
Chapter 2: Ascension and Strategy

Three days had passed in the blink of an eye, and now Hitoshi, accompanied by Chiyo and the Elder, stood atop the Kazekage building for the succession ceremony. The golden desert sun cast long shadows across the village, highlighting the anticipation and unease among the gathered crowd.

"I will lead you to prosperity," Hitoshi declared, smiling confidently at the crowd below. His voice carried a mix of determination and resolve, but underneath it lay a torrent of emotions.

The cheers from the villagers were loud, but the keen observer could detect the underlying tension. Chiyo and the Elder exchanged disconcerted looks, sensing something amiss.

"It seems my expectations for him were too high," Chiyo muttered, her gaze distant and contemplative. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of doubts and hopes.

Hitoshi's mind was equally chaotic. Wasn't the responsibility of leading people to prosperity meant to be admirable? He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in his stomach.

The saying "beauty equates justice" played in his mind. With Hitoshi's attractive appearance and his resemblance to Irene Belserion's model, he had indeed become a true embodiment of justice in the eyes of the people. Yet, the weight of their expectations was crushing.

Through his imposing presence and suggestive magic, Hitoshi unwittingly instilled confidence in the people below. But was it enough to steer the village through the storm that lay ahead?

Later, they reconvened in the meeting room. Hitoshi and the Elder from Sunagakure sat at the round table with the Clan Leaders of the Great Clans. The atmosphere was tense, the stakes higher than ever.

"Esteemed lords," Hitoshi began casually, "we are facing internal strife and external threats. The Daimyo City, Konoha, and Iwagakure are pressuring us at every turn. Here is my proposal. What are your thoughts?"

His plan was simple: a large-scale withdrawal of troops. Until the Daimyo provided an explanation, it didn't matter whether they lost or surrendered their land.

"Kazekage-sama, wouldn't this strategy violate the 'one country, one village' system established by the First Hokage?" an Elder countered, his face twisted with concern.

"Don't joke about violating the 'one country, one village' system, Elder-sama. It's amusing. Konoha continues to pressure us, our shinobi fight on the frontlines, yet the Daimyo does not offer support and instead sells military supplies. Perhaps, Elder-sama, you could personally experience these conditions for a couple of days?" Hitoshi replied sharply, highlighting the harsh realities they faced.

Before Hitoshi could continue, a Clan Leader from the Sunagakure Great Clan interjected, his voice dripping with skepticism.

"We can't afford to retreat. The people will see it as a sign of weakness," the Clan Leader argued, his eyes narrowing.

The room soon erupted into heated arguments as the Elder's Group and Clan Leaders expressed their diverse opinions. Some supported the withdrawal of troops, others advocated for continued fighting, and a few wished to negotiate with the Daimyo's government. Despite the room housing fewer than a hundred people, tensions ran high.

"Enough. I support Hitoshi's plan to withdraw our troops," Chiyo interjected, her face filled with frustration. She slammed her hand on the table, expressing her anger.

"Shamon's severe injuries have not yet healed, and our supplies have dwindled. The Daimyo's government has been slow to provide aid. We cannot persist," Ebizo argued, spreading his hands and emphasizing the harsh reality they faced.

It was a game with a steep cost. Not only would they lose manpower, but they would also lose money—80% of which would likely be lost.

Faced with this reality, many Elders and Clan Leaders had no choice but to reluctantly concede, returning to their seats in defeat.

"Everyone, we have no other options left. Either we withdraw our troops and stop the war, or we compromise with the Daimyo and face future obstructions," Hitoshi continued, using the dire situation to persuade the obstinate leaders.

Outraged, many Elders voiced their dissent.

"I say we withdraw the troops. We can bide our time for a few years and then reenter the fight when our strength is replenished."

Receiving the begrudging support of several Elders and Clan Leaders, Hitoshi sighed, aware that nobody truly wanted to withdraw. They all represented the Five Great Countries, and no one wanted to concede defeat.

"I may be strong, so why should I compromise?" Hitoshi pondered.

"But life is like this. Personal military force cannot reverse everything, especially when there are unseen forces at work."

"Patience. First, we must cultivate him for ten years, and then after a decade, we will assess the situation."

Hitoshi clenched his fist, gritted his teeth, and spoke resolutely.

