
New school

Philip Lisa drove her car to her new school gravy high school, she didn't want to leave her former school but the students called her a witch because of her powers. She is a female warlock from the western loop wizard coven.and according to her mother she is the only female warlock.

Lisa park her car in the school garage as she alighted from the car, according to her mother she will be more than welcomed in gravis high but she didn't know why. She looked around her taking in the scene of the school, the school looked good with flowers grown in a proper fashion. There was a huge fountain in the center of the school. there were a bevy of boys and girls chatting among themselves.

She walked towards one of the girls who appeared to be by herself, she has a long hair that is dyed blue she's beautiful but not as beautiful as Lisa even in her former school was the number one beauty.

"Hi my name is Lisa am new here" Lisa introduced herself to the blue haired girl. The girl looked at her from head to toe scrutinizing . "Am Lena nice to meet you Lisa" the blue haired girl replied.

"Please can you direct me to the administrative office" Lisa asked. "Sure follow me" Lena start walking forward Lisa followed behind her. They passed the boys and girls and the neatly arranged flowers soon they reached the administrative building Lena lead her straight to the administrative office. "Good morning principal bervy " Lena greeted the principal Lisa followed suit. The principal is a middle age man heavily moustached, his moustache is very grey.

" Must be the new student" the principal said looking at her through the top of his glasses. "Yes principal bervy" Lisa replied. "Your mother has finished all the administration process so there's nothing left for you to do Lena here is a fifth year like you and the both of you are in the same class she will lead you to your class good luck" the principal waved is hand in dismissal, he didn't give any motivational speech just as Lisa has expected.

" That is Mr bervy for you he doesn't waste his breath saying useless word, he prefers to keep everything short and straight to the point". Lena said as they walked out of the administrative office. Lisa nodded silently in agreement. Lena lead her through corridor until they approached there class room, Lisa followed Lena inside the class room. there were about twenty people in the class room the rest are probably still coming.

Lisa found a sit and sat beside Lena she brought out her books. "Later I will take you to the locker room to pack your books," soon as if it was planned there was a pin drop silence all of a sudden. Lisa turned instinctively and saw the cause of the silence, it was a very tall and muscular guy. the guy is exceedingly handsome more than most men Lisa has seen, his presence was very strong.

All the girls were drooling over him Lisa just cast him a cursory glance without any emotion in her face, the guy noticed her and gave her a deep glance Lisa turned away pretending not to notice a thing The man gave a grunt and sat down. "His name is Jason", Lena whispered "he is the hottest guy in school and also the most famous I also heard that he is a powerful werewolf".

"Were what! Lisa exclaimed she was confused how could one boldly claim that somebody is a wolf even though she is aware of supernatural, even in there coven one could not brashly claim anything. "Tchh newbie you still don't know anything you are still new I won't spoil the fun by saying aL thing", Lena said deliberately acting mysterious.

Lisa decided to let it slide thinking to herself perhaps she is just joking. It wasn't long before the teacher came inside the classroom, the subject was English language. Lisa loved English and paid serious attention. The English teacher turned and looked at Lisa there was a spark in his eyes. Lisa had seen that kind of spark before, it was from a vampire that had attacked her when she was younger. she had been saved by her mother that day but she couldn't forget the way the vampire looked at her, that was exactly the way the teacher looked at her, the look was as if she was a prey.

Jason growled silently he knew that the vampire has taken a fancy to the new girl, though it wasn't his business but he disliked the vampire. The teacher seems to have noticed Jason's displeasure he immediately turned serious. it looked as if he fears Jason but it also looked like he wasn't going to take it lying easily.

There was a pang of anger in his eyes but he no choice but to continue through the class, he would occasionally glance at Lisa but wouldn't make eye contact with her

He rushed the lesson and soon dismissed the class, Lisa packed her up books and followed Lena as they walked out of the class room. Lena showed her the locker room, while unpacking her books she felt an aura close to her. It was an aura that demands authority and commands respect, Lisa turned she had felt the aura before it was Jason. She looked at the extremely handsome face, to the great goddess she really felt like kissing those pink and sexy lips. By the great goddess what am I thinking Lisa shouted to herself, she immediately calmed her self and looked up at him.

"Hi", there were not much expression on her face. Jason frowned slightly he was a very proud youth and used to women giving him attention. Never once has any woman not show interest in him, this greatly displeases him. "You don't seem to be pleased by me " he sneered. " Why would I" Lisa replied innocently.

"Good then, what's your name miss high and mighty" he said sarcastically. "Go and find out by yourself" she retorted. Jason was vexed who does she think she is, but before he could say a thing she left the locker room leaving only him leaning on the locker room. Jason was infuriated never has he received such humiliation