
Chapter 1: Unforeseen Destiny

My name is Hitoshi, and I am a transmigrator. The panic I feel isn't from the transmigration itself—such occurrences have become almost commonplace in stories. What truly terrifies me is that I have transmigrated into the perilous world of Naruto, specifically into Sunagakure. Even more daunting, I am expected to become the Third Kazekage.

It seems absurd, but this is my reality. I am the disciple of the Second Kazekage, Shamon, and I saved his life. Yet, the last thing I want is to become the Third Kazekage. The Second Shinobi World War rages, and with Konoha's overwhelming power, stepping into the spotlight is akin to inviting death.

"Hitoshi, did you hear what I said? What are your thoughts?" Chiyo's voice broke through my reverie. She eyed me with frustration, her patience worn thin by Sunagakure's desperate situation.

Snapping back to the present, I addressed the wounded gathered around the round table. "Chiyo, I believe I am too young for this role. Besides, Shamon is still alive, isn't he?" I reasoned, hoping to avoid the mantle of Kazekage.

Chiyo's eyes narrowed. "Age isn't the only factor, Hitoshi. You've proven yourself capable. The village needs strong leadership now more than ever."

I sighed inwardly, recognizing the truth in her words but still feeling the weight of the responsibility. "But, isn't there another way? Someone else more suited for this?"

Chiyo shook her head. "Shamon is incapacitated, and Yasuke, while strong, lacks the strategic mind you possess. The council believes in you."

The gravity of the situation pressed down on me. "I had no intention of becoming the Third Kazekage, and I wasn't ready to give up my life just yet. However, considering the current situation, with Shamon gravely injured and unconscious, only Yasuke and I remained as potential candidates." I took a deep breath and met Chiyo's steady gaze. "Alright, but I have conditions. Granny Chiyo and the Elder must unconditionally obey my orders. Otherwise, I would rather decline the position."

Chiyo exchanged a glance with the Elder, and they both nodded solemnly. "You have our word," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of resolve and relief.

The succession ceremony was scheduled for three days hence. As I left the meeting, I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. This role was more than just a title; it was a mantle of responsibility that could very well determine the fate of Sunagakure.

As I arrived home, I noticed a young man standing there, exuding a menacing aura. His presence was intimidating, but I knew him well enough not to be afraid. "Hello, Yasuke. Are there any significant issues on the frontlines?" I greeted him with a slight smile.

Yasuke's response was grim, confirming my predictions. "The gap between us and Konoha is immense, Hitoshi. We're barely holding our ground."

I nodded, taking in his words. "I have agreed to become the Third Kazekage and end this war as soon as possible. Yasuke, you will return to the frontline and remove all child soldiers, especially Chiyo's sons."

Yasuke's eyes widened slightly. "But Hitoshi, they are some of our best fighters."

"I know," I said, my voice firm. "But they are also children. We need to protect them."

Yasuke sighed but nodded in agreement. "Very well. I will see to it personally."

After Yasuke left, I turned to Chiyo and Ebizo. "I have agreed to become the Third Kazekage and end this war as soon as possible. Yasuke, you will return to the frontline and remove all child soldiers, especially Chiyo's sons."

Their understanding of my strength allowed them to comply without hesitation. I began reading through the two scrolls handed to me by Chiyo and Ebizo, and my expression darkened.

"Toshi, you need to calm down," Chiyo and Ebizo urged, alarmed by the colossal chakra swirling around my body. It was a tangible display of formidable power that sent shivers down their spines, as if death itself were imminent.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away," I managed a forced grin and apologized to them.

"It's alright. What do you plan to do now?" Ebizo asked, struggling to keep his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at his heart.

"First, we need to stabilize our situation. The Daimyo's government has cut down supplies and financial support. The nobles in Daimyo City publicly criticize our incompetence while secretly selling military supplies to Iwagakure and Konoha," I explained, my voice filled with bitterness.

"We need to give them a taste of their own medicine," I said bitterly. "Instruct our shinobi stationed at the border to cease hostilities, retreat, and negotiate a temporary truce with the enemy."

Chiyo looked uncertain. "But what about the Daimyo?"

"Elder sister, we are struggling to protect ourselves at the moment. Let us not concern ourselves with their affairs. We should heed Toshi's plan," Ebizo quickly intervened, wholeheartedly agreeing with my approach.

"Alright," Chiyo finally sighed, choosing to keep her peace.

Three days later, I stood atop the Kazekage building with Chiyo and the Elder. The sun blazed overhead, casting long shadows over the gathered crowd. "I will lead you to prosperity," I declared, smiling confidently at the crowd below.

The people cheered, but I could sense the undercurrent of doubt among them. They needed reassurance, and I intended to give it to them.

Later, in the meeting room, I faced the Elder and Clan Leaders of the Great Clans. "Esteemed lords, we face internal strife and external threats. The Daimyo City, Konoha, and Iwagakure are pressuring us at every turn. Here is my proposal: a large-scale withdrawal of troops until the Daimyo provides an explanation."

"Wouldn't this strategy violate the 'one country, one village' system established by the First Hokage?" an Elder countered, his face twisted with concern.

"Konoha pressures us, yet the Daimyo sells military supplies to our enemies. Perhaps, Elder-sama, you could experience these conditions for a couple of days?" I replied sharply.

Before I could continue, a Clan Leader from the Sunagakure Great Clan interjected. "But Kazekage-sama, withdrawing our troops could be seen as a sign of weakness."

I met his gaze steadily. "Sometimes, a strategic retreat is necessary to regroup and strengthen our forces. This is not about weakness; it's about survival and future strength."

The room soon erupted into heated arguments as the Elder's Group and Clan Leaders expressed their diverse opinions. Some supported the withdrawal of troops, others advocated for continued fighting, and a few wished to negotiate with the Daimyo's government. Despite the room housing fewer than a hundred people, tensions ran high.

"Enough. I support Hitoshi's plan to withdraw our troops," Chiyo interjected, her face filled with frustration. She slammed her hand on the table, expressing her anger.

"Shamon's severe injuries have not yet healed, and our supplies have dwindled. The Daimyo's government has been slow to provide aid. We cannot persist," Ebizo emphasized.

It was a game with a steep cost. Not only would they lose manpower, but they would also lose money—80% of which would likely be lost.

Faced with this reality, many Elders and Clan Leaders had no choice but to reluctantly concede, returning to their seats in defeat.

"Everyone, we have no other options left. Either we withdraw our troops and stop the war, or we compromise with the Daimyo and face future obstructions," I continued, using the dire situation to persuade the obstinate leaders.

Outraged, many Elders voiced their dissent. "I say we withdraw the troops. We can bide our time for a few years and then reenter the fight when our strength is replenished."

Receiving the begrudging support of several Elders and Clan Leaders, I sighed, aware that nobody truly wanted to withdraw. They all represented the Five Great Countries, and no one wanted to concede defeat.

"I may be strong, so why should I compromise?" I pondered.

"But life is like this. Personal military force cannot reverse everything, especially when there are unseen forces at work."

"Patience. First, we must cultivate him for ten years, and then after a decade, we will assess the situation."

I clenched my fist, gritted my teeth, and spoke resolutely. "Considering the expertise of Sunagakure's original forces, I am confident that I can find my place."

Ten years later, Chiyo would still be of age, Yasuke would be in his prime, and assuming Sasori's parents were alive, Sasori might not defect. Furthermore, the Fourth Kazekage and his wife, capable of leaving Chakra to protect Gaara, along with Bunpuku, might provide support.

I believed I could unite these people and secure my place.

With the support I had garnered, I decisively sent orders to comprehensively consolidate the frontlines.