Considering the expertise of Sunagakure's original forces, Hitoshi was confident that he could find his place.

Ten years later, Chiyo would still be of age, Yasuke would be in his prime, and assuming Sasori's parents were alive, Sasori might not defect. Furthermore, the Fourth Kazekage and his wife, capable of leaving Chakra to protect Gaara, along with Bunpuku, might provide support.

Hitoshi believed he could unite these people and secure his place.

With the support he had garnered, Hitoshi decisively sent orders to comprehensively consolidate the frontlines.

On the battlefield between Konoha and Sunagakure, Yasuke watched as the retreating Konoha shinobi, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

Moments ago, he had sparred with Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru, managing to achieve a stalemate.

"Yasuke-sama, the Third Kazekage has ordered us to consolidate the frontlines and retreat. We should disregard the use of the Sealing Scroll and take all the supplies," a Jonin informed Yasuke.

"Have twenty Jonin and fifty Chunin join me, and let Bunpuku lead the rest back to Sunagakure," Yasuke ordered without hesitation, preparing to retreat.

Only those entrenched on the frontlines could truly understand the brutality of war.

On the battlefield between Sunagakure and Iwagakure, a similar scene unfolded.

Under the astonished gaze of the Second Tsuchikage, Mu, and his disciple, Onoki, Sunagakure swiftly retreated after a group of Jonin left.

"Master, what is happening? Why is Sunagakure retreating?" Onoki asked, floating midair, confusion evident in his voice.

Their Iwagakure forces held an advantage, albeit not a significant one. Prior to Hitoshi's departure, they had dealt heavy blows to Sunagakure.

"Shamon must have encountered an accident. He is likely incapacitated, if not dead. Hitoshi's ascension to the throne means he cannot leave Sunagakure for a long while. The situation mirrors that on the Konoha battlefield," Mu surmised, his eyes glinting with insight.

"Onoki, I need to return. I will leave this to you. After Sunagakure leaves the battlefield, our war with Konoha will likely reach its climax," Mu stated emotionlessly, watching the orderly retreat of Sunagakure's shinobi.

"Master, don't we have a treaty with Konoha?" Onoki asked, feeling somewhat perplexed.

Sunagakure had fostered a genius named Hitoshi, who single-handedly defeated a coalition of thousands of shinobi, earning renown in the early stages of the Second Shinobi World War. This victory provided Sunagakure with strategic leverage.

Mu and Onoki, both having encountered Uchiha Madara and fortunate enough to survive, knew the prowess of the revered ninja. They believed Hitoshi had the potential to become equally powerful.

This was why, despite engaging on three fronts, they risked two Kekkei Genkai and two Jinchuriki.

Due to a covert agreement to initially target Sunagakure, who possessed Hitoshi, the treaty with Konoha was never taken seriously.

What is a shinobi? They are omnipotent entities driven by their mission. Such treaties are nothing more than temporary agreements waiting to be torn apart.

In contrast to Sunagakure's sky filled with yellow sand, Konohagakure was as green as spring, boasting distinct four seasons.

Inside the Hokage Residence, Sarutobi Hiruzen, a principled young man, engaged in discussions with his "students."

"The newly appointed Sāndaime Kazekage is astute and has chosen the right path," Uchiha Kagami mentioned casually with a smile, eyeing everyone present.

"This is the most challenging part. According to the news from Danzo and Homura, the individual with Magnet Release Kekkei Genkai has retreated. It seems that Sunagakure is currently very united," Sarutobi Hiruzen commented with a sigh.

Changes in leadership could impact the interests of many. Hiruzen himself relied on the support of a group of students to maintain his position. He didn't truly secure his position until the end of the first battle.

The unity exhibited by Sunagakure currently unsettled him. To break through a unified alliance of the Five Great Ninja Villages would require unimaginable strength and resources.

"We have no choice but to surrender. Kumogakure and Iwagakure are quite hostile towards us, especially Kumogakure. Their losses have been catastrophic," Uchiha Kagami remarked, shaking his head.

"True, and Kirigakure has also suffered. The Second Mizukage has taken it upon himself to defend against the potential threat of the Magnet Release Kekkei Genkai, fearing its power could match that of Uchiha Madara," Sarutobi Hiruzen acknowledged, nodding in agreement.

At the time, the third Shinobi World War appeared to be inevitable.