
Assembly of gods (2)

"Please, my fellow gods," said Uion, "Calm down!"

When he said these words, all the present gods got silent. As they did, Uion took a deep breath then said, "Are all the alliance members present here?"

"There are just two that are absent," said a goddess, "Ulstus, the god of forgetfulness, probably forgot to come. You know, he didn't participate in any of our meetings."

"Does he remember that we have a war?" said a god.

"I doubt that!" said another, and all burst into laughter.

"There is also Zahjun, the god of sleep. He is too sleepy to wake up, so we left him there," once again, the gods all laughed.

"If he is the god of sleep, can't he watch what's happening here as a dream?" asked Long He after the fuss died.

The gods looked at him with strange looks. Some of them knew him, since they made alliances with Long He personally, while some others only heard of him, but didn't actually meet him.

"You must be god He, right?" asked a god. He was a 7 feet tall, bald headed and has a crooked nose, flaming eyes, and scars that filled his face.

"I am," he answered calmly.

"I heard that Uion had made a good ally, who made a foolish attempt into going against Ilah after only one year after becoming a demigod!"

The gods, who did not know Long He, started to whisper among themselves. They wondered if someone was this foolish to make such a thing.

"However," the god who has spoken earlier said, "I must say that your next move in making allies was really good and tactical."

Long He instantly disliked the guy, due to his nonsense talk and sarcasm, and also because he insulted Long He. He was about to say something, but he was stopped mid-way.

"Waterflame," resonated the voice of Uion in his head, "Do not respond to him. Just ignore him and don't take the bait."

Long He didn't show any sign of him receiving the message of Uion, which made the latter doubt his god sense. He looked at the bald god and said, "We have never met, fellow god. May I know your name?"

The sarcastic tone in his voice was deeply hidden and only some of the gods noticed it, but chose not to say anything. However, the bald and tall god didn't seem to notice anything.

"I am Vomir, a god of war," Vomir exclaimed his name and title proudly. He looked at Long He as if expecting him to fall on his knees and worship him, but his expectations were crushed in an instant.

"Never heard of you," said Long He in a taunting voice.

"Waterflame!" said Uion in his mind, "Stop provoking Vomir! Don't make an enemy out of him in your first meeting!"

Long He sighed and spread his godly sense, then sent to Uion, "Alright, I will stop talking to him. But be warned, if he says anything to me, my words shall be like a pin striking his ears!"

On the outside, Vomir looked like he was going to explode from fury. But Uion saved Long He from the anger of the war god by saying," My fellow gods! Surely, we came here, to my virtual world, to discuss our plans for the upcoming war, and not to fight each other."

"Humph," said Vomir, "I will let it pass this time. Just for your sake Uion, and not for this brat's!"

Anger blazed in Long He's eyes, but he was stopped by a stern look from Uion. Suddenly, and without any warning, a thunderstorm could be seen in the virtual world.

When Long He saw this, he just shook his head helplessly and said,"Ugh... Bephine!"

"Waterflame!" came the voice of goddess Bephine as thunder, "How dare you not to come and greet me!"

This time, Long He can do nothing about the behavior of his friend. The violence and arrogance was just of her godly traits. Uion covered his eyes by his hand and shook his head slightly.

"Alright, alright Bephine," said Long He, "I am sorry for not coming for greeting you."

'How am I supposed to know that you are even here?!' He thought in his head with a wryly smile on his face.

Finally, Uion's patience has been emptied, so he shouted at everyone, "Does anyone wish to make a scene before starting our meeting? If you do, then step up and do it, NOW!"

Chapter 17 :p

I am currently rewriting the novel, so if you want a better edition, then reread the chapters.

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