and walked inside the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom Lisa slowly removed her clothes and walked inside the bathtub, she felt refreshed by warm water coursing through her beautiful body. She seemed relax as she thought of what transpired in school today. Her thoughts naturally drifted to the young but dashing Jason, even though she didn't want to admit it the guy is quite attractive. She shook her head shaking of the thought from her head.

But she couldn't help but remember what Lena said about Jason and also the English teacher. He gave her a kind of feeling like she has experienced before, even though she didn't want to believe what Lena said she couldn't help but believe that there might be some truth in what she said, the school seemed quite weird.

Stepping out of the bathroom she quickly wore her clothes and walked down stairs, she have to prepare the meal before mom and auntie Bessy comes back. Lisa headed straight to the kitchen and start preparing the meal. Soon there was a knock on the door, Lisa walked to the door and peeped through the slit hole. It was auntie Bessy she opened the door to welcome her.

"Auntie Bessy you are back" Lisa greeted her gently. "Yes sweetheart how was your knew school, do you meet any guy you like how is he is he handsome. Auntie Bessy asked a lot of questions in a whim. Lisa couldn't help but blush slightly this auntie Bessy is quite a rascal, she immediately escape inside to avoid auntie Bessy from bullying further, auntie Bessy laughed at the furiously blushing girl.