"Does anyone wish to make a scene before starting our meeting? If you do, then step up and do it, NOW!"
As Uion said this, a huge sea wave erupted from his body and covered all of the gods present. Followed by the wave, the earth began to shake, but soon returned to its normal state.
Uion is a patient man, true; but his patience has its limits, and he was truly angry now! They had a war coming soon and his fellow gods are just showing off in front of each other.
The gods have gone silent, one after the other, not daring to say a word. They were always afraid of the sea god, and even though he can't hurt them here, he still frightened them.
Long He looked at his ally and realized that he has gone too far with his conflicts against other gods. He just lowered his head and didn't say a thing.
When Uion saw that no one was going to interrupt again, he took a deep breath then said softly, "Alright then, let's sit and talk."
Out of nowhere, a huge wooden round table appeared along with chairs. The gods sat around the table and waited for Uion to start the talking.
"As we all know," he said, "Our alliance is threatened by the father god, Ilah. We all share common things between us, which are that we are all full gods and share enmity with Ilah."
"You are right with this, my friend," said Vomir after he calmed down.
"Then we should not fight each other, but work together to defeat our enemy and strike a great victory!"
The gods all cheered, except for Long He, who was new to all of this. There was one goddess, who was sitting beside him, started to cheer him up in a crazy way, which made him wonder if she was the goddess of cheers, if that even existed.
"Are we all agreed about not to fight each other and stick as an alliance?" asked Uion while standing up and hitting the table with his fist.
"Agreed!" shouted the gods in unison.
"Agreed," said Long He as the fuss died down, but his words sounded forced, then thought in his head, 'These gods are just too.... crazy.'
Suddenly, a black cloaked man, with his face covered, appeared in the sky. He looked at the gods and said in a voice that seemed as growl, "I see that you have begun the meeting without me."
Immediately, the gods stood up, as did Long He. However, he only did so because it seems that the others have some kind of respect for the man.
Uion smiled wryly and said, "Brother! This was least of my expectations! To see you here in a meeting is a great surprise for us! Come, sit beside me."
Another chair appeared beside Uion. The mysterious man sat beside him and looked at Long He with great interest, as if he was a good item for sale. This man was the one that Uion was discussing Long He with a thousand years ago.
The mysterious man took a deep breath then said to Long He, "You must be Long He, right?"
Long He was surprised, because no one knows his nickname other than his parents. How this man knew, it was a mystery to him.
"Yes, sir," he said, "I am Long He."
"The day you were born I have sensed that you will be a great man. Now seeing you as a god, I am partially satisfied."
The man laughed and said, "Be patient, son. There is still many things to come!"
"Humph!" sniffed Vomir. Long He looked at him for a moment then shifted his gaze to the mysterious man again and said, "May I ask who are you?"
"You can just call me Old Jun."
"Then greetings, Old Jun!"
Old Jun nodded and looked at Uion, "Weren't you having an important meeting before I came?"
"Yes....." said Uion. "As I was saying, we need to make a good plan for the upcoming war."
They studied the battlefield for some time and gave their suggestions. Some suggested that they use projectiles, while others wanted a frontal assault, there were also a few that suggested that they use sneak attacks.
"Those are all great ideas," saod Uion after silencing them, "But we need to make a perfect plan in order to insure our victory."
After a long time of silence and thinking, Long He finally spoke, "Are there any nature, archer, and blacksmith gods among us?"
"I am a nature goddess," said the goddess, "My name is Greneas."
"I am a one as well," said a god.
Uion looked at Long He and said, "There are a total of five nature gods, ten archer gods, and three blacksmith gods."
"Perfect!" exclaimed Long He.
"Why do you ask?" asked Bephine.
"We shall use frontal and sneak attacks, as well as projectiles."
Vomir sneered at him and said,"And how are we supposed to do so, Waterflame?"
As if he didn't hear him, Long He ignored Vomir then he addressed the nature gods, "Can you camouflage something as big as a projectile?"
"It would take a lot of effort," said Greneas, "But we can do it with the help of our demigods."
"We will camouflage a great number of archers in each side of the woods along with the projectiles. We could also add a few of our warriors with them.
"That was for a sneak attack. As for the frontal one, the majority of our army would be stationed in the square, with the support of both archers and projectiles."
"And with this we gain the element of surprising the enemy as well as fooling him," continued Uion. "Good plan, Waterflame. Are there any objections?"
None of the gods objected except Vomir, whom they all ignored. Old Jun looked at the god in amazement then said, "It is indeed a good one. However, you forgot only a very small detail which could destroy your whole plan my friend."
"You are right," said Long He, "The enemy is neither stupid nor ignorant. Ilah might be aware of all our plan, and he would also add some traps for us."
"You have got my point."
"The possibility of such a thing is low," said Bephine, "We must be extremely careful about this."
"I agree," exclaimed Uion. "I now declare that our meeting has ended. Thank you for coming, fellow gods!"
Chapter 18 :p
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